Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Knock Out

Went out to meet BFFs. On Sunday went out with my BFF. Sigh. Wonder who came up with the acronyms "BFF" .... It was tiring as on Sunday, there were lots of walking and today, there were lots of talking and laughing. As always with the BFFs.

I've been tired lately. The other day, I couldn't sleep again and I ended up staying up the whole night again. Wanted to sleep in the day but couldn't. That same night, I went to sleep as normal and until yesterday, I was sleeping and waking up normally. Well actually last night or rather this morning, I slept at 5 am. I do not want to sleep so late again. Well, it's my habit that sometimes I get caught up in YouTube. Aaah... Bless YouTube.

Everywhere I see are upgradings, renovations. Constructions everywhere. Non-stop! I'm feeling kind of tired of seeing them. Especially in my area. I wonder when the upgradings are going to stop.

The end of the year is coming. My eyes are feeling kind of sleepy right now. I guess due to the nicely cold weather. I was drenched while on the back this afternoon. I didn't want to just wait under a block while the rain starts to stop or slow down. I had no umbrella and so I just walked home. Once I reached, I had a shower and ate my breakfast-cum-lunch-cum-dinner. yes, dinner too. I know I'm not going to eat anything tonight because I am feeling rather sleepy right now and I am sure I would have no strength to eat anything or even cook up anything.