Sunday, January 15, 2006

upside down... turn it UP!

okay, my Saturday seems to have turned to Sunday. I slept like early le on Friday night. About mn like that la, but in between I woke up cuz of the coldness and some smses. I woke up at 10am on de dot. Couldnt go back to sleep. So, I woke up, had breakfast, went on to the net and by 3pm, I felt kinda sleepy. Aiyoh! read book, fall asleep lor... Went on to sleep until almost 11pm. Bloody hell!! Woke up, watched tv, see Robert De Niro died and how cute Edward Burns is, shower, watched tv, read my book, washed blanket, eat and then... continue reading book again. Haha!! By 3am, go to sleep and today, 9am woken up by an incoming sms. Cannot go back sleep liao. So, wake up and file my nails. Hehe!! Been wanting to do it for a long time already and finally I did it! Haha!! Like big achievement like that.

It's dad's turn compaying mom to the market. Guess they're buying lots of heavy stuffs.

Looks like I'm gonna be awake the whole day today and I hope I can sleep earli tonight and wake up early tomorrow morning.

Teacher Aishah cut off her hair alreadi! Look nicey! I've been wanting to cut it short again but I don't want to regret again so this time, I'm gonna keep it long long long long......