Monday, January 22, 2007


The other day, I woke up and went back to sleep. It was kind of unpleasant. After watching Inuyasha for 3 days straight, I thought I dreamt of him. Well, I had Inuyasha in my dream but when I woke up, I saw someone standing in front of me. I opened my eyes and it was my father. He was even wearing a red t-shirt la! He was holding the can-opener and a can of milk. ~Ara!!!~. I open the canned milk right on my bed but went on to the kitchen to continue my task. After that, I went back to sleep.

Today, I woke up feeling kind of great. I had a pleasant dream. How I wish I'll be leaving in that dimension world. Our dream. I was with my family members at times and I was with friends at times. I even have my life-partner with me. Tatsuya Fujiwara. Yup! How could it be him? Aiyah! ~Ara~! He just look so young and fresh and charming. ~Yes! Charrming~ indeed he IS! IN the dream he was just there all around. Even when I'm somewhere with anyone around anybody he is just there. He would just be invisible to everyone but visible for me. Sigh. I woke up and opened up my wardrobe and look at my Death Note 2 poster. Sigh. I thought Kenichi Matsuyama would capture my dream heart BUT! it's Tatsuya Fujiwara indeed. I guess I watched few of his shows la. That's why. I just don't like him in the Shinsengumi period drama la. I think he was in the teen version of Heaven's Coin.

I chaged my bedsheet. I wanted to change to the one my mom bought for me but alamak! It doesn't fit la!

Tying my hair up in a ponytail has been giving me a headache lately so I'm bound to plaiting them down at the moment.

Sigh~! How come Singapore don't prepare those small units like in Japan. So that I can just live there. Even if my mom thinks that I'm 15 years old.