Saturday, February 11, 2006


Good morning people. Yesh! it is the earli morning of a Saturday. Everybody in my household are asleep except for me. Tried looking for a nice The O.C. image to make my layout but too lazy, so, I stick with an old fren of mine, Ms. Britney Spears. Or shall I say, Mrs. Federline? ....Okay, that just sound not right.

Yesterday was 10th February 2006. I got my O Levels result. I came to work half day and there was barely anything to do. So I just sat at my desk, waiting for the right time to run to TJ's office to use his internet to check on my result. Before that, idiotic boss came in and told us that at 1500hrs there will be a meeting at the conference oom with the Material Director. Her name's Jennie, you know. Okay, no big deal. I don't care anyway. I'm boasting right now, yes, I'm leaving the company for good.
Not yet 1430hrs, I went down to TJ cuz he bought the AA batts I needed. I went on to use his internet and went on the SEAB website and wa-lah! There were my results showing on the monitor screen. As promised, TJ was there with me to see the results. Called darling straight away to tell him my results, which after that, Sebastian came down and I told him my results too, and together, TJ and Sebastian start grumbling at me. TJ grumbled the most. I couldn't take it that I start to weep. Well, I feel bad too. I felt I've let TJ down especially. I know what I should do and I have planned ahead.
1500hrs, ran off to the conference room. Half way Sebstian called me. When I got in, they have not started yet as the projector system was screwing up. Lousy piece of shit!
As the meeting starts, I listened but at the same time, smsing with me sista, frenz, darling and cousin. After an hour and a half, followed OJ out of the conference room. Basically, 2 stupid departments were arguing out their problems for stupid reasons. *Stupid people in Stupid world* Lousy ME!! OKay! ~!@#$%^
Teabreak with my store guys, a visit to the Ladies, off to 2nd floor again. Chit-chatted with TJ 'til it's almost 1730hrs. Went back up to my desk, clear up my stuffs, pack up and ciao! Off to meet my sweet darling.

Darling was wearing his glasses! He look like a good boy, you know. Muahaha!!! I love him so much. Went down to Al-Ameen where I met his big bro. "ABANG IPAR!!!! YOU ARE SO THE GOOD-LOOKING!". I shouldn't have call him that but while I was talking to darling earlier, I accidentally blurted out "abang ipar" and since he was late, I called him "Abang Ipar" all the way. Muahaha!!! ....I so the CUTE!

Anyway, look at the comparison people. Observe. Picture #1 (left), is my cousin and Me. Picture #2 (right), is my boyfriend and Me.

I think I heard something from yammie's room. Guess she's not asleep! That makes it! I'm not the only one in the household who is not asleep! Muahaha!!... oKay, I hig already. Need to sleep liao! Caleld darling to wake him up 1st....bLeurGH!

I found an old photo of mine, taken at Kulai 2 years back on the 1st day of hari raya.... I miss this hairstyle.....tsktsk :(