Monday, November 07, 2005


2dae is gonna go by veri fast and im gonna just put on that big smile on my face. gotta get more glue to paste that big smile on me. it was paper 1 of maths just now. oh boy! i think im getting good at angles now and seems like im getting bad at algebra. upside down siak! used to be the opposite you know.

look at my english, it's so bad. it's not even properly used. i mean, written. aiyoh! siti sarinah! buck up please! u're having English paper on Wednesday le! yar! aLong with History and Science. Why ar? Science 3 different days?

okay, somehow im getting sick of it. sick, sick, sick, sick. said nothing but de same thing which kinda realli pisses me off. if it's a parent of mine, i would have taken some pills and not wake up anymore, or best, forever.

okay, and so tj said get into Engineering. He said, or get into BA, Business Administration or Logistics. Apparently, they may be good for my future, well, I... err, consider ;)

came back home like 11am and got a call from poor sebastian. all alone. haha!!! Jennife on MC, Johnny on MC and even big Dato' Desmond also MC. Like damn. There was nobody doing data entries and not much manpower around since there're still crates from KNT coming in. Well, I had no choice but to cancel my full day leave today to a half day leave. Did my studies there too but not much as there were so much things to do, like so suddenly.