Tuesday, April 08, 2003

it's my 3rd day leave 2dae n it's ending soon. well, here're wt happened in KL.

04/04/03 friday
i arrived abt 15minz b4 fida at golden mile complex. our bus leaves at 8am exactly n it goes to de tuas link to get to malaysia. our journey was a nice journey. wif 6 handsome singaporean guys sitting right behind us. hahah!!! there were 2 stops b4 we got to KL. de 1st stop, i had nasi ayam as i havent had ne breakfast. at de 2nd stop, i simply jz got out of de bus for some sun.
when we arrived KL ard 2pm, we immediately got to de bus tixs counter n got our bus tixs home. we got a little lost though bt we gt thru fine... when we got to de hotel, we lied dwn for awhile n we tot we wanted to go out ard 5+pm, bt, instead, we got out an hour b4 n went to Lot 10 for Fish & Co.. thanks to fida's recommendation. it was a nice meal there. then, we jln2 Lot 10 kejap, nothing much, de Isetan was no diff, then we went to Sungei Wang Plaza to get our hair done. i wanted to get my hair like metallic brown bt, due to de prev reddish i had, it wasnt going to work, so, i had to go for a dark red. and it's nice. my hair is back to darker n not de ah lian color. haha!!!
then, we went to watson to get some stuff and went back to de hotel to relak. we tot of waiting for de others to arrived but we got tired and slept b4 they arrived. bt, i do received a call from sallyn from her rm after they arrived.

05/04/03 saturday
woke up at 7.30am. brush our teeth, clean up a little bit, wash our faces, change our clothes, go for breakfast. de other 4 came down 30minz later. breakfast, i had beef bacon, turkey ham, scrambled eggs, french toast, coffee, bake bean n orange juice. then, after breakfast, went back up to our room and sleep. then, ard in de late afternoon, nana called to tell us dat they wanted to go to KLCC. well, as they were on de way there, me n fida get ourselves ready, had shower n put our make-ups on. we met them at KLCC n had our lunch at DOME.
bila kita nak aimk gambar kat bridge KLCC, tak jadi. so, we walked our way to bawa bridge. sekali, 1/2 way jln, hujan lebat. n we were stuck under de bridge for awhile. bila hujan dah reda sikit, kita cepat2 jln balik to KLCC. straight away we look for the toilet. haha!!!
and then, we start our shopping spree. n of course, i was totally on shopping spree.
then, mlm, kita gi Petaling St. bt, sebelum tu, kita gi Lot 10's food court to makan n there we saw lots of big rats. we almost ran off halfway eating our food. medah was de 1st to run off n fida was de last. at Petaling St, i bought a pair of cermin mata, wif de help of Nana, i got a RM25 of spectacles for onli RM18. her bargaining was gd. we went back to de hotel ard 11pm i thk. or isit somewhere nak dekat time tu lah.

06/04/03 sunday
same thing like yesterdae morning. then, went back to hotel rm. bt, after a while, i gt a little hungry for lunch, so, we went to Sungei Wang's McDonald's n bought the meals there. after dat, we hang out at sallyn's room b4 medah n azu went off. when they were going off, me n fida jz stayed in our room. i felt asleep earlier b4 fida n i woke up ard 7.30pm... i woke fida up telling her i was hungry n so, she got up too n got ready to go to Sungei Wang's Plaza n bought a Kreamy Combo there. 9 spicy chickens, 1 large coleslaw, 1 large potato whip, 1 large fries n 1 ice-cream. we invited Sallyn n Nana bt they didnt want to, bt, Sallyn joined us while we were eating to hev a little chat. i was de last one to sleep though n i forgot to turn off de tv. i onli realized it ard 6.30am. hahaha!!! i turned off de tv n went back to sleep.

dis time, i woke up 1st n had a shower b4 going down for breakfast. onli fida did de same thing like de past 2 days. n diz time, she went up 2 de rm 1st while i stayed wif sallyn n nana for more breakfast. then, ard 10am, almost there lah, i went up 2 de rm and clear up some more of my stuffs. n then, we jz waited until 12nn to check out.
we left our bags at de concierge after we check out n go off wasting time b4 going to pudu raya for our bus back to singapore.
i arrived home ard 9++pm.

by end of this month, by M1 bill is gonna boom! for sure! i know it! mom, oni-jiang, cuckoo, dad n sis called me. i called oni-jiang n mom onli. i sms wif oni-jiang onli. hehehe!!! who else, mestilah dia!