Sunday, February 12, 2006


1st thing I'd like to say Ryan Donowho is cute. Ryan who? Any of you who watch The O.C. season 3 would know who's Ryan Donowho. He is cute!

And yes, I've changed my layout. That Britney one was a temporary. Hehe...

Okay, mom was sent to the hospital again yesterday and I didn't even know that she was being sent. I thought she was just going to the clinic. But NO! she went to the hospital and by night, she was home. It was nothing serious. She was fine. She is just having a stiff neck and something to do with the ear. The right ear I think. Gotta go check it out again. She'll be going for another check-up soon. Sigh. No use sighing.

Darling might be feeling bad right now as I'm totally not in a good mood since last night. I made a rash decision this morning. I went off to cut fringes. Yes. I did. Again with the fringes. I missed my old looks la. So, gotta get into it.

I'm hungry but I don't feel like eating at all. I'm just not feeling good right now. Had a little heat argument going with Bik As on msn. A little something about mom that leads to late grandpa. I'm in my temperamental mood right now so, I just blurt out everything. Yes! And they are the whole truth. No use keeping them so long cuz it might just cause you internal injuries.

I think I'm gonna heat up yesterday's noodles and eat la. Yammie still not up sey!