Wednesday, April 27, 2005


it's 2nd dae and i have good news to myself. yup! my sista was de 1st one. my regular schedule is back. yeah! I'm so happy. ~erhm **clears throat*

but now, i'm happy in tiredness.


I'm so tired from yesterdae's skl. it was cool and and practical was great. i never realli learn how to use de manual vernier calipers and now that i have, i'm happy. also, de micrometer we were using yesterdae was lousy. it was lose and the measurement keeps running out of place. Idiot! & we were doing an experiment and no fans were allowed to be on. So, we were all were drowning in the heat of the night and the sweats that we're all letting out. i'm having pains right. last night slept at 0200hrs. ha ha!! watched Initial D 1st Stage, where Takumi did his 1st racing. Seeing old animes, they kinda look so funny.

Oh, to yammie's fren who's borrowing my Samurai X collection, please please please do take good care of it. TLC yar! he he he... I appreciate it.
Actualli, there're few people who are in line for my Samurai X dvds. But, when you got to wait, means you got to wait.

*sob* *sob*

I could watch CSI NY but I didnt. I'm gonna watch de repeat on Sunday. At least, there's something for me to watch. CSI NY, than The Apprentice, than CSI Las Vegas. Yup yup!!

I think I'm gonna be okay later. I'll be waking up in a few hours time. My pains are not so terrible. But, hey, I've got me painkillers.

He he..!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

iNcompLete - BacKstReet bOyS....

Empty spaces fill me up with holes, Distant faces with no place left to go, Without you within me I can’t find no rest, Where I’m going is anybody’s guess

I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you, I’m awake but my world is half asleep, I pray for this heart to be unbroken, But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete

Voices tell me I should carry on, But I am swimming in an ocean all alone, Baby, my baby, It’s written on your face, You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you, I’m awake but my world is half asleep, I pray for this heart to be unbroken, But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete

I don’t mean to drag it on, but I can’t seem to let you go, I don’t wanna make you face this world alone, I wanna let you go (alone)

I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you, I’m awake but my world is half asleep, I pray for this heart to be unbroken, But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete


it's time....

it's few minutes to teabreak time. i'm still thinking if i should go down for break. well, maybe i should. than, lunch i need not eat or maybe I should just eat lunch.

I'm feeling kinda sleepy. I tried to sleep at 2300hrs, after I showered last night but I couldnt. So, I went on to transfer some mp3s for my fren whom had pass his 256 MMC to me. I was thinking of doing it this morning, but I didnt. Than, But when my alarm rang like 3 times, I didnt woke up. Instead I turned it off and slept away. By de 4th time, I woke up. Plus, I was already sweating. Oh boy. Yup. I did.

Monday, April 25, 2005

I didnt knw .....

.....watching The Apprentice would be addictive. Especially when you have no other channels to watch and you're stuck with that.

My Saturday was not so good. Nothing bad happened but something did happened. It was embarrasing. & I troubled someone and I fell a little guilty about it.
I painted my nails with one of my old ZA nail polish. Thought would have dried off by now but it did not. & that night, I watch Initial D 4th Stage til the episode 12 until like almost 0400hrs. I was already tired and sleepy but I was too engrossed in the race that I have to stay put, eyes wide open and watch it. & I did! I watched til de end and I slept straight away & woke up at 1300hrs in de afternoon.

Didnt do anything much (hey! it's a Sunday) except watching Japan Hour, CSI New York, like finally! than went on to watch The Apprentice Season 2 on Star World. I was hooked on it. I watched the whole episode without changing any channel. It was kinda fun. Than, went on to the pc, tried to do some work, chatted with some frens online and went for a nap. I think, it's was a 2.5hrs nap. I woke up and showered just in time for 2100hrs CSI Las Vegas Season 5 on AXN. Than, wanted to continue my work but got fed-up again and went on to watch Naruto 131. sigh. Another draggy and flashback episode. & continued with Bleach 28. Got tired. It was almost finished but I stopped and went on for dinner, read Cleo & 2hrs ltr, start to doze off.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

I am falling in love again....

...with the Backstreet Boys. I have been waiting for them for so long and finally they are out with a damn oh my goodness, awesome sound, with their new single Incomplete. You can go to to listen to the track. Their new album will only be out in June. That's awfully a long time to wait! I can't wait to get my hand on them.

I used to hate HL milk but I love it now & I can't live without it. I don't know. I'm hook to it now.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Barely do anything. ...

...Well, nothing much to be done but I simply cover up everything that are need to be covered. Yup! On the spot. But I'm dragging my filing as usual. Gotta make full use of the time, ya know. Gotta know when to play, when to work, when to study, when to pay attention, when to not pay attention and everything. Muaahaha!!

It's payday today but well, money just poof away like that.

I slept like 0400hrs this morning. Yup! A refreshing one. Ha ha!! I almost got up at 0600hrs but went back to sleep as my eyes were shut closed and can barely opens. It's like, when I opened my eyes, it starts to itch and as if it's burning. So, I was woken up by dad at 0700hrs. I was an early bird at work. Yes. Thank goodness.

Jerk It Out on the radio now.

It's Friday today but the dae is draggy on so Long. Oh when is it going to end?
I can't wait for Saturday.

I wish to get my hands on a pair of high-cut sneakers. Don't care what brand it is, as long they're nice Maroon, or Dark Red or Black. Black? Should I get black? I'll ask Yammie for opinion ar.

It's almost lunchtime. Gonna take out money for some things. Bills and "banks", etc.

Gotta bang my head on the stereo and burst it!
The head or the stereo?
I don't know.
What do you think?
I don't know.
Maybe both la... Better right.

Whatever you say Madam!

Who you calling Madam?

You la?

Who me?

Wah! I'm calling meself Madam sey....

Ha ha ha


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Your Aura is Yellow

Your Personality: Life's too short not to have fun. Your bright energy brings joy and laughter to those around you.

You in Love: A total flirt, you need a lot of freedom to play. But you'll be loyal to that one man who makes you feel safe.

Your Career: You love variety in a job, and you probably won't stick with one career. You would make a great professor, writer, or actress.

What Color Is Your Aura? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Hollaback with a S***...

... I downloaded Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl music video. the Uncensored one. I love downloading music videos too. Only those I like them. I had Britney's Do Something too. I'm starting to download music ideos again now. Ha ha... Like last time. But I always got time to burn them on cd. Ha ha... Now, lazy. Ha ha!!!

I was realli bored in class today. Have no concentration at all and all I think about was going back home, have Hershey's Dark chocolate with HL milk and drinking a hot cup of coffee.

I think I wanna head to KL..... Gonna check out some prices nw...

Ha ha....

.... It's realli funni to see some of my t-shirts which I wore last time was kinda tight at my stomach area. But now, it's just loose.

Oh yeah baby!

It's loose.

There's this t-shirt I got from KL at Sungei Wang Plaza in a Comic Book festival. It was tight when I wore it previously but not anymore. Ha ha... I think I look better in it now.

Felt like eating Rocky Road but there was no more. i barely ate it, you know. I'm drinkin some coffee now. And I'm going to school soon. Maths class today. Sigh

I don't know....

...what I would do If I ever lost my job. Wel, actualli, I've lost jobs many times. The current one? I on't know how it would turn out. I've started in 2000 and now it's almost 4 yrs and I'm still there. oh well, things are not going well.

I am now loading the Initial D live action movie promo trailer. In the official trailer, i don't see any Jay Chou or Edison Chen. But just the cars and the tracks. I can't wait for it. I've always love the anime and yeah! My favorite chinese singer (THE ONLY ONE I LIKE), Jay Chou plays Takumi Fujiwara. And Edison Chen playing Rousuke Takahashi is kinda funny cz Ryousuke is taller and Edison is short. I don't who's Shawn Yue's playing but he should be Ryousuke cuz Ryousuke's taller and Edison is short. Anyway, I wonder who is... who's that guy? Ryousuke's big brother? The Founder of Project D? Argh. Damn.
Anyway, I saw Red Suns in the trailer so I guess they base on the 1st stage.
I know Initial D is originally a Manga (Comic Book in Japanese), than an Anime than, a pc game (is there any?), than PS2. But I didn't know Initial D had Novels too!??? ha ha... Oh well. I'm just interested in the anime. I'm watching the Fourth Stage now and I can't wait for next month, to see Initial D in the cinema. If TJ doesn't want to go, I know who to call.

KYMMY!!!!!!! You better not be overseas when Initial D is out!

I'm at home. In misery. I miss all YOU out there. Will be going to school later. Oh yeah. Maths today. Gotta take my medicine later.


Monday, April 18, 2005

Monday Blues

I am realli not in the mood today. Just for everything. I am happy to see someone but I am just not in the mood. For everything. I feel bad about everything and I am feeling miserable. I don't feel like working, I don't feel like schooling, I feel like I'm being a dumbass today and I like it.

I woke up earli but itchiness came and I went back to sleep. Mom got mad cz I everytime go to work either late or half day. Yes yes, I know. TJ gave me a ticked on the head for being naughty. I mean, for coming late.

And 2dae, the best thing is, there's only me and my storekeeper working. Although the shipping guy and the store back-up guy is here but the main store ppl, there's onli me and my storekeeper. The rest, they're all on MC. I wanted to come earlier but I didnt. Sigh.

2dae is realli a slacky day. Everything's are just not in the right tune. It's raining too.
I see how la, maybe I'm not going to school today. It's English, I might get my homework back today but, sigh, see how la.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

It realli scares me....

.... if you could just get hook onto something and just stay there to watch it.

I mean, I see myself watching my downloaded animes and The OC 2 in front of my pc when i have nothing to do. And I basically can't stop watching it and would want to know what happen next in de next episode and would carry on watching until few hours and in just a glance, you see that the day's getting dark or alreadi dark. Doesn't it scare you if you just slouch in your couch or chair and watch those shows non-stop?
I don't want to be that guy who plays his PS2? Nintendo? Sega? or what at home, sleeping, eating, basically do everything except for toilet breaks in his couch all day and that it needs few people to get him off and finally clean him up, cut his hair, shave his beard and moustache off and throw him in the mental hospital for treatment.

Those who don't remember that story, it was in The Newpaper last year. It was on de cover page.

Okay, I don't do it often. Cuz I'm always out from Mony to Friday and sometimes Saturday and mostly Sunday i my sleeping day. But I'm feeling fine today and will be going out tonight.
So, beng scared of seeing myself doing that is just a tiny alarm for me to not do it all de time.

Oh boy! I've got laundries to hang out. It's so hot out there. I think I'm gonna lie down for awhile.

Okay, I've watched Naruto til 130 & Bleach 27. Thought of continuing to Initial D but I guess not. My back's getting tired. Gonna go sms my darling the usual and gonna lie down for while and than do de laundry and off to shower and meet up my fren....

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Bless me....

...let me just recap that I've done for the day.

I woke up at 12 noon. I showered. I checked on Ares on what are being download. All done, I turned off the pc. I went into my room, watched tv as I cleaned my black nails. I mean, I was having black/dark grey nail polish on and was cleaning it off. Thinking of putting blue on but I thought tomorrow night would be best. Continued watching tv after that and laze back again in my bed. Had my breakfast-cum-lunch, therefore, it's called "brunch". I believe so. Than, I continued watching tv as I sms-ing with tj. i continued watching tv after that and after that, I decided to hit to the pc. Thinking of changing my layout but i don't know how to and I was out of idea. And also, my fren is not at home, which I believe she is in some chalet. And so, I watched anime.
I watched Initial D Fourth Stage. I've already watched episode 2, so, i continued ... oh I think I updated my blog before that. Did I? Hmm. I forgot. I seem to have STM (=Short Term Memory, courtesy of my "girlfren", Angel). I watched Initial D Fourth Stage episode 1 & 3 & 4. I think.
Wanted to to go out but have no idea where to or what to do, so I figured I'd just stay home and slouch and laze around.
After watching Initial D, I continued downloading the rest of Initial D Fourth Stage episodes, I went back to my room and start reading. Yup! I'm readin. I read my History book til I fell asleep. The weather's cooling too as it was raining heavily.

=you know, Caesar's Jerk It Out really makes me want to shake my body to the tune. It's really those stuck-in-the-head song. Just like what MTV would describe=

I took a short nap for like 2hrs. Woke up after hearing someone opened my door and shut it back. I woke up, wash my eyes and lie back in my bed and watched cartoons on Carton Network. They have this one cartoon, which I was watching just now called, something something Imaginary Friends. Yup Yup!! Than tj called. Which makes me warm. For awhile. But I was happy.

=He's so sweet. Oh he is....= Stop it Siti! You're way too much!+ No I'm not!+ =Yes You are! Shut Up!+= You know What I mean.... OKAY! ENOUGH ALREADI! Let's just listen to my Mp3 and type out my BLOG! fuck= //$3.00 for that Miss!||

Than I got up, hit the pc, download Naruto 130 & Bleach 27, tj told me it was out and I had to download it. Than I smsed him asking for the new opening and ending songs from Bleach. I than continued watching The OC 2.
And it's just funny to see Dad, on the red couch, watching soccer, slouching it with his left leg up the small cushion stool. While I'm on my green chair, slouching and my left leg up on the lime green Ikea stool, watching The OC 2. Yup! All the way to episode 18. It's kinda cool to finish it all. Now, we just have to wait for like another few weeks and start downloading again.
It's like everything I'm downloading now are on it's limit already. You finish downloading one, you gotta wait again for another week before you can start downloading again for the next. Even the same for Initial D Fourth Stage. It's only like up to episode 12 now.

Well, I'm done after this. Don't what should I eat for dinner, although I'm not really hungry. I might just hit my room, hit my bed and hit the tv and hit for the snooze.

Yup yup!!

love you all..... muackz muackz

Friday, April 15, 2005

Normal.....? I don't know. What do you think.....

...Stress? Sigh. Maybe I am.

I fell when my colleague stepped on my shoe. I fell flat on the ground and he fell on top of my right. My hand hurts.
I feel a little irriated at times. I don't know why. My goomy-gloomy moody is coming anytime soon. I already got the feeling of it now. TJ knew exactly y when I start having that. He's been a sport. Cheering me and up and all. I feel bad sometimes but I just adore him. He's so sweet.
I had 2 radish spring rolls with sambal and a slice of papaya for lunch. I wasn't really hungry but I had to eat something. Or else, I might get knock on non-stop.
At Maths, I got a little naughty. My teacher came late. I stick one earphone on my right ear and played my cd softly. Doing the exercises and listening to my teacer well. Bought a cd-r and 2 pack of HL milk. Helped a classmate kicking a vending machine cz it ate our 40 cnts. It was horrible. But I remembered the incident at YCKSS. I bought a can drink for $1.10 but the drink didnt came out. I tried to get my money back it wouldn't come out. So, I kicked it, and I got my $1.10 bck, including a 20cnts. Ha ha!!

I woke up earli this morning but I was late. So, I told my storekeeper that I'd come at 9am. But I was too tired that I decided to take half day and went back to sleep. I got up after that to shower and wore my Darth Vader t-shirt, it's a nice t-shirt u knw! he he!! And I put the straight milk lotion by Loreal on my hair and straighten it using Angel's straightening iron. I'm gonna get the Hot Iron Straightening Loreal lotion. Yup! My hair's is neater with the straightener. It's realli hard to maintain at this point.
I was looking pale at work. Thought of eating rice but I ate something else instead. People were saying I was looking pale and indeed I was. My body was shaking. I felt cold. TJ said I was feeling hot when he touched my cheek and forehead. I was having a headache. All due to not enuff sleep & not enuff eating. Others told me not to go to school as I was in a not good situation. TJ even told me to go back after seeing my condition after awhile. But I insisted on going. I felt tired and dizzy in class but I felt better after awhile. I even did my homework after the break while he was explaining some points. He he!!! I don't know how mne actualli hand over the homework, but there were few who didnt came to class. History may have lots of talking and explainations in class, but it's interesting to learn about what happened in the past. And how stupid some Nations can be.

After I got back, mom got a little furious over me not taking care of the wound and not going to her to change de small plaster bandage. I took a quick shower and had her clean and treat the wound. It's onli 20% ok. But it's ok la.

What the hell!

Am I falling in love with you? I am scared to think that.......

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I wish I was on a....

...Holiday. Yes. I wish I am holiday right now. Actually, I'm planning to go KL again. Yes. I want to go there again.

Anyway, my day today was absolutely, I don't know what to say. hmmmm......
I got up earli morning, showered, go to work. I had been early these few days, which had been good. Yeah! I came to work and I have no idea what happened to her, she was wow-ing over me. saying i've slimmed down, wearing my hair nicely, new bangles and everything. de thing is, i havent been wearing any new bangles. and she even said i'm wearing new belt. and de thing is, dt white belt i got was last yr.... oh boy! poor gurl... not much thing to do anyway. Had a lot of fun times at work too. Ha ha!!

Morning teabreak, i sounded the makcik at the canteen. Everybody's been complaining on how expensive de foods are, how little they gave and how not nice it is. And so, I had the mee goreng, I was totally hungry but I dn care, So she said $2.50. I said okay. She place the mee goreng in the plate, one egg. Looking at the mee goreng, it was realli little. So, I told her to add some more mee goreng as it is $2.50. Yup! She wasn't too happy about what I said, but I don't give a damn. They better improve better or they will lose more customer. In fact, the stall didn't realli do veri well.


Lunchtime, had papaya onli. Chatted and arguing and debating with ta-jie. I love it when we have dt kind of conversation. Than, jokes and pranks around with my store colleagues. Working time almost ended and I almost took off my storekeeper's jeans. He didnt even retaliate. Spectators came running to see while I make a run. Ha ha!!!
It was raining still and we sat down at canteen for awhile. Wait for the rain to stop than we went off. It wasn't realli very late....

Sigh. Funny things happened at work and it all happened really fast. It was realli fun day today. The weather took me off for awhile, making me lose my senses and mad and crazy and gila and siao cha-bo... ha ha!!!

Okay la, I want to eat cup noodles but nyai still up and mom still watching de irritating chinese shows. Sigh.

Wouldn't it be nice....

.... If you could just for one moment, have that great person to be with you and have a fun nice conversation? You would agree, disagree, argue, gossip, confide, everything all in one. Raising your voices, giving up options and suggesting.

Wouldn't it be nice?

I had mine. Not all the time and It is really a great way to really say out everything. Not matter what slips out your mouth, it's just amazing when ...oh! what am I babbling...

=Why don't you just Do Something!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Monday, April 11, 2005

It's running out... black nail polish. So, it's onli available on de 3 fingers of my right hand. My toes, i've painted red nail polish. He he...!!

Work today, was like sucks. There were work to do. But, it was freezing. It was like freezing the whole day. And my body wasnt feeling good. I even had a headache. Good thing I still have my painkillas. Took it, and I was fine after that. Only had sweet potato for breakfast. Didn't eat anything during lunch. And also, some ppl, they tend to get sensitive over small matters. I mean, I am a sensitive person too but hey! you want to be sensitive, you gotta have the logic there too. See if it's worth it to get sensitive over. if it's not. What for? Right!


School was fun. I thought I was gonna skip but I still went. TJ said yes to walked me to school and although he was in a hurry, he still did. He was so sweet. He's like so sweet that oh! I couldn't resist him. He's my man! He's mine!


Adik dah kluar dah! Saya punya turn pulak nak mandi!
Ta ta!!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Here's the thing....

I can barely do anything. I have no room for myself. I cannot do what I want to do. I am pressured. I am having a headache. I am all alone. I am sick. I am totally out of my life! The weather's hot. I am inproportionate.

Why must this happened to me? Am I being test? Am I being judge? Am I being reprimanded or something? Why? Why? Why?

Sigh. I don't know what else to say.

Sent LinZ off just now. Together with her parents, Kymmy & bro and bf and Jesse. LinZ told me to study hard and yes I will, although I am suffering from stress and pressure right now.
Got dad to help me on Malay and he provided me with some simple and high Malays story books and novels and also a Malay dictionary and a dictionary that translates Malay to English.

That's cool huh.

I'm kinda hungry. What did I ate this morning? Nothing. Why? Cuz I woke up late at 12 noon. So, what I ate this afternoon? Grandma even questioned me what I ate. Everybody's getting worried over me not eating and over-eating. Chill yo! I know what I'm doing. And darling, don't worry, I'm not gonna get another gastric pain. Well, this afternoon I had 2 hotdogs with a cup noodle, Tom Yam flavor. I'm gonna get killed if mom finds out. And what did I have for dinner? Nothing. Not yet. I don't know. Should I eat? It's already night time. But I'm hungry!? Well, my darling says eat. So, I eat. But what if I don't eat!? Oh cut the crap and just eat! I barely had any full meal in a day!


me??? Champion?

ENFP - The Champion
You scored 63% I to E, 36% N to S, 47% F to T, and 52% J to P!
Your type is known as the Champion type, which is part of the larger group called idealists. Nothing occurs that does not have some deep and ethical significance in your eyes. You see life as an exciting drama. You are very charismatic, yet tend to be too harsh on yourself for not being as genuine as you think you should be. 3% of the population shares your type.
As a romantic partner, you need to talk about what is going on in your life. You are a strong supporter for your partner's efforts to grow and change and be happy. You need to feel that same support from your partner. Expressive, optimistic, and curious, you are eager to enjoy new experiences with your partner, whom you wish to be your confidant and soul mate, as well as play mate. You are uncomfortable sharing negative emotion, though, and tend to withdraw from confrontation and process your feelings privately. You feel most loved when your partner appreciates your creativity, accepts your uniqueness, and sees you as the compassionate person you are. You need to hear your partner tell you how much you mean to them and would love if they did thoughtful spontaneous things to demonstrate it.
Your group summary: idealists (NF)
Your type summary: ENFP

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Link: The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on Ok Cupid

Oh boy.... How long have I not been......


Anyway, what have I been doing this whole week? Hmm, let me see....

Monday = I went to work. I went to school. I went back. I sleep.
Tuesday = I went to work. Had a little small tiny-weeny prob. I went to school. I went back. I sleep.
Wednesday = I went to work. I wore my Tommy-Hilfiger shoes. Got another blister and the skin was peeled and this time of my left leg. Blood was spread on the shoe. I took time-off. Angel too. She came home with me. Download and Upload and exchange mp3s. She went back. I ate dinner. I watch Casshern. I sleep.
Thursday = I went to work. I didn't go down for teabreak, I brought Mackerel sandwich. I didn't go for lunch. I try doing my English homework, I couldn't. I tried hard. I think. I cried. I continue doing my work. I was bored. I was totally bored-stiff. I asked OJ lots of questions about him and his girlfriend. I finished work. Asked ta-jie for $$$. Went to J8 and had dinner. Ta-jie bought t-shirts. Than bought bdae pressie wif ta-jie for Angel. Than went to school. Was not late. Yeah! I went back. I sleep.
Friday = Another boring day. Came earli to work. Went down for teabreak. Bought curry puffs. 1 for me and 1 for ta-jie. He came down late. The others went back up and I joined Sebas and OJ. Continue working. Also emailing with Angel. Lunchtime, was chased and grabbed and pushed by ta-jie. He was strong but I ran fast. Why? He was trying to dig my ears and I didn't let him. Than he asked me to dig his by I was scared. So I didn't. He was busy. Continue working. Finished work. Went to school. Revised the whole thing on last week's topic. Got my 1st History homework. Finished school. Went back. Sleep.
Saturday = Woke up. Watched tv. Went out. Helped ta-jie choose a nice red cap. He bought it. I wore it. Came back. Watch dvd. Angel came over. Mom found out about my left leg. She was furious. Angel went back. I showered. Mom treated my wound.
Sunday = Now online. Updating blog. Will be doing the laundry a little later. Going to airport to see LinZ off.

And what else? I went to the library and read up some malay books and I was clueless. My malay is bad. I can barely understand it. It's bad right? I also know.

To date, I have English homework. Maths revisions. Science is killing me. History homework to be done. Malay to catch up.

Yammie out now on a chalet.

I'm tired but I'm bored and when I stay home a lot, I'm tired too.

So how?

I also don't know.

Don't care ar! Fuck it man! I'm broke. Oh boy!

I haven't been feeling good lately. Why??? Is it me? Is it you? Is it "us"? What doees the "us" mean? I don't know. But I'm glad that you really care so much for me. I care for you too. I miss you. Muackz....

Sunday, April 03, 2005

The OC

Whoever is only starting to watch the The OC Season 2 on Ch5 is really poor.

Catch UP ppl!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

You know how exciting it is.....

.....When you start your classes for the 1st time. I had my 1st History class last night. Sitting in it, I was sleepy. I was really sleepy. Than there was this guy, who seems like a smart aleck and his loud. Than there is this other guy who seems timid and keeps looking around and especially looking at the big guy like as if he's nervous and scared and shy all in one.

What is wrong with the people around?

Than, There's this girl, who came in, thinking she's in the right class. And once she saw the whiteboard had "HISTORY" written, she was pai-seh, got out and went to her rightfully class. He he!! Poor her.

Being in History class is like listening to the teacher telling a story. And listening to just one story, lots of details in words and numbers and names are to be remembered. Oh boy! I've got like 4 pages full of History notes just in one night, 3 hrs class.

Dad's brother had a surgery just like my father did last time. It's due to Hernia that they had to go for it. He called my dad last night at work after he had gone for the surgery. Dad asked him why didn't he called earlier, and he said, "Cuz last time I laughed at you about it, and so, now I called you after the surgery. Cuz if I called you earlier, you'' laughed at me."

Ha ha haha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

I was being a kiddy yesterday. I felt bad. But he didn't took it seriously. He was cool about it. He was even trying to cheer me up. But today, I was feelin' good. He is a dear to me. He is....

Gwen Stefani's Hollaback Girl is happening babe!

Bought my History textbooks already. Damn heavy man! Bought the Malay Sec 5 textbook too. Need it for revision, ya know. I wonder why they don't have Malay assesment book. Didn't get the Malay workbook as it was out. Bought a cheap haversack too. So, I don't have to carry slings all the time. My shoulders are gonna be build anytime. I'm like carrying weights everytime I go to school.
Last night, bunked in Yammie's room to copy my notes, did my revision and do my homework. I believe, my English is not good now. I need to write a report in between 250-300 words but I only end up with only 160 words. That's bad.

A damn large black head was squeeze out just now. The one that I've been trying to get it out for months and weeks and days, is now out. Thanks to my baby.