Thursday, January 05, 2006

daNciNg aLoNE

i'm sorry i cried today. i wasnt being a good girl i almost totally forgot where i stand now. i'm sorry. i hope you understand.

went off from work, drenched, few minutes later, the rain just stopped. ridiculous. totally making me wnt to kill the weather. Only if I could.
My jeans were wet all the way and I was feeling the discomfort when I got to my destination. waited for another 45 mins than I went on to the office that I need to. Went for the interview. For the 1st time, I was in the interview for total of 2 hours. Well, I had to do some tests also la. Interviewed by 2 people individually and as the time goes by, I was freezing sick. I walked out of the building and the wind was strong. The river and sea? well, are just right behind the building. I smsed fida before that that I could see her workplace from the meeting room i'm in. Took the bus back home and again in the aircon, freezing! And my head starts spinning. I am feeling dizzy.
Reached home, showered, saw Ashlee Simpson's L.O.V.E. mv, ate, watched tv, lied down, update blog... offLine