Sunday, November 05, 2006

we WERE Green

Today is Sunday. It is a day the world called Family Day. To me it is more of a relaxing day. You are out to work every Monday to Friday and out with your friends or family members on Saturday and so therefore Sunday is a relaxing day. Well, for me it is. As for the rest of you, I guess not and I have still not drink my coffee.

Friday night went of down to St James Power Station for the Maxim Party. Fida dear asked me along the day before. Thought I didn't want to as I thought it might end late. Since it ended early at 10pm, I made my way down. Had nice entertainments in the party and nice drinks which I've not had for quite a while.

Fida's birthday is coming up. I guess I'll bring her out on a treat la. As usual. Hehehe!!! Fida? Reading this? What you want to eat? Don't want so expensive ar.

Slept like about 6am yesterday due to Yammie la! Watching Princess Hours at such late hours. Mom even came into the room. Scolded us for being too noisy and not sleeping since we both have to wake up early. Yammie has to go for her cheerleading performance and while I'm joining the rest for the Annual Hari Raya Bus Trip.

Got up at 10am. Showered, online for awhile and off to iron my baju kurung. It was a hard one this time. The fabric one. Guess it needs steaming too. Really hard and the start of the trip was not a pleasant one. As always. I just don't like it. I hate people asking why we are late and yet they ARE late and they still have the cheek to just smile about it. People please! Look at yourself and around you.

The whole trip went on well as usual. Lots of sarcasm, laughters, tears, joys, pain, Green and an additional one this time.. Princess Hours. What the hell la! I brought Yammie's iPod video and we watched Princess Hours. Lots of photo-takings as usual. Oh you know how vain we could all be and after all what is a digital camera for?
Off to Bukit Batok after the whole trip. Mom and the rest suggested to get Canadian 2-in-1 pizzas but it was closed. So, they went to KFC and bought chickens. Fried Noodles were prepared too but we hungry kids were really hungry.
Ganyut ad Seniman Bujang Lapok were our entertainment shows bu nothing beats the gatherings of us cousins. We were all having so much fun snapping shots of each others and especially the Confession+Connected kids. Hahaha!!! Crazy siak!

It was really hot. The whole day. The whole night. Once we got home, had a cold shower. Felt so nice. Slept at 4am and up at 2pm. Hehehe!!! NoW I want to drink coffee. I'm making my coffee.