Saturday, March 11, 2006


i wasnt feeling so good yesterdae. all thanks to not enough sleep and waking up reali earli to go out. had an insurance-invetment briefing wif baby and frenz. i'm considering it though. it migh be good for me and de future but right now, im jz considering.
went off for an interview after tt. baby companied me. i had a test on ms excel and met up wif an engineer and i hope i'll get the job.
was realli hungry and tired. went home straight after tt. had brunch and had a nap straight away. my eyes realli couldnt take it. me and baby woke up around de same time. bt when i woke up, my whole head was in pain. it was so pain tt it became realli heavy. still i got up and had a shower, had dinner and later on took some paracatemol and ice cream soda. went off to bed and read my book. didnt took long where i got too tired and fell asleep. baby called for awhile and i went off back to sleep.
woke up feeling better. my head's feeling better. i could jz lie down and not feel any pain. i was feeling good.
looking forward to today's outing. baby bring his baby brother along. he's a cute little thing. wonder how things are gonna be. baby alreadi planned to go pizza hut haha!! since de day i said i wnt to eat pizza hut few weeks back.
wearing my new skirt today. yeah! like finally. but hor, im feeling kinda sleepy right now le... sigh... im drinking coffee and im suppose to be feeling awake not sleepy. plus the weather is like whoa! the heat is realli heating up. i need some windy moment man! where is the wind?
should i tie up my hair of let it down? guys of course would prefer to let it down bt i think i'll tie it up. it's like so hot out there. oh boy!
suddenly i dn feel the urge of going out cz yesterdae i forgot tt 2dae is baby's 2nd day off.