Friday, August 18, 2006

it is a small world after all.... dont u thK?

I have completed my 3 weeks task in Tuas. I have transferred back to where I am originally suppose to be. Jurong Island. Although it was painful of leaving the Tuas office, I have to move on and accept what is coming ahead for me.
I arrived the Jurong Island office to start my new task over there. My friend, Sallyn was on leave today and so therefore, I wasnt with her to take the transport together. She had got her friend to guide me. Anyway, when I got to Jurong Island office, I stepped in and look inside. Look for those particular people and met my boss. She explained to me on what are the tasks I will be doing and under whose guidance I would be under. She explained to me on future happenings if god's will let me have it. I was delighted to hear on what she is offering me and I hope to be doing well on my new task. After the meeting, I went on and start my task. I met the people whom I've already known from the Tuas office.
Lunch time, my department's director treated us lunch. We had... well... fast food lerr... KFC la, pizza hut la, long john silver la. I wasn't keen on joining but they wanted me too. After all eating, our director wanted the newbies to introduce ourselves. I thought I could escape since lunchtime was already up but NO! I was the very last one. I didn't say much. I answered what he needs to know and so be it.
Went on to continue my task and oh boy! I can't wait to move on further... Out! Met another Sallyn's colleague. She knew me as Sallyn's told her about me. It is nice to come to a new place and have many people are already acquaintant about me. Before that, a chinese girl came up to me while I was familiarising the front desk system there. She asked me if I know her. 1st glanced, I did not know her but when she told me where she is from and everything, I realised. She was my classmate back in secondary school.
Isn't cool! I have 2 Northland Secs' friends working at the same company! What a smaLL world!
It was like a tiny-weeny reunion. Haha!!
But... the department I am in, I don't feel good about it.
Thankfully, the task is only applicable to me for 3 months. After that, I am hopping to go where I want.....

I Love You ALL!

Yesterday, brought fried rice to work. I missed Sallyn as her transport had gone off 1st. So, I had to packed it as document and despatched it internally from Tuas to Jurong IsLand. I packed it for Sophian, Muharam and Kat too. We had lunch together. Kat heated them up one by on before we had it. I couldn't finish mine as Sophian was joking around alot. The victims, Kat (20%), Muharam (40%), Siti (40%). ...haiZ~... hahaha.... After eating, we shared stories while Sophian played his War Craft on his laptop. Me and Muharam shared stories about how we got our names and went about our family. As the story went to Kat, she shared her most deeply saddest and angriest moment with us. I could see and felt the emotions in her. Her face changes as she talks about her family. I consoled her, told her to calm down and told her not to cry as she looks like she wanted to cry. But! seconds after I said that, she actually CRIED! She went on with her story, pouring it out angrily but she was crying. We panicked! I wanted to get tissues but Muharam has run out of them. We sat nearer to Kat and calmed her down. She kept saying she's oKay but we were realli... oh boy! Sophian cheered her up quickly too. I changed the subject later on about old times back in school. We talked about the games we played. One game which every boy and girl would know is the string game. The one which we would twist them and undo them and ...aiyah! don't know how to explain la. Muharam even plugged off de mini mouse from Sophian's laptop to do de string thing. We were laughing Sophian off cuz he was in the middle of his game. The mouse was returned to him after that.
As we still were talking about that game, Kat told us about her plight on playing the string game on her own. To our knowledge, we would need 2 person to play that game. She told us about how she played that game on her own... It really brought tears for me and Muharam. We couldn't stop laughing after that. It was really funny. The way she explained it and all.
Good times ended and we were back to our workstation.
It was really fuN. ...I think, that was the only best moment I had in Tuas office.
Later on in the evening, coffee spilled on my favorite white shirt and jeans. I had it washed in the toilet and dried it under the hand dryer. Sigh. I had a meeting after that. Thankfully, the stains wasn't too obvious after the wash.

Waited for Sallyn at Sembawang after that. We dropped at the same stop though. Followed her home to get her stuffs as she was going back to Yishun. Went to the library after that to return my book and had coffee with her for awhile. ..... ...... ... .. . ....I had a nice time though but I was really tired and feeling sleepy after that.
As I got home, I didn't realise it was already past teN.
I showered, I ate, I checked my maiL. I sLept.