Wednesday, March 30, 2005

When you're happy. ...

...You tell someone about it cuz you're happy. Okay, i've repeated. The thing is, when you tell them something, and without even knowing the real picture, what actually is happening, they tend to assume, accuse, presume, or wateva they think of. So, I guess, some things are best kept secret.

Saturday, dear cous, Sufyan came over to watch uncut version of LOTR: Return of The King. Than he continued on to use de pc and played Speed of Underground. I slept quite early that day.
In the day, I was transferring my Genting trip video onto pc. Finally! I did it!
I didnt do it in one day. I did it in 2 days. I edited it. I add some wordings and transitions and by Sunday night, I finished it by burning it onto cd. Oh boy! Finally! It's done!

Monday, English class. I was sleepy. But it was okay. We did Comprehension. Got a homework which need to be done.
Tuesday, 1st class of Physics. It was okay. The teacher was fine. I hadn't done Physics for a long time but I managed. I was struggling but I managed.
It was a long way walk from YCK mrt to YCKSS. Oh boy!
I was really tired. I had a heavy dinner last night I can say. It was really a bomb.

Mom, wanted to get me something on my birthday. She kept insisting on getting me something and keep coming up with items that she can think of and I keep saying I don't want. What for to get me things when I don't need it. And so, I came up with something. And she was on. I was alright. She's alright, all alright. Alright!

Coming up, my hospital check-up will be somewhere in July. Oh boy. 2 yrs once, I nearly forgot about it. Dad didn't wnt to stop going for check-up, so, I guess it's better too la.

I'm at work now. Had a heavy lunch just.
Happy Birthday to my baby.

I'm bored.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

I'm on my way out..

.. And she's sitting on the couch, watching tv. And the conversation goes....

"I'm going out."

"Where to."


"You gonna be home late?"


"Okay. But don't be too late."

"You watching tv? What show?"

"Chinese shows."





"Do you always have to watch tv all the time? I mean, whatever you are watching, it's always like the same shows. Aren't you sick of it?"

"What about you? You always watch your japanese animes."

"I do. But, not 24hrs. I've got work to go to."

"Well, I don't."

"Than find something to do."

"Like what?"

"Do like what you used to do. Go for knittings. Sewings. Window shoppings. You can't just wait for me all the time."

"I see how. I'm tired."

"Of course you're always tired."

Cruel Summer - Ace of Base

Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning, I sit around, trying to smile but the air is so heavy and dry, strange voices are saying (ah, what did they say), things I can't understand, it's too close for comfort, this heat has got right out of hand

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer, leaving me here on my own, it's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer, now you're gone, you're not the only one, it's a cruel

The city is crowded, my friends are away, and I'm on my own, it's too hot to handle so I gotta get up and go, and go

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer, leaving me here on my own, it's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer, now you're gone, you'e not the only one

Friday, March 25, 2005

I am blessed.....

..... to have good teachers and good class. Well, I don't know about Physics and History. Those 2 classes have not started yet. I will only start my Physics and History next week. If tomorrow's not a holiday, than I'll be able to start History.
I had Mathematics class today. A girl wanted to sit with me and therefore, I got to know a classmate. A partner in class. The other day, at Chem, when we got to the lab, I start searching for a partner. And I found her and she happened to have the same name as me and happened to live nearby. Ha ha....
I think I kinda overdo it on the composition I did the other day at English.

Went for an interview on Tuesday. I really hope I would get that job. It's a very good opportunity to be in Logistics. I'm not really into it but I kinda revolve ard Logistics so, I'm kinda familiar with it.
The place was so secluded that we got lost. I went there with my bouncer. Ha ha!! He's so cute.
We got lost. Instead of North, we went South. And eventhough the weather was hot and sunny and we were burning, we manage through. I got through the interview. It was a long interview. I've never been through a long interview. While I was in the big conference room having the interview, my bouncer was waiting at an empty cold room. It was really cold. Even the whole warehouse.
After that, went off to town for lunch. In the cab, catch a little nap or a while. Before that, while we were walking out, we saw an SIA aeroplane landing, behind a building. We sat at a bus-stop for awhile while I talked to my friends on the phone and of course, we were almost getting a heat stroke. Ha ha!! It was really cold. Looking at the cabs that came our way, all went into the Vicom Inspection Centre. But thankly there was 1 cab that came to us, even when we were not hailing for it. We just stood at a junction, stare at it, hoping that it'll come to us, and it did. Haha..!!
Had lunch, walked walked around. Sat down under the sun and drink. Than, walked walked around again until we wasted some time. Bought meself some stationeries and hang around again.
At the end of all that, went back to AMK and met up with my darling and had him companying me while I waited for my bus to go for my Chemistry.

Class was okay. Class was great. It had little Physics in it, so, I kinda got the hang of it. Found meself a lab partner. And the best thing is, she had the same name as me, stayed nearby with me and we're even the same age. But the only difference, she's taking the Science class at a 2nd attempt. While me the 1st.

I've been kinda tired lately but I still got the hang of it. I'm used to it. Staying out all day and comeing back home at the end of the say and relax. Than on weekends, I would do the laundries and watch tv and go out. And on Sunday, I would just stay at home the whole day, either sleeping or laze around.

I miss my darLing. Muackz

I've bought Style magazine. Yup! The last time I bought Style magazine was the 1st issue. Elva Hsiao was on the cover. Than, the 2nd issue which has Fann Wong on the cover. And I stopped buying after that cuz of the boring content. And since then, I've been buying Cleo. Yup! Cleo. It has lots of information I need and updates. But, not I got Style magazine cuz of Jon Jonsson. Yup. But, I hope there'll be good information in this issue. Other than Jon Jonsson.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

i'm seeing Jon Jonsson ........

........everywhere again. On tv, if you gals notice, he's in the new SingTel 3G advertisment. He's the guy sitting at the bus-stop with a girl and looking at some guys doing some ninja stuffs or wateva. Than there are the magazines. Whoa! He's sweet.

On Saturday, I was really on the thought on just staying at home. But, I got bored. My head start getting bad. It was spinning. My body was getting restless. But still I insisted on staying home. BUT! thank you my gal, Angel, called me out together with her fren, Buzz. They dropped by me place and picked me up. I became a follower that night and we had dinner at Bendemeer Road. The teh tarik was really nice and happening. Just like the one at Genting's First World Plaza. I really want to have it again.

He he he...

I'm on a downloading frenzy again.


For the 1st time, after 8 years of not schooling......

.........., I did a composition. Yes! A composition. Liya was in another class and her class did comprehension. I did composition. I'd gone a little too much, I think. I forgot on how many words we need to put in. When my teacher to write down the numbr of words, I counted mine and it was like 600+. It was really too much. The limit is onli 350 - 400 words. I got in my class a little late. Kinda 10minz late. Cuz we were a little lost but I managed to find mine after that. There were people who came more later than me. There was suppose to be break too but our teacher was too engrossed in his talk that we didn't really care and continue on the class on until we start doing our compositions until it was almost 10, we were let off the class on whoever are done.

Yesterday, after coming back from wedding-under-void-deck, watched japan Hour and than continue watching Samurai 7 after that. Watched 1 episode done, played a pc game. After that, went off to watch tv in my room. Was around 3+pm, almost to 4. I smsed for awhile with ta-jie and went to sleep after that. Was thinking of onli taking a nap, but I continued sleeping all the way til morning. I did awoke in betweens but I continued sleeping til the next day. I was too lazy to get up and since it's Sunday, I made it like any other Sunday that I would spend. That is sleep and sleep and sleep. My Sunday is always a sleeping day. Not even that, I was having my 1st day period.
Last week, I've already told myself and hope that I won't get period this week, cz it'll be the 1st week of schooling for me. And it really came. That kinda carries my worries away. it does, you know. Last week, I was all moody and quiet and frustrated all the time. I was really bored all the time. My face was realli just black and I just look dumb all the way. But today, I was all cheered up and noisy! I was having cramps too, of course. Especially in the morning. It was really terrible. Horrible. I even took 2 panadols to clear the pain down. Not away but just sore it down. It was really bad. But I was all talkative, loud and laughing and joking all around.
Even going off time, while walking to AMK Central, I wasn't even keeping quiet. I just kept on laughing, giving out nonsense remarks. Well, I did gave some remarks on ta-jie while at work. I looked at him, and he suddenly looks kinda chubby and suddenly shrinking. But 10mins laer, he looks back to normal again. I even hhad the cheek to ask him it was him or was it me that's having the problem. And unfortunately and of course, it's me. Who else! i was even having duble visions and head spinnings. But I was okay after awhile. I was having milo mostly. Didn't eat much. Just had milo in the morning. Milo in the afternoon. Milo in the late afternoon. Curry puff and popiah in the late afternoon. Japanese cheese cake in the late evening. Plain water in the late evening. Plain water in class. Rice with soup of meat (which have lots of bones), carrots and potato, with sambal kicap and orange juice, mix of green apple and carrot. Yummy!Ta-jie was lecturing for not eating again today. I promised him to eat a full meal and I guess I did. After class, I called him and he was busy cooking and totally I can't disturb him on that. Tried to call Sebastian, but his batt was flat. he called me earlier, so, I was kindly returning his call. Than, I called Oni-Jiang. We talked all the way until I got home.

Got home. Dad was watching Harry Potter, The Prisoner of Azkaban. I don't know if he's watching it for the 1st time, cuz when I got back just now, he gave me the expression that he is. Too bad I didn't get to have a conversation with him. By the time I got off the phone, he was already asleep. I guess he's on off tomorrow.

Well, going to an interview tomorrow. Heard that place got lots of malay guys. Oh boy! A place I wouldn't want ending up at. I hope if I were to get it, Ill get in the building office to work or something. Not really the warehouse or anything. Oh well. What can I expect. I can't expect much. I just have to be thankful.

Really miss my darling....

I'm still having the stomach cramps right now.

gonna go for an early breakfast tomorrow and have lots of fun.

Gonna look for some things and have a big meal. I hope I could.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Whatever it is....

....I don't Care Anymore. In future, learn to get those things yourself.

You Are 29 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Monday, March 14, 2005

These few days has been dreadful.....

It was totally stupid. I mean, there are really stupid people in this stupid world. I have to say, I am one of those stupid people too.

On Friday night, I kindly gave an advice to a friend in a nice way. Although I'm direct, I was being nice as not to hurt her feelings. After all, it concerns a colleague and it's superior. Not going to mention who. Since it's not so nice for the superior to go straight to my friend, so, I gave an advice to this friend of mine. And I never thought she would take things badly and mistook it for me being interfering with her friendly relationship with the colleague. It was all so bad. And the next morning, the colleague called me! He told me off! I was pissed off! I am not happy! I wasn't in the wrong. I told his superior about it.After the superior talks to him, he cleared the misunderstandings now. Even my friend apologised to me. But, to forgive her? I don't know. Should I? For not thinking twice... urgh! She apologised, but i dn know if I were to forgive her or not. But, oh well. Things are done now. I hope nothing gonna happen again.

I came to work late today. But there was barely anything to do. Lunch, I had a heavy one. Rice with curry, and friend ladyfingers and scrambled eggs. It was not a nice one ar, but a filling one ar.Teabreak time, had bread from Rotiboy. Don't know what so good about it. Than, had 1/2 karipap. Ta-jie said can't eat dinner already liao.But, we had dinner. Ta-jie wasn't too happy about his Chicken curry with Rice, while I'm delighted with my Indonesian Fried Rice. Although it's already spicy, I still had it with sambal and more chillis. he he he.

Things at home haven't been good. I don't know why but everything's just going from bad to worse. I guess, we're all growing up and growing old.

Watched another tear-jerky movie last night. Ladder 49. It's realli heartbreaking.

Have I told you I've watched Full Metal Alchemist finished? The ending's really sad.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Clearing My Mind

I am not very happy today. I am not. But, he cleared it up for me. My sadness. He's my joy. Thank god there was him. There is him. He's my pride, my joy. Clearly, we don't feel like going out. But, cuz I was frustrated, I wanted to go out. I don't feel like isolating today. So, I decided to go to the IT exhibition at Suntec City. Before that, watched Brotherhood. Dad played the dvd. It was a nice one. I don't remember crying when I watched it in cinema. But my tears was flowing when I was watching it just now. Oh boy! What a movie. A tear-jerker it is. War movies always brings out the sadness in you.

Honestly, I've never been to an IT exhibition before. And since it's a Saturday, many people will be there. And I just found out about it yesterday. When I reached there, MY GOODNESS! It was so crowded and I could barely see or capture anything. Except for trying on the the new Sony HDD? or HD? mp3 player. It's heavy. It's not really good, Ken says. Oh well. Went to see the ipod shuffle and thinking that it would have a promoton price, but nope, all price stays the same. Not wanting to go round anymore, we got out of the place. We couldn't take it anymore. Especially him. Sigh.

Went down to Orchard after that to get his LV bag which he sent for repair. He found a nice belt that he's gonna get. Which kinda cost a little whoa! to me, but it's nice.

You know what, I think I look good in mini skirt. Especially I wear casually as in just with t-shirt and sandals. I look kinda good. Oh yeah!

I'm glad I got through it today. I was feeling good today when I go out. I was glad I get to be with him when I'm feeling down.

I know you are always there for me when I need you.... Muackz muackz
As for you, I'm glad you're just a hi-bye acquaintent....

It's almost 3am and all she does is watch chinese shows all the way. She's getting way too muc right now. I can't tahan already siak! Feel like slapping her with words right now. But, it's not nice cuz she's my mother.

At work yesterday, I mean after work, me and ta-jie were suppose to go running but couldn't due to raining. So, we stayed at canteen for awhile. We had dinner there too. Finally I ate something at the Western stall. Had the Black Pepper Chicken with Rice. Yeah! It was nice.And also, we met old dear Garfield. Yup! He's a cat who's big and fat like Garfield. And therefore, the guys called him Garfield. Ta-jie and me played with him for awhile and I took a picture of him, which, he kinda slimmed down a bit. I guess, he's hit th gym too. Ha ha ha!!! Ta-jie wanted me to bring him home to wash him up and bring him back. But you know I couldn't. Dad wouldn't us to bring home any cats. He don't like it.But oh well, I hope he's taking care of himself right now.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Morning... MadneSs!!!

I've been kinda noisy for the pass few days.
I seem to be having mixed feelings. Angry 1 minute, happy 1 minute. Sad 1 minute, cheerful 1 minute. I want to look good, but I get clueless on what to wear. I want to put on make-up, but I get too fussy over which blusher to put on and feels troublesome. Sigh. Troublesome.

Hmm, I wonder why?

Is it me? Is it him? I don't know.

Yesterday I was really cheerful. I don't know why!? I was eating that waffle cake (the ones which everu bakery shops have). For the 1st time, I had the one with chocolate fillings. It was nice. I was happily eating. And than, ta-jie saw my t-shirt, the chocolate filling were dripping down. And it got down to my t-shirt! It was awful! I was sssoooo embarrased! I was so Eww! I spent like half an hour in the toilet cleaning it and drying it. It was really awful. By the time I came out, ta-jie already finishing he's chicken rice and I'm just starting. And eating the chicken liver, oh boy! it was realli one hell of a meal!

Slept amost 1am. After dad got back that is. And after watching the AmericAN iDOL ON sTAR wORLD.tHIS morning I woke up feeling sleepy. It was one of those times where I was willing to wake up but my eyes will be droopy and I would sleep anywhere I could after that. Even on every bus rides or train rides or taxi rides.

My morning can say, it sucks. The printer died on us and gave us troubles. My report was delayed almost 40 mins. Ta-jie called out for teabreak. Got him or Rudy, either one to help me get a plate of prata.Shah's back. I forgot all about him until I saw him at canteen.Others said he was involve in an accident but actually he just hurt his thighs, hamstrings after playing soccer. Sigh, 3 guys, even the victim gae me different stories, those guys, they're realli ar.

Came home early today. Feel kinda cool. Havent been coming home early for quite a long time. It feels kinda refreshing. Nobody's home when I came back. I mean, dad and sis wasn't home. But mom and grandma were having their afternoon naps.

Than, dad bought Brotherhood. The US vers. It's kinda expensive. But I tell you, Brotherhood is a worth one to get it at a high price. He also bought The Incredibles. He called sista about it. He called me earlier after he got Brotherhood.It's really funny, ya!Dad would always report to us when he bought certain dvds.

Oh yes, I had a taste of duck today. Didn't get to taste the duck satay at Lau Pa Sat but I get to taste duck. For the 1st time, I did it. I finally got to taste it. Cuz, I felt like having KFC chickens. Than feel like having some thai fried noodles or thai fried rice.Ta-jie bougt the japanese cakes with cocholate and cheese fillings but i don't feel like eating it. Even the big sotong balls with sambal. I don't want it. Than ta-jie bought me duck noodle. It was nice. It was nicey. Duck. I finally get to taste it. Same like chicken ar. Like no difference.

Okay, I'm feeling kinda sleepy actually. But am gonna watch Brotherhood tonight with dad on the big plasma. Yeah! Hurray!

Sufyan coming over tonight to use the pc and get his ITE confirmation slip.

Dad's on the way to get another tub of Rocky Road. Me and yammie finished it last night.He he!!It's nice, you know.FYI, Rocky Road is a the name of an ice-cream. Marigold, i think.

There's something else I wanna say but seems like I've forgotten about it.

Oh well.

End here for now. I'm gonna continue with Full Metal Alchemist til the last episode!

Oh! I feel kinda bad this morning. Ta-jie gave me his red tumbler to me. He borrowed it to me yesterdae for me to make my peppermint tea. Unfortunately, he doesn't like the taste and the smell seems to stay. And he hated it. 1st h said he borrowed it to me, than he said he give me. I feel bad, you know.
Really bad!
Gonna find a tumbler for him liao.
Die die must replace it.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Dear Diary....

I need to slim down more. I already picture on how good I'll look in a certain dresses or t-shirts or jeans or skirts. Oh yeah!I've slimmed down a bit. Just a bit. yes! A bit. Yes, I will.

I repaint my nails with another coat. It looks a little messy but it looks okay.I'm gonna make meself a cup of peppermint tea now. Than, watch Full Metal Alchemist.

Smsed ta-jie and he still have not reply. Wonder if he's gonna reply tomorrow morning. Sigh.

Seems like Desperate Housewives finish. Sista alreadi out of the room.

It's only the 7th of March and I'm already broke. I rarely broke at this time but this time I'm really really broke.

Okay, gonna make meself a cup of coffee now.

Cik Su was here when I came back. It's nice to see him again.

Speaking of which, want to go KL le!

hungRy???!!! .... Nissin Cup NoodLe

Damn! Bit of my nail polish has been chipped off. Gonna put on the 3rd coat tonight.

Didn't want to come to work today actually but oh well, someone asked me too and I might as well go.

I miss him and I know he misses me too.

Got to work, wasn't hungry but had a papaya. Got scolded by him for not eating.

I really feel like eating fishball noodle at Banquet. Or maybe I'll go there later and have something else instead. I'm wearing white todae, u know.

Okay, gonna continue my work now.


Sunday, March 06, 2005

What's Goin' On

I'm feeling kinda wrecked right now. My head's spinning since I woke up this morning.

Watch a movie on ch5, what's it called?, erm... The Royal Tenenbaums. I think. It was a nice movie. An Owen Wilson movie. It was a nice one. Liya called but didn't answer. I returned her called and talked to Rudy instead. He wanted to asked me and Ta-jie for a swim today but I'm too tired and since I'm suppose to go out with me mum, I couldn't. and Ta-jie couldn't either as he had a wedding to go to.

Oh well, I'm gonna drink coffee right now. I shouldn't be but I want to. Hadn't drank it for a while. Still dreaming of having Coffee bean's Cinnamon Ice Blended. Although I just had it while waiting for that brat cousin of mine.

Oh! My waistline has dropped down to a 33. I feel like a pregnant woman who has just given birth and is trying to lose weight and start wearing all small sizes. Well, the pair of jeans which I bought a year ago and wore it only once cuz it was too tight, was worn again for the 2nd time on Friday. I was late for work and had no time to look for something I really want to wear. So, I just grabbed it and wore it and I was surprise!Ta-jie slipped his finger on my waist and pull the jeans, there was still space even. Yup! I wore the jeans and it's still's an achievement. I managed to lose weight and I'm not giving up.

Ha ha ha!!!
I need to go running again.

Anyway, have you all heard Rob Thomas (the lead singer of Matchbox 20) new single, Lonely No More. I kept hearing it on Perfect 10 and I thought it was Maroon 5. cz it does sound like it's a kind of song which Maroon 5 would sing. It's a nice song.Oh! Check out Blu Cantrell's Hit 'Em Up. not a new song thought but it's a nice one.Songs of boy-bashing or songs abt after a gal's break-up seems to be making me feel good nowadays.

I need another violent movie. Ppl pls, anything to intro me?

I want to watch Finding Neverland. I'm still waiting for my friend to pass it to me.
I can't wait for Kingdom of Heaven. It's another epic movie and like other gals would scream about, Orlando Bloom. There's another epic of his movie which I didn't watch. Troy. Dad bought the dvd long time ago but I still haven't got time to watch it. Oh well. I will one day.
I'm gonna have my coffee right now.I kept saying that! I need to go shower 1st.

There seems a lot for me to say this time. I wonder how long will be my next blog. He he!!

I miss my baby. I know he do too.

Finally, I paint my nails with MAC's dark grey. Finally, I did it. I guess I was feeling restless and fed-up last night that I did it.

I can't wait for my hair to grow long. I regretted snipping it off but well, sometimes people just don't think twice when they make a decision.

Dad's cutting oranges! I want some too.

I better be off. I know there's something else I want to add in but I can't think of it now.
Goodness! I'm still having Coffee Bean's Cinnamon Ice Blended in my head.


Ta-jie bought a new handphone. It's one of the Nokia phone that I loved, N6260. yup yup! he got that. But once he got that, I helped him to carry it. It was a nice phone.When we were walking pass Jubilee, i saw a boy playing with his ball. His mother was calling him out and to go over to her and stop playing the ball. But few seconds later, the ball simply just fell just beside me. Which almost hit my head. & i was holding's ta-jie's new phone. It was scary! Eek!Ta-jie and richard turned and looked at me. Instead of telling me to becareful, they're telling me off if anything ever happen to the phone.Nobody seems to care about me anymore!

Sat down at S11 after that for a drink. Met some people we knew and went off back home after that.

Went for a little frenzy on friday night. I was tired after that but Saturday was another day.Went out for lunch at Seoul Garden with cousin dear, Sufyan and hs friend, Bear. Bear?! I was referring him to being Mr. Bean's Teddy after that though. Ha ha ha!!!
Met out with Ta-jie after that. Not much conversation. There was barely anything we could talk about.I don't think I was partly in the wrong oh but what the hell, I said my sorrys an what's done's done.Took the train back but my leg got really tired. Got down at a specific location and took a bus after that. I was relieved.

I feel like having coffee right now. In fact, I've alrady boiled some water just now but I ended up having Macaroni and ice-cream.

Suppose to be out with mum today but didn't. I was simply just too tired. The weather was great too. It was raining heavily in the morning and although there was sunshine after that, the weather is still cooling.

I went to jon jonsson's blogsite and read his recent blog. He was saying about singapore's couples being reserve due to being stressed out or something.Well, it's quite true, Singapore people are always stressed out and being in a kissing frenzy or something is hard to find. To see a couple in that frenzy situation is definitely hard to find. Maybe he should try Saturday nights. He could definitely find lots of young couples screaming and yelling at each other happily. Hugging here and there, kissing here and there as if no one are around. He just got to be at the right place.


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Escape... NOT!

I am in love with a classic now. After hearing a contestant on American Idol 4 singing, I remember immediately that it's an old song. And it happens to be dad's one of favorite song.It's called I Want To Know What Love Is by Foreigner.

Lovers out there, listen to this lovely track. It's nice.

I'm gonna play it out loud when I do my Algebras tonight.

Ta-jie bought me 'O' levels Mathematics assignment book. It looks kinda scary but I had to go through it. So, well, I can't escape.

All asking for new ones!

My one and only tumbler fell. But I didn't know it was broke until just now when I want to make coffee. It was a sad thing. I've used it for a long time, already 5 years and now it's RIP.

Tsk Tsk Tsk

I'm using ta-jie's tumbler at the moment.

Will find a new one. Maybe the Coffee Bean one which I saw that day or maybe Starbucks one.

Ha ha ha

Even my handphone's giving me problems!

I hate it!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

"What Nonsense"

Did I mention that wen me and Sufyan was on the back home, we were sure there was someone right behind us. And it's true as what sufy thought, the person was wearing white. So, Sufy moved aside and wanting to let the person move along 1st but when he turned, there was no one around. And he couldn't have move to any left or right cuz we were already away from the traffic light.
It was a little spooky and scary as it was already 10+pm at night. But, we styed cool and walked our way home.

He he...

Went back to ITE Bishan to make my changes.
I was even made to write a letter that none of this nonsense would happen.

He hE he

I've swapped Accounts to History.

Came to work today buying ta-jie and rudy a packet of bihun goreng each, and for me too. Shah asked me what I've got for him but I ain't got anything for him as he always go for "jogging" during lunchtime.

Had the nice fishball noodle at Banquet but the fishballs were kinda salty.

I miss you baby.... muackz