Saturday, January 31, 2004

i'll be moving to Punggol nxt wk...

well, on thursday dt dae, went out to linz's dinner. it wasnt realli a great dinner & i was expecting newton circus bt it turned out to be something else. & it was damn bored, of course. i mn, rain or shine, newton circus is still a good place to eat man! neway, we went off to nydc after dt we went to nydc & had baked rice, shared wif fida. it was a nice one.

well, everybody has a friendster. & u knw wt, i went in once & i kinda registered of something bt then, i nvr bother to go into it again & i feel terribly uncomfy when i start sitting in front if de computer nowadays. maybe i'm jz too tired from working. now dt my house is gg under renovations, i still hv to work both at work & at home. u get wt i mn.! urgh! it's so damn fucking wreckening!

last wk, almost de whole of last wk & de cny week, i felt so terribly down & i felt so not feel like doing anything. i helped out at hm a bit. i wen to work feeling down. i get so tired, so pissed. i guess it's de weather. de weather, my right leg & my flu. it was everything dt makes me feel so fed up of everything. my mom, my frenz, my colleagues, my bosses, my sista, everybody! oh! i'm so sorry everybody bt i jz have to let it out. last week was my worst week ever. i guess, i realli have to blame de weather la hor. haha!!

lots of things happened at wrk & it was not good.

last night, i had a dream. i had a funny scary dream all in one. it's like i'm in this concert & there're lots of ppl. than, we got into a kind of submarine. a kool looking one. it looks like de beetle bt it look so cool. & then, there's like a platform on top of those lots of ppl. we gt into de submarine & it moves from de starting point of the platform until de end of de platform. than, we dived into de crowd. & below, it was dark. we were n de water. it was like we were in a deep sea. than, we received these missions where there are ppl lost in the deep sea & we hv to look out for big fishes. yes! it was like an adventure. it was fun! it totally scary. i remember there was a handsome guy in de dream & yes! i remember de last part we were in these dark hole, with juz our torchlights on. saving a kid. we took de kid out & there was this big long silver fish, with dark long spots on it, waiting for us to come out. bt, of course we hv a tunnel dt lead to our submarine without us gg into de water. de fish jz swam back & forth waiting for us. when we we got in2 de submarine, there de fish jz swimming beside our submarine, following us. we were all scared. bt, we managed to dove up to shore!
dt is, back to de platform. de crowds were happy & yelling & screaming for us. & there was madonna standing at de starting of de platform clapping for us.... huh!? Madonna!????

neway, mom has been too grumpy. i dn knw y she hv to make everything sound wrong. sigh. does she hv so nice & think everything her own way? doesnt she hv any patient at all? doesnt she hv any thinking at all? puh-leeze! mom! i need a break! i know u know dt bt hey! let me tell ya! *I AM SO SICK & TIRED OF EVERYTHING! FOR ONCE! LET ME DO MY THINGS MY OWN WAY!*