Thursday, March 01, 2007

First, I would like to thanks Nuraihan for introducing me the coffee International Roast. It is not strong but that light taste really is nice.

Second, I would like to thanks my dearest sister, Siti Mariam. For introducing me more Nokia phones. I have decided on a phone as I am getting all fed-up over the stupid NEC 412i which is really getting on my nerves. Personally, I really would love to throw it down from the 12th floor lever house or more or maybe maybe maybe maybe.....maybe maybe.....maybe...MAYBE.... burn it in a big fire and see it dissolve... **but~but~ if I burn it in a big flame, will I see it dissolve ???~* Thank you my sister. I love you dearLy.

Third I would like to thanks my mom for always over-worrying and stressing and screaming or yelling or whatever you call it for over such small matters.

Fourth, I would like to thank all animators in Japan for giving out cool inpirational powerful animations for the world to see. You works are kindly appreciated.

Fifth, I would like to thank the rain for coming back at the wrong time. ~WHAT THE HELL~~!!!!!

Sixth, I would like to thank my bff for inviting me to her open-house which I probably am not going.

Seventh, I would like to thank..... URGH!!! I want to sleep.