Saturday, November 26, 2005

before it's MN....

did I say that my pLasMa is back in business? yup! is it! it's back! i don't know why but it can be watch now and Im so happy!

Anyway, went over Sallyn's. Udah was there too to get some stuff. Helped sallyn with the cooking, well, hehe, not realli helped. Talked, talked, talked, ate, ate, ate, talked, talked, lazed, talked, ate, talked... haha!!! Nana came too. Shidah couldnt make it, Rozaimah was late, apprently me and Nana couldnt wait any longer cuz it was getting too late and she was still stuck in traffic jam at JB.
Went off for the 2nd consecutive time of the screening of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It's just too exciting and there were exciting movie-goers too! the non-stop asking girlfren and the boyfren was willing to tell her wt was happening and what was gonna happen. The little kids/babies wh simply jz cried at some points. The guy who kept gg to the toilet cz he was just too weak to control his bladder, another who kept on looking at his watch by pressing the little light on on his watch to see the time and also, those who simpLy jz do not know how to follow de simple rules of tuning off their handphones. Incoming calls and incoming messages were simply known to everybody in the theatre. hank goodness, it was me and nana's 2nd time watching it, so, we were cool.

The little gathering may be short of people but it was realli nice. The food were nice. The chats were nice. It was like an old feeling of hanging around. I mean, the last time we did was like when we were in secondary schl & now we are like young adults. In a relationship, married, with kids and stuffs.
Rozaimah called while I was on the way home. Nice to hear from her though.

Im feeling kinda hungry right now but im restricting.

I want to sleep//

buT wiLL I?

aNyway, de Peppermint Mocha at Starbucks is so NICE! got de hot one since i ddnt ask whip cream, maybe I should ask for it de next time.