Tuesday, October 18, 2005

hopes for the best, huh?

somehow, my boredom-ness is here again. Not that I don't have anything to do. I do. But, I feel like as if i'm at the point of limitations. I'm too stupid to think like that. I feel so tire out of doing anything. I feel that I do not have any motivations to do anything anymore. I feel tired of just moving and nothing's change.
Stupidly, I'm basically saying all that to myself. I whined to myself that I'm hopeless ad I poor those people who kept on encouraging me. I am so sorry everybody. I hope by saying this, I'm not letting those people down. Because right now, I am really really trying my best.

Well, went on MC today. Had gastric. I guess, I am a gastric queen now. Sigh. I don't feel motivated to go back to that current workplace of mine too. It's too sickening to be there. The people just suck and all they want to do is just help themselves to the gossips and stupid untrue news. Erm, isnt that gossiping too?
One would just be too busy creating rumors and spread them non-stop and embarras others when he didnt know that he's actualli hurting that person's feelings while when people actualli do the same to him, he feel fucked up that he wants to screw that person up & down. Well, I think it's uselss because a person like him is useless and I wish I could screw him up & down. Well, actualli i've sabo-ed him once when I made him go to the conference room, meeting up face to face wth a customer and the big shots. Ha ha ha!!! That was hilarious. I've not done that for a long time.
I'm feeling rather eekiness right now. I'm having migraines too nowadays which really is bothering me. I guess, I've had enough sleep for the day and would like to feel fresh for the next and next and next days. Gotta be ready for the following papes which I need to be acquaintance with.

I wish I could speak Japanese, in all dialects of course, I wish I could... you know, maybe I should just stay in one corner until I found a bottle with a genie in it and than i would rub it and than de genie would come out and than it would grant me 3 wishes.

Hahaha!!! Stupid people only will think stupid things like that. Don't you think so?

I really need to think things through. Sigh. I'mm too busy day-dreaming and night-dreaming!

Siti! Wake up!

Everything's so difficult. People say so easy but it is so hard! You know! It's like you got an egg and the shell is so hard to crack that you get so frustrated. And when you could finally crack it open, there's already a chick inside it.

I'm babbling nonsense again.

Seriously, I'm just tired. I'm just giving useless and stupid excuses and I'm just practicalli, plain lazy.
