Sunday, September 18, 2005

gd afternoon/evening/night

it has been a long time. a veri veri long time. what? it has been a veri long long time i've not woken up at 3pm. it's so late in the evening. later afternoon.
well, im having a nice feeling of course. bt not so good la als. having a little headache there. gonna drink coffee. coffee is the medicine of course. it goes thru with you when u're stress, when u're sad, when u're sick, when u're hot, when u're cold. coffee. coffee is de best thing ever in de world. it is the best.

waste my time preparing to go out but never mind. im cool. im gonna just stay in my room, turn on my tv nd tonight, gonna re-prepare my mp3 cd again. if onli i could create an atrac cd.


a little late here, but Ashlee Simpson's Autobiography album is not bad.