Wednesday, January 29, 2003

i'm on mc 2dae. yesterdae & 2dae dat is. well, i didnt want to go to de doctor as i tot i was gonna be ok. i was alreadi feeling veri veri tired since saturdae. my head was aching. my body was aching. my thriat was soring and my voice was changing. on yesterdae afternoon, i decided to go to de clinic. i got permission from knn and went to c de doctor and whoa! i was having fever. haha!!! so, i got mc for 2 days. i got it yesterdae and 2dae. i'm feeling a little ok 2dae. i alreadi did de laundry. so, dat means, i'm ok, rite? but, i'm still having my coughing & my running nose. oh shit! my sweet voice is gone nw and i still hev to wait for days to get my voice to cum back!
i've watched de Takky & Tsubasa dvd dat i bought. hahaha!!! it's realli funni. some parts looks like a gay concert and some parts are jz funny. but, of course, watching Tsubasa Imai realli wakes me up. he's not handsome but i guess i could say dat he is suave. aite. mum's not back yet. she called jz now to get a receipt number of a photo. i wunder wat photo it is. neway, i'm off nw, i wnt to t8k my medicine. or should i t8k later? i'll get realli drowsy, u knw.

Monday, January 20, 2003

well, a little thing happened to me 2dae and wat an unexpected dae. my mouth was shut and dat's it. i didnt say nething. well, i'm having my period and it's de 1st dae. and females all becomes temperamental during their periods. and damn, it was a lousy monday. yesterdae, mom alreadi yelled at me for not doing de laundry. well, it was raining heavily non-stop yesterdae and it was like a gd dae for me to relax. i managed to finish burning su unkle's cds. yeah!!!!
i did my work as usual jz nw. i hev no idea y bt knn was so happy. cuckoo went back half day, he got mc. and de rest, jz act as usual. i wanted to OT 2dae bt i cant. i'm too tired. not me, but my body. my body is too tired. i hate periods. argh! they control my moods, they control my head, they control my body, they control my everything.
so, i finished work faster, hiding away de un-important ones and buzz off at 5.30pm. i tumpang kak nor. i mn, tumpang payung ngan dia ar. hehehe!!! ingat nak bas, tak jadi. naik taxi.
sigh. de weather's still cooling. it was raining almost de whole dae 2dae. well, nt much bt de wind is still very strong now. hahaha!!! ok! c ya!
i'm getting a nu handphone! yeah!

Saturday, January 18, 2003

wo-kay! havent been writing ne jurnals for quite some time. well, u c, i was too tired. too bz. work has realli pulled me. and my leg, well, something happened to my leg. i dun knw hw to explain it lar. onli my ma and nyai tahu. well, last wk, went out makan w oni-jiang and sebastian at newton circus. i met sebastian's son. he's cute. and he's jz expressions r like his father. hahahah!!! i cant tahan laughing. hehehe!!! well, wat can i say. like father, like son. i guess he alreadi knows hw to get girls at a very young age. neway, i went to work on saturdae & sunday. since there're not much walking, i decided to go to work as i'm jz sitting down and clearing de old documents by packing the old receipts, jennifer would do de same, bt at de same time, she'll compiled them accordingly and stuffed them in a carton box and labelled them. dat was wat i did mostly on sunday. and on monday, my leg got worse. i had no choice but to go for mc. even my dad told me to do so. at ard 9am, sebastian called me and told me wat happened in de morning. well, i knew dat it was going to happen. so, i went for de clinic and even it's a one-stop to de clinic, i took de bus. i got my mc and i called work. but! i can't get thru to knn. so, i left a msg to kak nor. then, oni-jiang kept pestering me to call knn myself cuz he feels like knn still doesnt knw dat i'm on mc. so, i called de 2nd time and asked kak nor if she's pass my msg. well, she said knn was still on line, so, she pass de msg to jennifer and i'm sure, jennifer has pass de msg to knn. bt, oni-jiang was still nt satisfied. so, i told him dat if knn is at his desk, i'll call.and he said dat knn is in store. aiyah, so, i called, oni-jiang answered de phone and got knn for me. and dat knn, even b4 i say nething, he go and say dat i go for mc cuz i came to work on sat & sun. but, i stopped him and told him abt my leg. and on y i came on sat & sun. well, he kinda soften down and said ok.
on tuesday, everything went well. not f-ing. i thk i did OT on dat dae. or, i didnt. oh yes! i did. onli for an hour. than, i waited for awhile for sebastian to walk me to de bus-stop.
then, de nxt dae, i went off at 5.30pm wif oni-jiang and tot we wanted to watch The Ring bt we ended watching Gangs Of New York. hahaha!!!
de nxt dae, went back home at 5.30pm. alone. left onli sebastian & oni-jiang until 9pm. de nxt morning when i came to work, i found my blueberry roll bread missing. i asked oni-jiang dat he told sebastian, i had a mini-store and sebastian took de bread to eat. i wasnt realli angry for them to t8k de foods from my drawer as we all shares bt dat bread was mine! they could hev at least call me and ask me. stewpeed!
well, de nxt dae, which was yesterdae, i had to OT until 8.30pm. i went back wif oni-jiang. we went for makan and then go back. heheh!!!
nw, handphones. previously, i was thinking of getting de T100, then, de T500 came out. my dad gonna get it for ma. then, oni-jiang said T500 nt veri nice and he insisted i buy de T200 or de A800. after much thinking, i'll get de A800. then, dad told me y nt get de T200. bt, i'm sticking to A800. so, i told my sista jz nw, i'm gonna buy de A800 under starhub. and well, i'm gonna use her name and i was willing to pay de hp bills for her. well, i'm gonna buy de A800 under starhub. then, de starhub, i'll giv it to my sista, 2getha wif my luving Nokia 8250 (which is her dream hp). and i'll t8k de A800 and use my old number. hahaha!!! well, she was delighted.
then, skali bapa tanya, "si yam tu tak nak handphone kah?". so, i told her my plan. then, he said, he'll her handphones bill and of course, i was delighted. he told sis abt it and i knw she's jumping like joy quietly. so, i start counting my money. see how my budget is and yeah! i'm gonna get it in 2 weeks time. oh yeah! oh yeah! oh yeah!!!
now, i'm gonna watch Justin's mv for awhile and then update my website.... ok! c ya!

Sunday, January 05, 2003

i'm so done with arranging my mpegs files in nero. but, i dun think i'll be burning them now. i'll fall asleep while waiting for each disc to complete. i dun wnt to to do it bit by bit. i wnt to do all in a go. so, i might start burning them 2moro morning. aite!
lately, i hev been spending a lot of time 2getha lately. and we've played ard a lot too lately. it was fun to be with him and i feel so relax and fine with him. it's like, everything has to be about him. yesterdae, after work, i went out wif him for awhile and when i ws going home, i found his shirt (which he bought 2getha wif sebastian during lunchtime on friday) in my bag and his MV cd. alamak! i forgot to return it to him and he forgot to take it back. it was in my bag cuz of he had to hold it and so, i kept it in my bag lah. ahaha!!! then, aiyah, nvm, monday can giv him. well, dat dae fridae, i bought some t-shirts too. hahaha....
dat dae, on friday, my supervisor went back half day as he was sick. well, ya lah, he took mc. jennifer-jie didnt cum as her father's in de hospital. so, left only us, warriors to work de store.

Saturday, January 04, 2003

ok, it's a bit late now but hey! Happy New Year to all of you out there. i havent got time to be on my computer for quite a long time. even if i sit and go thru my pc, i'll get tired. but 2dae, i'm gonna clean up my folder. de mpegs needs to be burn. then, once i finish them, i'm gonna continue wif su unkle's cds...