Thursday, January 01, 2004

it was one hell of a day today. & a freaking hot one too. things happened where mom was yelling like a tarzan. sis was stubborn as a, whoeva she has always been. i was as always tired, angry & trying to cool down. & dad, always de judge, lawyer, prosecutor. did i spell dt word right?

tried to transfer dad's ers on ers site bt nt too much detailed for me, so nt sure & taught dad hw to transfer it on ATM. i hope mine will be in tomorrow. actualli, i would hv gone out shopping wif oni-jiang 2dae as he needs to do some chinese new year shopping too. bt, de ers is nt in yet, so i decided to postpone it to saturday, bt oni-jiang might hv something on, so we hv to c 1st.

mom still is watching chinese programs. sigh....~

oh! mom hs change channel to Suria. alahai! cerita GERAK KHAS. MCM TAKDE CERITA LAIN SEY.

neway, tadi tgk SWAT. man! Colin Farell was hubba hubba & man! it was de best fucking damn gd show!