Monday, June 20, 2005

beautiful SouL

basikally, i barely do anything today. hey, it's a sunday. what'd u expect? i woke up earli today but i was feeling fine. i watched animes, watched movies, had my breakfast-cum-lunch. i wanted to read some book but i didnt. the weather's been hot lately. i can't stand it. it's realli realli horrible. I cant stand it.

went over to cous's place and discuss some things and went thru a topic which i was totalli clueless. my maths thing. it's realli complicated. it was horrible, but we managed. i mn, i managed. helped her set some things and i hope i'm not she's not all surprise all about it, and i hope she's all fine with it. Sha dear, hope everything will go on fine for you. wanted to go back, but still hang out wif aunt salmah and talked for hours as always. as usual.

smsed with tj and talked to tj over the phone for awhile. it was nicey. he helped me lookout for some things too. so sweet u, dar... ha ha ha.

i've took my medication, am gonna sleep now. in my mp3 players, lots of old songs. talking abt old times. those boybands and girlbands songs and also some rock pop songs. the old ones. those when i was in my teen years. gonna bring back some memories.

okay, working tomorrow. gonna be dragful. cant wait for payday. gonna make a pair of glasses for me. i'm getting tired of depending on my right eye. it's getting tired.

missing my baby. goodnight and good morning to all of u.

muakz muakz