Monday, September 19, 2005

toilet bReaK

im feeling kinda like a zombie right now. i kept on rubbing my eyes since last night. especially my right eye. it's realli itching non-stop.

if i were to get sore eyes, it won't be itching right?

anyway, dt bitchy didnt talk much. she's back, yes. found out from sebastian about the morning fuck from her. haha. poor him. they seem to be abandoning her todae. bad ppl they are. haha.

i came in half-day. realli damn tired. i couldnt sleep well last night. by de time i woke up, it was 0700hrs and i decided to give it a pass. came in, settle down for awhile, met tj and hang out. it's nice. had mooncakes for the 1st meal of the dae. yup!

okay, im basicalli yawning non-stop. looks like when im home, i'll be on my bed. nope. most probably, in front of the pc watching Ghost In The Shell S.A.C. 2nd Gig. haha. de 1st 13 episodes are still downloading but i watch the others anyway. Donwloaded Pretty Cure, now I find the show kinda boring. Feels like it was a waste of time downloading them. Still waiting for Ghost In The Shell S.A.C. 1st Gig too. The OC 3 episode 2 doesnt seem to have any movement. Hopeless. Should I go back to the usual? Maybe I should. I'll give it a try at the other sites.

After work, gotta go to some watch shop and get mom's watch a new battery. Plus, want to take out one strip of the bracelet.

Sigh, I feel so gooey... I want to die. I wonder how Rach's doing right now? Has she thrown it yet? Has she done it yet? Has she make a movement yet? She's the best.

miss you da