Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Another Bad DaE

Everything seems like to be getting worse. I guess you can never expect things the way you want it to be. You want it less but it comes to you more. You don't want it but it comes to you anyway. All the shits and fucks and idiots. everything in the head, in de mind, in de heart, in de asshole!
what the hell am i babbling? what the hell am i preaching? am i even preaching? what am i saying? you knw, i have gone all crazy. this year, 2006 realli ain't my year. im hoping for a good year in de future. wait! don't hope. wt is de use of hoping if it might nt even come to u. just gotta remember this, things do not come to you as you expected it to be. things will come to you unexpectedly. and when it comes to you, 2 roads are prepared for you. one is de road for when you dont want to accept it and another road is for when you accept it. you will only go into one. but if you're stuck, in de middle, wait! there's no middle road. you will onli get stuck. so watever happened, whatever you'v accepted, whether it's intentonalli or not, MOVE ON! stop thinking about it and move on! Move ALoNg pPL! me! yes! Move aLoNg... stOp bRooDiNg oVeR it...
yes//& so I quit my joB. tts a Wow!

//i wiSh i couLd watch tHiz....