Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Sunday... tt day was de best day of my life. i mean, it was like de most happiest day of my life. i dn knw y but i felt so happy tt day. although i was tired.

went to work on sunday morning. onli for a few hours. met baby and kama after tt. onli for awhile and then went over to baby's place. rested and waited for baby to shower and change. lil bro, sufi alreadi ready. we played and talked and off we went to The Cathay to get tixs for Ice Age 2. had to give a miss to the event at Ngee Ann City as shasha was there. there wasnt any time and they finished earli. so, b4 de movie, went down for lunch at swensen where me and sufi realli had fun tt we were reprimanded by baby for being naughty and noisy. hehehe.... played, chatted, time goes by and we had to rushed eating. well, me and sufi were almost finished while baby was still struggling with his chickens. muahaha!!! no time for ice-cream as promised to sufi. once we were done, off we go for the movie. We got there in time. yay! thank goodness we were not late. Sufi was given a stool to sit on. It was his 1st time in the cinema. Asked lots of questions too and he couldn't sit still. Lots of fidgeting ard. He kept turning around, standing up, sitting on my lap and back forth to his seat.

After de movie, sufi reminded us to go for ice-cream. haha!!! smart kid he is..... kids. well... they remember everything the adults would tell them. ...and so we went dwn to Marina's Secret Recipe where i got him ice-cream. he was like the happiest kid in de world and i was so happy. he spoon-fed me his ice-cream but forgetting his brother tt i told him to spoon-feed his brother too.... haha....
later on, brought him up to Kiddy Palace just to walk ard and he found something tt he wants bt i promised him tt we'll get it de next day... tt's when baby told me tt i shouldnt hv said tt cz little kid would remember such things. i was hoping he'll not. me and baby were tired by then cz we both were from after work, so we decided to bring him for some games at suntec but which tower, we forgot. we went dwn suntec and up we went to the top floor and there was the one place tt we were trying to avoid. me and baby couldnt bear to m8k a turn cz there wasnt any where to turn too... and once sufi turns, there he saw the big name... Toys' R Us.... aiyoh!
we had no choice but to bring him in for a little while... he found something he wanted too but i had to twist ard words wif him tt i finally got him out of toys' r us .... muahaha... and off to home we went.....
while we going out, in de train, sufi was on my lap, sleeping and baby was beside me sitting. going back time, sufi was on baby's lap, sleeping and me in baby's arm, sleeping .....mueehehe!!! baby said ppl were looking at him and he was feeling a little weird, plus, seeing de both of us sleeping so soundly.... hehehe.... i felt so good....
went back to baby's, rested for awhile b4 gg back home..... i realli had a great day and i realli love to have it again....

on monday, work sucks. my senior officer wasn't ard and my officer asst was trying to find things for me to do.... sigh.... i was sleepy and tired de whole day too......
got back home straight away. showered, dinner.... & Chronicles of Narnia... finalli.... it was nice. i love de music. it's nice.... i love...

Memoirs of Geisha tonight....

I want to take up driving lesson too le....

baby! I love you!....