Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Old times... Good times....

Okay, so basically this might not be the way to start a book. Buy hey! I am not starting a book. I am just typing out whatever I feel like typing on my blog. I am a single Asian woman, aged 24 which am going to be 25 years of age soon and I believe am getting older, not younger and there is no time to waste anymore. Well, I feel I have wasted my life long enough. At the age of 18, I wasted my parent money. At the age of 20 I got a permanent job and I wasted the money on
spending. A lot.

At the age of 22, got into a puppy love relationship with a Chinese-Malaysian guy and ended after one and a half year. Got sad and befriended another Chinese guy. Apparently, he is Malaysian too but became a Singapore PR. Got into a relationship, which I know, that will not last long but with a crazy hope in mind, I went on with it. Ended a year later with a guilt feeling and a terrible feeling.

Tried losing weight. Went for a jog, took a visit to the gym. Lose a little but later gained a little more after that due to certain circumstances.

Went back to school too. Took up part-time studies on ‘O’ level courses. Took on 5 subjects. English Language, Elementary Mathematics, Combined Science (Physics/Chemistry), Malay Language and History. It was really giving me a hard time. Skipping Physics classes, which I regretted later. Skipped English Language because it was boring. Went to every Mathematics class and got to know a really cool gal there and were stuck onto each other for a while. Chemistry class was fun when doing all those experiments. Learned them and I did well in the practical exam, which I hope I did. Oh well. Stopped going to History classes too and did my own readings. Only that when the time came, I found myself sitting for History paper, alone! Yes!

2005 ending and it was a bad ending. Not really all so bad but I managed to have more time for my friends and family. I went on a last minute Genting trip with Fida dear on the 1st 3 days of fasting month. Went on to Tambun water theme park at Perak with Uncle Jasman and wife and friends and cousin, Teacher Aishah. It was really fun! And the best part was that we ended up being in Cameron Highland for the 1st time. It was amazing and due to the rainy season, the coldness was really freezing. Came back Singapore feeling mpv-lagged and down with fever and sore throat. It was sickening. I hate it. I even start wearing contact lenses to beautify myself and went on putting on eyeliners like nobody business again.

Went back to work with the Stock-take going on. It was all going on smoothly but slow as many time were wasted….

Reminiscing (is that the right spelling?) back, there were many good times but at the same time, too many sorrows that I had just kept for too long. Keeping them for so long has made me really unbearable of the going on around me.

So, I hope, for this 2006, something will happen. Not the bad, but the good. I hope something good will happen. I just have to stop making stupid mistakes and not waste anymore time. I am not going to make any resolutions because they don’t really work on me.

I really should have type all this out even before the New Year starts but hey! It’s only the 3rd January 2006 and I am not even at work. Oh well, Happy New Year too all!

And oh! I want a new phone and I got my eyes set on a piece of LG's P7200....