Friday, July 21, 2006

I had a dream and it goes like this.....

.....I was like in a desert island. I was suppose to be there for work? I don't know. I was thinking about him and my sister dearly. How I miss them. I was taking a walk out on de desert from the hut house that I was suppose to be in. I walked out and look around. There are mountains and there's a big ocean and I turned to my right and further away, I saw a guy, looking at me, walking towards his jeep or SUV. He looked familiar. It is him. abang ipar ar!
......Later I looked up as the sun seems to have been covered by clouds. I saw rocks. Big rocks. Floating on the air. Soon, it doesn't seem like floating anymore. It's more like it's falling. I saw one on top of me, falling off the air and was targetting at me. I ran! Avoiding the rock and one by one, the rocks fell to the ground. Causing a big impact on the ground that seem like the whole earth is shaking. I kept running away, avoiding the rocks from falling on me. The rocks were BIG and they fall hard to the ground!
.....I was running and running and find myself automatically running towards abang ipar. He was waitingfor me. I quickly ran and jumped into his SUV. Later, I heard someone calling for me. I saw Jennifer! (Like shit! I hate her and what was she doing in my dream!?) Anyway, she was calling out to me. She was just standing around and smoking while those rocks are falling and amazingly those doesn't hit her at all. In fact, I gave her a quick shout-out to her and got her into the SUV. Abang ipar drove off. Looking cool while I was in a panic state.
.....We got to a town. I really filled up town. Everything around me was just dark and dirty. It's like those year 3000 kinda happenings in movie, know what I mean. It's like everything on earth were taken over by some robots or evil warlords and turning the hole world into a dumpster.
.....Well, I walked around with abang ipar couldn't care less where Jennifer would be and gone. Everything was just so dark. In a glance, I found myself lying in the SUV. Together with abang ipar. He was there beside me. Trying to console me. Telling me everything is going to be okay. He was just there, lyring down beside me. Stroking my hair, his head leaning on my head and his face was near to my face and I swear I could feel his breath on me when he whispers. I was asking him if he has a handphone, so that I could call my sister and check on her. He said his girlfriend has it. Later, he was trying to kiss me. I could just feel it! I quickly sat up and look out of the SUV. Looking around at te busy people walking there and here, crowding against each other. He got up too and said his girlfriend is somewhere around there. I kept quiet.
......I had a handphone in my hand now. I called my sister and she answered. Said she is alright and she is dong fine. I was glad.
....Later, everyone around me was gone. I was back at the desert where I was at first. There, the sky was dark and there are bring lightings everywhere. A big trailer came in and brought in some kind of dragons. Armies came in and lighting fire and puting a big pot on it filled with porridge. Servings started to invisible people.

Every dreams tells you on what you thinking and how you are feeling. So what did mine say? I don't know. I ain't no dream expert but whatever it is, it is like cool la.