Thursday, January 26, 2006


down low, ur slow. high above, ur in love. in d middle, ur d fiddle. <-got that from shasha's bLog. i loike dt.

why does everybody have to be around me so suddenly? why am i suddenly getting all the attentions that i wanted before? i do notwant it now cuz i don't feel like having it now. get away from me you lot! go away! seriously, i need my own time and i do it when i like it. who are you lot to say of me when you don't even know what i am going through!?

you!!! you are so irritating me that i am irritated of you right now. i've known ur true intention and i realli am looking down upon you right veri now. i cant see u as a fren right now although i am trying to be one. but nw u've proved me wrong and that's it. im out of de question forever!

and you so are the one very sweet ppl. u hv sound so shweet dt it melted me well. well, you you you are so you. i have nothing much to say. i am so happy and appreciate everything you've done. you knw i would be there for you too. you're now like my shining star. haha!! cant believe i said that. im so happy whenever hear for thee.

you are always there for me. before. not now. now, u still have that energy to help me around. i am glad that im still visible to you. im glad u still do wnt to keep in contact with me. u still hear my voice from afar and you still know what's going on even when i dn even knw how to start or end it. of wow! what can i say? you are making me miserable but do you knw when you are not anywhere near me, i feel at ease. i am so sorry but that is how i felt.

i have 3 weeks left. i am like being in amazing race trying to get that prize before everything ended. what should happen to me when that 3 weeks ended? what would happen to me if i just have to rot in de cell without any backups helping me? people say it'll be easy on me even if im not out there, well, i don't think so! like! hah! harLOw!

i am trying my best in everything right now although my body and soul and bones are dangling in that hell every half of de day and singing out songs of crapiness and madness of everything mixing into one head. bla bla bla.... goodnight!