Saturday, March 29, 2003

ok, last saturday finish work ard 1530hrs. went out wif oni-jiang. went to citylink, then to marina square n then to suntec city. well, we onli went to de fountain of wealth. on sunday, went to bugis. seoul garden was on me. oni-jiang had a nice feast there. haha!!! then, jln2 bugis junction n seiyu n then went back to yishun, go cold storage and then go home. oh, when we were at marian square, i met wif my sista. i knw she was coming to town n i told her not to let me catch her, bt instead she caught me. hahah!!! i was jz carrying mine n oni-jiang's food, i heard a familiar voice behind me. n wt a surprise. on monday, finished work at 1730hrs. went to holland village n the heeren shop n then went back home. tuesday, i went back home straight at 1730hrs. had a shower and refresh myself. look for de damn microsoft office cds like hell. dad gave money n everything n off i go to ulin's house. she has jz got a nu pc for her own use n for her kids. met up wif adik there. had spaghettis n after watching Light Years, went back home. got upah from ulin though. hehehe!!! wednesday, went off at 1730hrs too. had to meet up wif medah, nana n sallyn. we getting the bus tixs for our KL trip. it was a little nightmare getting to golden mile. i mn, when we got there, it was a little nightmare. it was like the thailander's mustafa centre. once we got our tixs, we got out of de place asap n go off for makan. me n nana had mee kuah, medah had mutton chop n sallyn had bee hoon goreng. well, de mee kuah was not very nice. it's nt as nice as de ones i ate at amk's S11 n at marina's foodcourt. thursday, went for makan at kfc wif oni-jiang n unkle johnny. it was a ticklish ride in de bus n all de ay to amk central. even while eating, it was tickling. then, unkle johnny went back, me went out wif oni-jiang. friday, did overtime. all of us finish work at 2000hrs. went out wif oni-jiang after dat. 2day, did overtime. came to work at 1000hrs. finish work at 1630hrs, together wif oni-jiang n sebastian. then, me n oni-jiang met up wif unkle johnny he brought us to geylang to eat at his fav nasi padang stall. n damn it was gd. then, we walked dwn de lane, saw some beautiful prostitutes (from china) n then walked dwn de lane some more n then sat dwn for awhile for some soya drinks n then went back home.

Friday, March 21, 2003

ok. i hev been working OT non-stop. and nw that there's not much OT to be doen, my OT is gonna be cut-down. i could hev more rest at home and more sleep. a lot of things happened at work and a lot of things happened in my family which i do not wnt to mention here on de internet or else i might get condemn. yup! condemn.
previously, i hev been doing OT for like every mon-fri, until 9pm the most. and saturday, sunday too. mostly until 5.30pm or 6pm. yup! i guess so. nw, dat my pay has arrived, i'm preparing for my KL trip wif my frenz. hahah!!!

Saturday, March 08, 2003

i am feeling so miserable. i fell sick on monday evening. i was down with fever that night. got 2 days mc but still functioning well, so, i took half-day on dat thursday. and came bac to work on friday. did ot until 7.45pm. well, dat's de best i can do. it was really cold. the weather, the store room. and de most torturing is, the swollen gums and ulcers i got. i cant eat! i cant chew! i can onli rely on plain water, porridge. i got some tips to eat something dat would cool down my body. i was even puking at work after i eat anything. it was sickening. y? cuz i havent had ne full meal. due to my swollen gums and ulcers, i cant eat ne full meal. sigh. its sickening. i've wasted my money and oni-jiang's money on de food.
jz nw, i asked dad for papaya as i told him abt my ulcers and swollen gums. and yeah! he's gonna buy papayas tomorrow. i'm so wanting my swollen gums to go away. these swollen gums seems like de worst than i got years ago. i hev nvr got this much!