Saturday, July 15, 2006

Nothing to Do

suddenly, so many problems are occuring. are coming up. are appearing and they don't stop coming until someone do somehing about it.... But even if someone does something about it, it won't stop. It just keeps coming and we just have to go through it.

...fresh memories were created. fresh problems were being solved. new lives were beginned.

x1: i love you
x2: i know
x1: i have to breakup wif u
x2: why? wasnt i good enough?
x1: it's not u. it's me.
x2: what the fuck! [softLy]
x1: wat is tt?
x2: nothing.
x1: don't u nothing me. wt de hell is tt?
x2: i'm not telling you.
x1: why won't u tell me?
x2: because u are breaking up wif me!
x1: fiNe! i won't breakup with you!... now tell me!
x2: oKay... i love you
x1: i know
x2: are you sure?
x1: what!?
x2: nevermind! i had enough!
x1: fiNe! bye! THIS IS THE END!
x2: What The Fuck!
x1: so that was it?
x2: that was it what?
x1: Us!?
x2: "US"? you just broke up with me... What is with "US"?
x1: never mind...
x2: See! You never want to say anything! You are always just "never mind", "it's okay", "forget it"... I've enough of everything!
x1: .......
x2: i see you around...