Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Lost in Translation

i got in by de 2nd back door. i went up de stairs. by de time i reached 2nd floor, i looked to de 3rd and felt funni. So, i went back dwn to de 1st floor. Went out by de other door and got in to a production. walked thru a lane til I see a door, opened it and I'm at the lobby! Went thru the door when I 1st came for de interview. Went up de stairs to the 2nd floor and there was de familir office i went in b4. told a colleague that i was lost and anybody could get lost. He than toLd me for the 1st 2 weeks normally we will get Lost. Oh my! So, I walked thru the office and went to the back door. Out I went, up the stairs I went. Went thru de only door there on de 3rd floor and I saw the Engineering office. Walked past it and turned right. I saw a door. I didnt go straight but stopped at the door. Opened the door, walked in the room and it's the main pantry! Woohoo! Look straight in front of me! Jackpot! The door to my warehouse! Muahaha!!! I was tired... I sat down for coffee while a colleague chatted me up. He's a china man and he couldnt speak English well. He asked me if I'm new ad I said yes, in English. He asked further question but I couldn't understand. Others were there and he asked them about me. Practicalli, they know me and my designation there. Oh well, coffee was nice and the aircon was freeziNg... BBBUUURRR!!!!!

s + You are very broad-minded
i + You are always smiling and making others smile.
t + You have an attitude, a big one
i + You are always smiling and making others smile.

s + You are very broad-minded
a + You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind
r + You are a social butterfly
i + You are always smiling and making others smile.
n + You like to work, but you always want a break
a + You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind
h + You are not judgmental