Tuesday, March 22, 2005

For the 1st time, after 8 years of not schooling......

.........., I did a composition. Yes! A composition. Liya was in another class and her class did comprehension. I did composition. I'd gone a little too much, I think. I forgot on how many words we need to put in. When my teacher to write down the numbr of words, I counted mine and it was like 600+. It was really too much. The limit is onli 350 - 400 words. I got in my class a little late. Kinda 10minz late. Cuz we were a little lost but I managed to find mine after that. There were people who came more later than me. There was suppose to be break too but our teacher was too engrossed in his talk that we didn't really care and continue on the class on until we start doing our compositions until it was almost 10, we were let off the class on whoever are done.

Yesterday, after coming back from wedding-under-void-deck, watched japan Hour and than continue watching Samurai 7 after that. Watched 1 episode done, played a pc game. After that, went off to watch tv in my room. Was around 3+pm, almost to 4. I smsed for awhile with ta-jie and went to sleep after that. Was thinking of onli taking a nap, but I continued sleeping all the way til morning. I did awoke in betweens but I continued sleeping til the next day. I was too lazy to get up and since it's Sunday, I made it like any other Sunday that I would spend. That is sleep and sleep and sleep. My Sunday is always a sleeping day. Not even that, I was having my 1st day period.
Last week, I've already told myself and hope that I won't get period this week, cz it'll be the 1st week of schooling for me. And it really came. That kinda carries my worries away. it does, you know. Last week, I was all moody and quiet and frustrated all the time. I was really bored all the time. My face was realli just black and I just look dumb all the way. But today, I was all cheered up and noisy! I was having cramps too, of course. Especially in the morning. It was really terrible. Horrible. I even took 2 panadols to clear the pain down. Not away but just sore it down. It was really bad. But I was all talkative, loud and laughing and joking all around.
Even going off time, while walking to AMK Central, I wasn't even keeping quiet. I just kept on laughing, giving out nonsense remarks. Well, I did gave some remarks on ta-jie while at work. I looked at him, and he suddenly looks kinda chubby and suddenly shrinking. But 10mins laer, he looks back to normal again. I even hhad the cheek to ask him it was him or was it me that's having the problem. And unfortunately and of course, it's me. Who else! i was even having duble visions and head spinnings. But I was okay after awhile. I was having milo mostly. Didn't eat much. Just had milo in the morning. Milo in the afternoon. Milo in the late afternoon. Curry puff and popiah in the late afternoon. Japanese cheese cake in the late evening. Plain water in the late evening. Plain water in class. Rice with soup of meat (which have lots of bones), carrots and potato, with sambal kicap and orange juice, mix of green apple and carrot. Yummy!Ta-jie was lecturing for not eating again today. I promised him to eat a full meal and I guess I did. After class, I called him and he was busy cooking and totally I can't disturb him on that. Tried to call Sebastian, but his batt was flat. he called me earlier, so, I was kindly returning his call. Than, I called Oni-Jiang. We talked all the way until I got home.

Got home. Dad was watching Harry Potter, The Prisoner of Azkaban. I don't know if he's watching it for the 1st time, cuz when I got back just now, he gave me the expression that he is. Too bad I didn't get to have a conversation with him. By the time I got off the phone, he was already asleep. I guess he's on off tomorrow.

Well, going to an interview tomorrow. Heard that place got lots of malay guys. Oh boy! A place I wouldn't want ending up at. I hope if I were to get it, Ill get in the building office to work or something. Not really the warehouse or anything. Oh well. What can I expect. I can't expect much. I just have to be thankful.

Really miss my darling....

I'm still having the stomach cramps right now.

gonna go for an early breakfast tomorrow and have lots of fun.

Gonna look for some things and have a big meal. I hope I could.