Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So what has been going on lately? Nothing much. Feeling sleepy, feeling sleepy, feeling sleepy. Cough still stays. I hate it. My voice still a bit sengau. Confirm getting back my normal voice back in 2 days. I hope! Hahakz! I can't sing. I want to sing along songs while I'm doing my work or something but my voice like sengau la! And I don't know what is sengau in English. Pathetic right.

Set my alarm at 1000hrs on Sunday but woke up only an hour later by mom's voice. Got up, showered and waited for the list of items she needed for that day. Down to Chong Pang wet market... Woah! Been awhile since I've been there. Got the 2kg of just nice size fleshy prawns. Damn they were heavy! Got the vegetables needed and than off to Cold Storage to get the olive oil that mom wants. Wasn't sure which one though and there were like so many types. Finally got the one she wants and head back home. The itinaries should be making me busy that very day but somehow I still got time to slack in front of the pc. By evening, I finally stopped and start un-shelling the prawns. This time, the prawns were really good and fresh and the shells were like hard and pointy that my finger this time really got lots of cuts. Mom start cooking the pasta and dad start drilling holes in the house. Doing some adjustments on displays on the wall. Since Yammie was home, got her to help dad instead while I helped mom. Well, things got funny though, to me that I managed to multi-work my job in the house that day. Running from the room to the kitchen. I just find it funny that. I just suddenly got that energy to clean my room. I guess I just got tired of seeing those dusts on the tv shelf. I took out the dry wiper and start wiping every my rack and that tv shelf. After that, running to the kitchen and helped mom. Than ran back to my room and start mopping. Since mom bought us the new instant mop thing, it got me easier to clean my room. I even picked up the dead coackroach behind my bed which was disgusting. I didn't see the body but only seeing the legs after sucking it up with the vacuum. Vacuum the little dusts on the side walls and start mopping the floor and hahakz and I was satisfied with the result.
Ran back to the kitchen to finished up doing the pasta. Told mom how happy I am doing things multi-purposely and she said that I could do that when I'm in my own house. Again I'm reminded that I'm not in my house. I told her, I just find it easier for me to be doing things multi-purposely and I have no choice since dad called me to help him with the adjustments and at the same time she calling me to help in the kitchen. She starts blurting that if possible she don't want to be calling us around... That's where I blurted out it's not that I don't want to help. I'm just saying that I like the pace of running around. Sometimes, whatever we say as a joke or when we implement something... she starts thinking hard about it and take it seriously and sometimes she misunderstands it. That really frustrates me.
I was also fed-up with her that day as the "wind" were around, she just shout out her unhappiness when we sound her or give a suggestion nicely. Told her off too that morning about it. Sigh.... Why? Is Diabetes really that bad that it cause people to go around ranting?
I understand her condition. Me and dad are the most patient ones at home with her behavior.

Waaaaaaahhhh.... I really feel like sleeping right now. ...Waaaahhhhh.... I really feel like lying back down on my bed which is now with the new black sheet. It makes my bed look bigger and it's so nice.... Ooouuuhhhh!!!!! Iiiiiii-nnnneeeeee......

Congratulations to Hady Mirza on winning the Asian Idol. There was nothing to watch that night, so I watched the result show and it was really surprising to see him win. The Malay song, Berserah which he sang is Taufik Batisah's song. Nice la the song. I like.