Saturday, October 01, 2005

1 mth rehaB

i slept at 3am in the morning on thursday. slept onli 3hrs, woke up at 6am and went off to work. at work, i had severe headaches for the whole dae. pLus, the aircon and the weather were too coLd and i just couldnt take it. by the end of the day, i resort to 2 tablets of panadol and became a zombie. skipped school and head home straight. stopped by a coffee shop and bought mee goreng. when i got back, i ate de mee goreng, had a shower and by 8.30pm, i had fallen into a deep deep deep sleep. yes. a sleep that is so deep that i didnt even realise that people had been into my room.

on friday, work was oKay. I tried to maintain my cheerfulness after a meeting session. it was frustrating and oh boy, it realli makes my blood boil. was suppose to meet out with nana but she couldnt make it. and dt night, i went out to Rudy's solemnization. Rudy and his wife did a small ceremony. Francis got his car out. Picked up tj from work and than came down to pick me up and off we go to Woodlands. And when we got to woodlands, i was non-stopping talking about going to eat seafood in JB. haha!! Wouldn't it be cool.
When we got to Rudy's place, tj and francis felt a litle awkward but thank goodness for them, i was there to make them feel easy and comfy. After the photo-taking with Rudy and wife, off to home we went. Hehe!!!
Wanted to try and create dvd but I was too tired. So, I just create data discs and off to bed after that. Oh, I was having my detoxing tea while burning the disc. So nice. So Sweet.

This morning, woke up at 6am, my handphone's alarm went on. I forgot to reset it earlier. So, I got up to turn it off and took the phone by me. I tried o go to sleep but I couldnt. Need to go toilet and wewe. Later, about half an hour later, off to the toilet again to detoxicate. Before, smsed tj good morning. hehe!! When I went back to bed, tj replied asking why woke up so earli.... haha... later, he offered to go over to his office to study since i was looking for a place to study. so, i got up, wash my face, brush my teeth, went for a run, came back, relax, watch anime and than showered and than off i go.
When I reached, there was onli tj and francis. they were expecting me. hehe!! it was cool to be the both of them. They're cool! i kept a low proFile to be there. don't want to show my face around much. so, i was in the office almost the whole time. other than that, i was just off to the toilet, gone to the canteen to buy food and also off to buy coffee for meself and de 2 guys.
5+pm, went off. Went out with tj. it's been a long time. didnt manage to get my rechargeable AAA batts, bt since tj's going tmr, i ask him if he could stop by to get them for me. haha!!
shasha dear transferred back my $20.20 to my account.


it's so funny. I didnt know how to transfer money and she taught me how. my colleague taught me too. than, when i transferred for the 1st time, i actualli transferred to her onli $0.20. like what de fuvk! haha!!! funni siak, i quickly went back to de atm and transferred de $20 to her.


i love you aLL pPL! am gonna have some hot miLo nw and change.... before that, wash my hair!