Monday, November 06, 2006

Loosen Up

So he wants to let loose. He wants to forget everything but it ain't that easy. He start things that shouldn't even exist in the whole world. The world has lost its respect for him that things are turning upside down for him. He points to people on their wrong-doings and yet he is hiding his. He is saying things that he thinks are right but never think whether they should be said or not. I have lost my respect to him. His girls are crying and yet he talks of starting anew.

Severing ties doesn't help. The more problems he creates, the more problems he will occur. Cutting ties with the ones you loved most is the most regretful thing you have ever done. Letting them go is the most hurtful thing you have done to them. You will one day find yourself nowhere to go, nowhere to confide in, nowhere a shoulder to cry on.

You know, you are just being childish when you are already a grown-up man. You are not young anymore. I understand you are going through tough times with your job. You are losing times and money and you are in need of everything to be in a right positions. All those stress and pressures must be giving you a hard time. We all know that.

Remember this, What Goes Around Comes Around. Nothing will go bad if you had not done anything bad. Don't give people the cold shoulders when they are trying to help. Don't shut them down when they are trying to put some sense into you. Don't belittle them if you don't want to listen to them. Give them a nice NO to them rather than giving them a hit on the head.

I love you and I miss you. You have become a change person from the one that we all know. Let us know your problems and don't hide them away. But now that truth reveals little by little, I am afraid you might get an explosion in your heart.

Please as I am sorry in due further if I ever have hurt your feelings and minds. I am just doing and saying what I feel is right. To whoever you are that I am talking about, don't think too much about it. Live your life fully until a ripe old age and have a nice day...

So what is the drink today? VodKa-LiMe?