Thursday, March 09, 2006


anybody knws de anime Basilisk? well, i really like it the fact that they have nice music. downloaded the soundtrack and found realli nice music. The sound of the flute and everything are just so err.... dont knw how to describe but nice.

anyway, still have yet to go to the library. I've finished reading my book. maybe i'll drop by tomorrow. wanted to yesterdae but didnt cz baby was LATE.AGAIN! wanted to go today but was too tired.

on tuesday, had dinner with tj. it has been so long i've not seen him. haha!!! when he came to see me, he was wearing his work uniform. told him to let's jz go for de dinner wif de uniform bt he didnt want. he even brought his clothings and change.
b4 tt, babysitted aqilah wif yammie for a short while. she came while I was watching Shinobi. No subtitles but wth, i knw wt's happening anyway. So, the fightings were nice. not as detail as the anime la. like Duh!
yesterdae, picked up mom from hospital. there were relatives there. After the check-up, went to tekka market for brunch and bought veggies. got some tips from mom on how to make the basics of cooking ingredients and after that, went off back home. the whole day was realli hot that i felt realli sticky even after 2 cold showers.
came back home, watched anime, talked to kak sallyn and then went off for a short nap cz i knw baby will pick me up late. But i never thought that it'll be SO LATE that it got me pissed again. while we sat down over coffee, we had a talked abt our frenz and families and he told me that i'm a forgiving person. of course i am. i told him, if im not forgving, i would make a choice to tell him tt i dn wnt to go ut anymore cz he was late. he asked me y didnt i. well, because i made de choice of waiting cz im forgiving and im still patient. met xiong b4 we got to de coffee shop. i was nice to see him again. May and Xiong's sister was there too. Later on, I didnt realise they were at the same coffee shop and were 2 tables away from us. I saw another ex-colleague too. But didnt get to say hi to him cz it was just a glance and he was busy getting drinks and food for his girlfriend. I think. He still have the same stomach b4 he left the company. Muehehe!!!

2dae, met up with an ex-classmate, Maryann. We were in maths class. She stood me up for an hour but I had a nice meal when she got there. We talked about what we've missed out and all. It was all good and nice and fun talking to her again. She's moved and I'll be seeing her soon again, tt we stayed nearer. Hah!

I realli gotta lose those extra calories. I might get a heart attack anytime. Whoa!

I had another scary dream. Not the so scary one but this time it's like a dream that I had a miscarriage. And it's the 2nd time. And this time it's like.... my husband gg off for his overseas mission, i was running as fast as possible, when i got to the gate, he was alreadi in and i could onli see his back and walking away from me. his frens were there and they notice blood flowing down my leg. i looked down and suddenly i felt like fainting. i felt to the floor, his frens helped me and brought me to the hospital. i lose consiousness. when i got to the hospital, i go up and his frenz told me i had a miscarriage and i didnt even cry or feel anything at all.