Thursday, January 05, 2006

"Listening to Kuch Kuch Hota Hai"

Came back to work. As usual. Arrived at 0750hrs in the morning. Sat at thestaircase together with the same 2 guys, sebastian and oj. just like how wewere yesterday night. We were sitting right in front of a clinic which I'vechecked is under our company's. So, I thought, why not the 3 of us go in andget an MC but thinking, see how la. This morning, Sebastian came to mesaying he still feel bad due to his flu and OJ was complaining that his backis aching and his arm is aching. I told them both, yesterday the clinic wasjust right in front of us and why have none of us not gone in.

Work was bored. Beat up by tj again. Oh man! I was just doing a re-enactmentof meself to OJ yesterday. Due to vulgars were involved. Haha!! My banglewas thrown off and temporarily confiscated.

The big pimple on my forehead, on mah! Why does it have to be on theforehead again! TJ put on the pimple cream for me, he was laughing andeverything cuz he said it was like a bindhi already. Chey! An original grown bindhi I have.

Accompanied OJ for his cny shopping, along with sebas!. Got some chocolates from Sebas and Coffee Bean by OJ hehe!!! It was realli fun going out with them. It's been such a long time. Saw a jacket at Esprit. Tried it on and damn it look good. Sebas thought so too. Gonna bring him along when I'm gonna get it as can get some discount with his Esprit Visa. hehe!! Gotta get more shirts too at Factory Outlet. The place to get shirts. Haha!! That's what I think la.
Checked out the place where I'm suppose to go for interview tomorrow. Got the idea where it is already and how to get there, But no harm getting there earlier! Hehe!! In case I get lost.
People are hinting me to stay but I've made up my mind. Sigh. I don't know.I just got to think straight now. I can't live on people anymore. Thinking of it, I'm totally broke now.