Saturday, October 29, 2005


" believed that pressures of time and stress at work were to blame for their forgetfulness." -Liang Min, Dare magazine, October 2005 issue

"..."If you cared about me enough, you would have remembered." It's very hard for us men to deal with the "If you cared enough" argument because the concept of forgetting an anniversary often does not, in our own scheme of logic, equate to us not caring." -Liang Min, Dare magazine, October 2005 issue

"We men, on the other hand. care about YOU, not the date. The date to you, could be the memorable moment when you knew he was the one. But to many of us, that date will be just another Tuesday. Sorry, but many guys don't think anniversaries are that big of a deal, ...." -Liang Min, Dare magazine, October 2005 issue

Got those quotes from Dare magazine, October 2005 issue. Girls, take note of those things. We should understand our guys. Like my guy, he is one of those as the above. I have got to understand those things and sometimes I just had to resort to make him remember our dates or whatever due to his forgetfulness but at times, we just have to understand their situations.
