Monday, January 20, 2003

well, a little thing happened to me 2dae and wat an unexpected dae. my mouth was shut and dat's it. i didnt say nething. well, i'm having my period and it's de 1st dae. and females all becomes temperamental during their periods. and damn, it was a lousy monday. yesterdae, mom alreadi yelled at me for not doing de laundry. well, it was raining heavily non-stop yesterdae and it was like a gd dae for me to relax. i managed to finish burning su unkle's cds. yeah!!!!
i did my work as usual jz nw. i hev no idea y bt knn was so happy. cuckoo went back half day, he got mc. and de rest, jz act as usual. i wanted to OT 2dae bt i cant. i'm too tired. not me, but my body. my body is too tired. i hate periods. argh! they control my moods, they control my head, they control my body, they control my everything.
so, i finished work faster, hiding away de un-important ones and buzz off at 5.30pm. i tumpang kak nor. i mn, tumpang payung ngan dia ar. hehehe!!! ingat nak bas, tak jadi. naik taxi.
sigh. de weather's still cooling. it was raining almost de whole dae 2dae. well, nt much bt de wind is still very strong now. hahaha!!! ok! c ya!
i'm getting a nu handphone! yeah!