Wednesday, May 31, 2006

PaiNt dE SiLeNce

good morning. ok. i slept at 8.30am yesterdae morning and i wonder why. i don't knw. haha!! tj was asking too but i dn knw y. too much coffee? couldnt be. suppose to hv an interview at 10am but decided to change as i was feeling different. gave them a call and they too actually wanted to change the timing. And so, 2pm it is. While the 2nd appointment's changed to 4pm. so, while waiting for the right time to get up, i managed some sleeps.

Woke up realli earli today. It's 9am 2dae and I'll start working tomorrow. Yipee! I'm not gonna screw up anymore. my feelings are now in tact and am now gonna get through this.

i can't wait. The OC. it's doNe! SeaSoN 3. it's doNe! Katlin's back, Ryan got a car, Seth's confessed, Summer still the same oLd biatch, Marissa's.... Urgh! Why? Somebody tell me why!? It can't be! Couldnt it? Would it!? Will She? Will he?

Haha!! Madness! Idiots! Let's check out next fall!

oh no! I can't live without my glasses now.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Friday, May 26, 2006

Looking Back

I found something from an oLd post of mine from January 24th. Maybe I was in the wrong. Maybe I moved too fast. I should have just took these words and considered them again and the move came on to me...
"I'm feeling guilty. I am trying very hard. i am so sorry if i've did anything wrong but i don't want to use you. i am your friend and you are my friend. i hope you do understand."

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Another Bad DaE

Everything seems like to be getting worse. I guess you can never expect things the way you want it to be. You want it less but it comes to you more. You don't want it but it comes to you anyway. All the shits and fucks and idiots. everything in the head, in de mind, in de heart, in de asshole!
what the hell am i babbling? what the hell am i preaching? am i even preaching? what am i saying? you knw, i have gone all crazy. this year, 2006 realli ain't my year. im hoping for a good year in de future. wait! don't hope. wt is de use of hoping if it might nt even come to u. just gotta remember this, things do not come to you as you expected it to be. things will come to you unexpectedly. and when it comes to you, 2 roads are prepared for you. one is de road for when you dont want to accept it and another road is for when you accept it. you will only go into one. but if you're stuck, in de middle, wait! there's no middle road. you will onli get stuck. so watever happened, whatever you'v accepted, whether it's intentonalli or not, MOVE ON! stop thinking about it and move on! Move ALoNg pPL! me! yes! Move aLoNg... stOp bRooDiNg oVeR it...
yes//& so I quit my joB. tts a Wow!

//i wiSh i couLd watch tHiz....

Sunday, May 21, 2006


A really good movie. I know it is a good movie. Just gotta watch it and I have watched it.... MUNICH


Sweet isnt it. My love, Nana, my best fren since we were back in secondary skl days present me with a bouqet (i dn kNw hw to sPeLL it!) of blue roses. I love it. It's de 1st time someone ever present me flowers.


Had a nice breakfast session with her. Always we reminiscing the good oLd times. BaCk where there are no heart breaks, no cryings, no falling in love but just fun fun fun .....

......As sweet as it is, I'm loNgiNg for bLaCk roSes

Surprises always come unexpectingly. Maybe I am expecting too much. Hoping too much. Thinking too much. Reminscing too much. Crying too Much. ...wait! i AiNt cRyiN'

Loving you, Loving Me... Always remember; oNe wiLL aLwAyS bE bRoKeN

cam-wHoRiNg all oVeR aGAiN

kiss me lil toe
yeayea~... i get it
Pure Rocker, Love's Lost, GoaL!
fake iT

nice toNgue


Monday = Work, Home
Tuesday = Home
Wednesday = Bukit Merah, Changi, Suntec City, Home
Thursday = Woodlands, (Bukit Batok Fire Station), Boon Lay, Jurong Island, Home, Woodlands
Friday = Bukit Merah, Home, Jurong
Saturday = Home
Sunday = Home, Yishun, [TBC]

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Past Agendas

Monday = Work, Home
Tuesday = Home
Wednesday = Bukit Merah, Changi, Suntec City, Home
Thursday = Woodlands, (Bukit Batok Fire Station), Boon Lay, Jurong Island, Home, Woodlands
Friday = [TBA]
Saturday = [TBA]
Sunday = [TBA]

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Edge of Eternity

is there any way i could just avoid the whole thing? break-ups, heartbrokens, not-seeing-him and just-be-cool and move-alongs?


i guess not.

One day, I was at work and yammie messaged me saying Ryan Ackwood (The O.C.) is a JERK. I didn't know that there was one just right under my nose.


Experiencing lifes moving on .get stuck in roads you can't escape, which later on you start wishing that you've never been there and questioning yourself questions that doesn't even matter anymore.
The only next worry is just to wait and see on what is gonna happen next.

Whether you like it or not, take it! Devour it! Live with it!

Stupid fate!
Stupid Destiny!

Stupid people living in stupid world.

I wish i'm bugs bunny. I could just die and live whenever wherever however i want and start giving miserable lives to others!

Hah! Idiotik! Madness!

Shuld start go learning black magic.... Maybe I really should go down and have a visit to my relatives far away.

life's a life

good morning people.... good morning to all girls. good morning to all guys. good morning to all kids. good morning to all adults. good morning to all everybody who are feeling good and good morning to all who are feeling bad.

feel how you are feeling but never forget those who are around you. be there if you want to but don't be if your heart says no.

i'm feeling emo.

//shid! am i doing it right?

Friday, May 12, 2006


Spent a little lonely time at K-Box on the Monday tt day & hanged out with Angel after tt. On tuesday, Fida called me out to Holland V for a dinner treat. Which after that, she brought me to a very cooling... I mean COOLING as in freezing place. it's called Eski Bar. I love the place. It's so cool and they even have a room where the coldness is in minus degrees.... some RandoM pixs here.....

some BRIGHT shotz...

de icy bar in the sub-zero room...

leaning onto the icy wall... our fingers went numb for awhile...

...back to our seats in the normal cold temp room

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Don't Ask

aKu nak EMO ar... takleh ar!

Kau ajarkan aku bahagia
Kau ajarkan aku derita
Kau tunjukan aku bahagia
Kau tunjukan aku derita
Kau berikan aku bahagia
Kau berikan aku derita

Monday, May 08, 2006

move aLoNg

i am so naive. yes. i admitted i am naive and i was over-excited. yes, i was. now i'm screwed. i'm fucked. now i'm totally in a world of of dumbasses. why do love change you to become a dumbass? my goodness!! i feel like im a total asshole. i'm de fucking dumd asshole who is so into you and you... right. i have patience. my patience is tested and it has not reach the limit yet. thank god. for me, for you, for everybody.

everybody thinks i'm too soft and i shouldnt have done what i've done. but i've done anyway and right now, i'm told to climb up to the highest rack. maybe i should just do that.

many kinds of words were thrown to me and they are equal to one word.

My dear, open up. you're not even letting anything in and you only want the best for everyone. Yes, there is something wrong with you. Hurting me for a long time and keeping me in the dark for so long has snapped me. When will you actually let it out? Why only when someone knocks your steel door then that you let it out?


It's not easy to answer, right? Oh well... Have a nice life because I am hoping i will get one and I intend to work on it.

Wait - Hate - Late... get what I mean?

My birthday present which you gave me. Thank you so much. I'm glad. understand that part?

from me to you? OR from you to me?

Broken promises But you don't really mind It's not the first time and you know it Don't you know Tell me why it is you only smile inside But when you break me into nothing Don't you know It's not like I haven't tried over and over again Stupid fights, wrong or right Goodbye
I remember when you came with me that night We said forever, that you would never let me go But here I am again With nothing left inside Know I don't wanna But I gotta let you go
You're the one mistake I really didn't mind So beautiful, unmerciful It took me down Too little and too late See now I know your kind You fake it easy just to please me Don't you know It's not like we haven't tried over and over again Sleepless nights, wrong or right Goodbye
I gotta let you go It's you There's nothing I can do

-Angel Ashley Parker, Let You Go

Saturday, May 06, 2006

gurls!!! what year was this?

Siti Juraidah, Siti Mariam, Siti Sarinah,
Siti Saiyidah, Siti Wahidah, Siti Nur Aishah, Siti Nur Aqilah, Nur Raihan, Radhiah, Siti Nadhirah, Siti Nurain
guess.... WHO is who

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Caffeine Rawkz!

i thought i was gonna witness an accident while i was about to cross the road yesterdae but it didnt happen. thank god. a biker went pass me and he horned. i didnt turn. seconds later a car passed by and it horned. i was like, wth! i turned and there was this black cat! in the middle of the road! crossing! walking! jay-walking! walking! slowly! very slowly! the biker was riding straight when suddenly went zig-zagged. the car was at a normal speed when it slowed down.... my thoughts were poor motorists!.... stupid cat! later, the cat was still walking slowly. 2 more cars came. they were in diff lanes but side by side. the car drove fast....
.....i looked at the cat!
.....the cars were coming on it fast! de fast and the furious....
and the cars drove!
......i cant see the cat!
oh no!
is it dead!?
is it flat?

NO!!!!!!!!!!! i was like, "poor cat but you deserve it!"...


de cars drove away and the cat reappaeared sitting still in de lane. it got up and walked slowly to the bus lane. i turned to see if there are any buses coming.
yes! a bus is coming!
i turned....
de cat was still walking slowly, as if it's a VIP and everybody are waiting for it.
i turned...
de bus stopped at the traffic.
i turned....
the cat reached the walking path. it sat down and start licking its ass.... WHAT de FUCK!
bus came....

When I got home. mom was still in bed and dad told me he wanted to get mom to the hospital. So, he called the ambulance and they sent her to TTSH. waited for them to come back, fell asleep on the sofa. too tired. i was realli beat yesterdae. yammie didnt bring her handphone, so i left her some smses. called dad and asked for reports before i sleep.
Morning got up, asked yammie if mom's back and she is. doing fine.
Was almost late for work but thank god i'm not.
Bik Sal and family came over just now.... Sigh.... i'm beat.... Suppose to stay OT today but can't. Should be doing OT tomorrow.

Saturday go vote liao! I 1st time! wah! some people now 30+ then 1st time voters le. Yammie so lucky. 21 already can vote liao. I now mid-20s alreadi than go polling. Muehehe!!! What's so special anyway!? Siao!

go sLeep aR!

Cafe Nova coffees... unsweetened. I loike!

Monday, May 01, 2006


Yammie's little twin was stuck to her before and after she slept. hehe!! cute ain't her? her name's shafiqah. i think that's how it's spelled. i don't knw. *shrug*. anyway, it's her big sister's birthday party that we're attending but she's a little shy and quiet and only smiled after snapping a picture of her. cried even when i carried her. oh man! de lil sista better. sweeter. happening ar. goodness! i'm like bashing lil kids on my blog! wth! what's gonna happen to me when they grow up and read this? or someone else tells them about it?

eeK! skaRy

met new people there too. a person my age. he seems like someone i've seen before but where ar?

anyway, i need a new shampoo ar! but i still love pantene. i love the smell of my hair after using it but dandruffs are coming again and wearing black are ain;t the same anymore. now i'm like so cautious whenever i'm wearing black or any dark colors. back to white i am.... at the moment.
Gotta find another shampoo which is anti-dandruff and has a nice smell. well, i have one shampoo in mine though. Head & Shoulders menthol. de one Yammie is using now. it's good though. tried it before. hmmm... should i change to that instead? maybe i go survey other shampoos 1st.

chey! shampoo also want to survey ar?


i'm having headache since i woke at noon. wth! crapiness!

drinKing coffee now as i'm missing ~44

it's Labor Day but does anybody care anymore?

fuck type! seriously! i don't know why! i cant burn any dvd-rs but i could burn cd-rs... ??? yammie! help!?

Was down with fever the other night. Doing laundries halfway but got yammie's helped to clear it up as I was flat right away. Woke up earli morn with a terrible headache and feeling cold. Turned off the fan and went back to sleep for more rest. Went off to work after that and I felt really weak. I was sitting in the instrument measurement lab with the shawl wrapping around me, de radio playing, my body aching, my head heavy and my body heating up. I need to sweat myself out!
Met baby for dinner after work and Causeway Point was really crowded and stuffy. Went to Al-Ameen for dinner where we had more talk on politic. bLaH! ....why de hell they need pollings anyway? The government's been the same since the day I was born. I'm living in a world-class democratic country, ain't I?
Went back Causeway Point for some things and oh boy! it was really stuffy in there and I really sweating myself out! muahahaha!!!!

Some stupid guys blowed kisses at me which was really disgusting. I was in a hurry to go back home as I really need to pee. Reaching home was a bless and paid dad's money... bLueKz.... aunt didn't manage to transfer money to me as something went wrong and I can't dye my hair now cuz, I'm sick, I'm tired and I need a rest. But yammie's not home right now and now I've got the chance to stay up on pc all night but I can't seem to do it.

Goodness gracious me!

Maybe going back down work for awhile to pick up my uniform. Need washing, you know. Forgot to take it back as I didnt go to my locker everytime I go back for overtime.

What should I do now? Happily reading my book and listening to my mp3, mom come out watch tv puLak. wth!
right nw, im feeling my head kinda heavy and im feeling kinda stuffy. But i don't want to sleep. I don't feel like sleeping.

I want to be with you

seriously, oKay, Kelly clarkson's Walk Away is nice but after hearing her album since long time ago back, I still love her track, Gone. Yesh! It is the song which really calms me down. yes yes...

Year 2006 Romance

Provided by


You've been stricken by wanderlust, and during the first few months of the year, you'll be happiest if you feed your hunger for new scenery and best of all, new experiences. Whether you're exchanging sympathetic looks with a Sherpa in the Himalayas or comparing iridescent seashells with a child in Fiji, you'll discover things about yourself that you had never considered before. But perhaps best of all, you'll unearth new dimensions in your friendships or your relationship with a special someone.

If you have to leave a loved one behind on your travel adventures, your thoughts will turn repeatedly to the small gestures that make your relationship different from any other you've ever had before. You'll realize you truly miss the way your sweetie refolds the newspaper to put your favorite section or puzzle on top, or the way a quick squeeze of your hand can communicate exactly what you're both thinking. Write long letters on hotel stationery or stretched out over multiple postcards. If you can take a loved one with you, you'll fall for those endearing habits all over again, and instead of writing letters, you can whisper passionate phrases directly in their ear.

Meanwhile, if you're single, you won't be able to hide in your solitary lair for long. From March through September, romantic opportunities will fly into your orbit like a moth toward light. Perhaps you'll even meet a candidate for romance on your travels to distant destinations. Work up an appetite for delightful surprises -- your spontaneous new friend is likely to sweep you into an unplanned midnight trip to the sea or suddenly present you with an unasked-for (but secretly coveted) gift.

At the end of the year, be prepared for significant -- and welcome -- changes in your romantic partnership. Is it time to open a joint checking account or to renew your vows? By New Year's Eve, you'll be ready to usher in 2007 with a strong, beautiful partner at your side.