Saturday, March 08, 2003

i am feeling so miserable. i fell sick on monday evening. i was down with fever that night. got 2 days mc but still functioning well, so, i took half-day on dat thursday. and came bac to work on friday. did ot until 7.45pm. well, dat's de best i can do. it was really cold. the weather, the store room. and de most torturing is, the swollen gums and ulcers i got. i cant eat! i cant chew! i can onli rely on plain water, porridge. i got some tips to eat something dat would cool down my body. i was even puking at work after i eat anything. it was sickening. y? cuz i havent had ne full meal. due to my swollen gums and ulcers, i cant eat ne full meal. sigh. its sickening. i've wasted my money and oni-jiang's money on de food.
jz nw, i asked dad for papaya as i told him abt my ulcers and swollen gums. and yeah! he's gonna buy papayas tomorrow. i'm so wanting my swollen gums to go away. these swollen gums seems like de worst than i got years ago. i hev nvr got this much!