Saturday, October 29, 2005


" believed that pressures of time and stress at work were to blame for their forgetfulness." -Liang Min, Dare magazine, October 2005 issue

"..."If you cared about me enough, you would have remembered." It's very hard for us men to deal with the "If you cared enough" argument because the concept of forgetting an anniversary often does not, in our own scheme of logic, equate to us not caring." -Liang Min, Dare magazine, October 2005 issue

"We men, on the other hand. care about YOU, not the date. The date to you, could be the memorable moment when you knew he was the one. But to many of us, that date will be just another Tuesday. Sorry, but many guys don't think anniversaries are that big of a deal, ...." -Liang Min, Dare magazine, October 2005 issue

Got those quotes from Dare magazine, October 2005 issue. Girls, take note of those things. We should understand our guys. Like my guy, he is one of those as the above. I have got to understand those things and sometimes I just had to resort to make him remember our dates or whatever due to his forgetfulness but at times, we just have to understand their situations.


Monday, October 24, 2005


Ayumi Hamasaki's Heaven is so nice. It's also the soundtrack to the movie Shinobi.

Anyway, felt a little sleepy today but I didnt oversleep today. I woke up on time to go to work and as always, took time to choose what to wear. Haha!!
As the surprise-surprise that tj wants to give me, I knew it was nothing but, I guess, well... I dyed my hair blue-black, and he dyed his hair brown! And with his outfit todae and hairstyle, he's realli realli sexy & gorgeous. Can I use gorgeous for a guy? He looks realli like a "big brother" of a bike gang. Haha!! At one point, he changed his hairstyle and it was realli ugly that it makes him look like an ah beng siak! I insisted he redo his hairstyle. Thank god for me keeping hair wax at work. But, mine not de harden one la.

Okay, Im loving tatu's All About Us. So what's about Lesbians? Haha!!

Free preview to a movie tomorrow, Domino. Keira Knightley. Yes ah!

Go bath now.... 10.30pm got American Next Top Model.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven

I've finally watched it. And until now, Jerusalem is still in war. People are still fighting over Jerusalem. Christians, Jews, Muslims. I mean, what are with those people? Can't they just live in peace in one land and in harmony?

I hope those statemens won't put me in trouble though.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

tempted to touch - rupee

started my childish-jealousy-boredom-moody self again 2dae. tj looking realli japanese but i love the style.

wore the gundam seed destiny tee dt he gave me.

i forgot to bring a jacket.

lil bit of de dye fell on my t-shirt and stained it. thank god it's a lil bit. tj spotted them. well, i knew it would happened.

Moon Child

When I got back home last night, Moon Child was on Channel U. I've always wanted to watch that movie. 2 reasons. Japanese rockers, Hyde of L'Arc En~Ciel was in it and GACKT! oh yeah! They were great. It was sad.... They died in the end. It's realli. Oh boy. Hyde, he was kinda soft and Gackt, I heard him spoke Chinese in the Dohmoto Brothers show before but he could speak more. I want to watch it again cz I missed the 1st hour.....

Oh, tj got his haircut in Japan and damn nice siak! Like Joe Odagiri!

Off to work now. Woke up late. Well, watched the move until like 2.30am. Realli long siak the movie.

Friday, October 21, 2005


had flu vaccination jab today. i was scared. yup! after a long time of no needles poking into my skin for 10yrs, i've become scared of needles. a nurse was hugging me and stroking me hair and asked me what i like and stuff to cool me down. a sissy i am lil bit, i almost cried. hehe!!! paisey!
everybody there, incl. the HR ppl were laughing at me.

my baby's back. yeah! he got a damn cool haircut! love it. been bothering him to cut and now finally he did. he got me an poster of an original drawing, drawn by an artiste of a brand AN A & an original Gundam Seed Destiny t-shirt. It's nice. funny thg, he asked me if it's ok. I mean, de
gifts he got. were they enough. he still have some keychains he said. asked me if i wnt. haha!! they're nt realli nice though but, de t-shirts enough. am gonna wear it tomorrow... hehe!!!

dyed my hair blue-black de other night. de smell of Garnier's hair dyes realli kills me. oh boy! de smell is still on me hair now. Although i've washed my hair few times. & de next day....

I had science (phy/chem) practical exam. Oh boy! my first time. How do I feel?
Nervous, of course.
I even though of not going. Even thought of not coming. Thought of being absent. But, I did not. I went. I reached Orchid Park Sec, I walked to the reporting class and went to the lab and there I am, seated at the right hand corner of de front desk. All alone. De table behind me was empty. Beside me, empty. No one. Loads of them didnt turn up. Oh well. Later, after awhile, the invigilator wrote on the board, "Pls take note that everybody are to be quarantined until 1.30pm after the exam."... I though, yeah right. Thank goodness I brought my book cuz my fren warned me about the quarantined.
Over in the hall where a whole lot of us, private students and students of Orchid Park were quarantined, I chat up with a girl. Well, she kinda followed me as she was alone. So, instead of just reading my book, I chat her up. She didnt bring any books or wateva. So, we chatted all de way until 12.30pm. After that, I buried meself into my book.
When time's up, i hurriedly went to get my handphone. Poor little things they are, kept in envelopes and stuff into plastic bags. those gadgets look like plastic toys bought from the market.
As I got mine, there were 3 missed calls and 1 sms. Hehe!! It was my tj.

Slept all de way once I got home and off to maths class after that.

It was a cold day and a cooling night.

coMing bacK woRk tmR. aiyah.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

hopes for the best, huh?

somehow, my boredom-ness is here again. Not that I don't have anything to do. I do. But, I feel like as if i'm at the point of limitations. I'm too stupid to think like that. I feel so tire out of doing anything. I feel that I do not have any motivations to do anything anymore. I feel tired of just moving and nothing's change.
Stupidly, I'm basically saying all that to myself. I whined to myself that I'm hopeless ad I poor those people who kept on encouraging me. I am so sorry everybody. I hope by saying this, I'm not letting those people down. Because right now, I am really really trying my best.

Well, went on MC today. Had gastric. I guess, I am a gastric queen now. Sigh. I don't feel motivated to go back to that current workplace of mine too. It's too sickening to be there. The people just suck and all they want to do is just help themselves to the gossips and stupid untrue news. Erm, isnt that gossiping too?
One would just be too busy creating rumors and spread them non-stop and embarras others when he didnt know that he's actualli hurting that person's feelings while when people actualli do the same to him, he feel fucked up that he wants to screw that person up & down. Well, I think it's uselss because a person like him is useless and I wish I could screw him up & down. Well, actualli i've sabo-ed him once when I made him go to the conference room, meeting up face to face wth a customer and the big shots. Ha ha ha!!! That was hilarious. I've not done that for a long time.
I'm feeling rather eekiness right now. I'm having migraines too nowadays which really is bothering me. I guess, I've had enough sleep for the day and would like to feel fresh for the next and next and next days. Gotta be ready for the following papes which I need to be acquaintance with.

I wish I could speak Japanese, in all dialects of course, I wish I could... you know, maybe I should just stay in one corner until I found a bottle with a genie in it and than i would rub it and than de genie would come out and than it would grant me 3 wishes.

Hahaha!!! Stupid people only will think stupid things like that. Don't you think so?

I really need to think things through. Sigh. I'mm too busy day-dreaming and night-dreaming!

Siti! Wake up!

Everything's so difficult. People say so easy but it is so hard! You know! It's like you got an egg and the shell is so hard to crack that you get so frustrated. And when you could finally crack it open, there's already a chick inside it.

I'm babbling nonsense again.

Seriously, I'm just tired. I'm just giving useless and stupid excuses and I'm just practicalli, plain lazy.


Monday, October 10, 2005

Cold as in a "cold feeling"

i guess, "call you back later" means "see you tomorrow". i really gotta remember that now. somehow, i'm kinda tired. waiting and understanding, waiting and understanding, waiting and understand.

Went back to work today. Really not in the mood. It was cold. The office was cold. Hate it when it's cold.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


does being rich means you have to be a spoilt-brat? does being rich means you could say whatever you want? does being rich means you could do whatever you want?

if those are what being rich means, I rather not. Because, whatever you do to other people, the same thing might happen to you too. Don't you think?

But, if watching Rich Kids: Cattle Drive is a sin, then I'm sorry because I'm hook on it.

Seeing those bitches and jack-asses on the mountain trying to get those herds moving are really fun!
I think that Fabian is hot and Noah Blake is suave... haha!!

I'm crazy.

I need a break. Again!

mine, isnt it?

i don;t remember you helping with the stool. think frst before you talked, is that okay? im asking nicely.

anyway, if it's my room, than it's my room you're seeing.

mine, isnt it?

i find it sickening. all they know is just talked. they don't help but they just talked.

okay, so, they can't help due to certainties. so, okay, i keep quiet but why must they talked? i mean, shut up! it's my room! if you are going into my room, than you're going to see my room! i don't care anymore. and since when did you help with the tools? i don't remember you doing it. think first before you talk. i've been keeping quiet all this while, so, you keep quiet too!


try it. after awhile, i have finally figure it out! thanks to my stupidity, it
took me a week to figure out how to actualli to moblog.

haha!! don't you know it's kinda cool to blog without a laptop or a pc or wateva but onli with just
ur handphone. of course, you might need those plans with lots of SMSes and MMSs.

haha!! check it out...

check out mine...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Still hurts

i dn knw why but im feeling rather tired. im feeling veri veri tired that i had a nap this afternoon. i was having a heavy headache and i even felt cold. nearing to break fast time, mom woke me up. once i could consume food, i took 2 panadols and had my break fast right after that.

i've been in front of my pc since then. watching Naruto (catching up you know), The O.C., somehow that new guy looks kinda cute. And then now, watching Bleach (catching up you know). I also had pancake and egg just now. And now I feel like having curry.

Maybe I'll cook some little curry for meself. Hehe...


im back. from the freezing genting highland.

never knew it was so damn cold until we reached there. went on 5th Oct '05. it was raining heavily when i was gg to de designated pick up point. it was raining heavily badly that i came up with a fre alternative movements on how to get to toa payoh. in de end, i took a feeder bus to yishun mrt and took train from there. to avoid getting wet much. when fida came to meet me, she was wet. oh boy! got onto the bus at abt 6.45am and off we go to genting at 7am. there were hassles no hustles. the custom chekpoints were amazingly empty. happening.

we were asleep in the bus all de way in the journey. yup! and only to find out later that I do not have auto-roam. so, with fida's help, i called mom and then starhub and got my auto-roam activated. it was a blessing cz tj called me few hours later. it was a lovely sound to hear after a very long journey which we still have wait another few hours b4 getting to genting. when we got there, it was cold. veri veri cold. veri cold like when i was in my office. but colder and the air was fresher. anyway, when we got to First World Hotel to check-in, to our another surprise, there was not many peeple and we do not need to queue. Just when I got my number to go to the check-in counter, Fida was already at the counter, calling out to me to be hurry cuz our number was alreadi called.
Haha!! madness! Got into our room 10 mins later and yeah! it was at de 10th floor and it's not veri high! yeah! When we got into our room, de room was a standard one. It was small as before but this time the toilet they're separated.
What I mean is that, toilet bowl another room and shower another room. And the sink, outside. Well, talking about a cheap trip. At least, you got a place to stay, right? we laid down in our beds, get under our blankets, turned on the tv and watch th brazilian drama. or isit spanish? now that I think of it. But I still think it's a brazilian drama. after that, continued to Thailand drama. Haha!! The Thailand drama sucks actualli. There were alot more music and their story and the way they act were funny. Anyway, went for karaoke after that. Singing and screaming songs after songs, I received a sore throat after that.
With the 4 drinks that we got, Fida had to finished up de 3 ice-lemon teas while I filled up my water bottle with another one more cup left. And the titbits, i packed the rest of them for break fast. By the time we got out, it's 6.30pm. while we were walking back to first world, we found a rainbow which looks so damn nice. had Marrybrown for break fast. the vegetable salad is so damn nice. I thought I wanted to take de coleslaw but i saw vegetable salad, so i took it and fida tot it was nice too. Haha!! Went around for a little shopping. Got meself a flowery shirt. Than after some other browsings, went over to Starbucks to chill. Haha!! funny thing is, because the weather was really chilling, we got too chilled. What de hell am I babbling? I bought meself, instead a hot cup of coffee, I got Espresso Frap. Haha!! And a Tuna Tom Yam Danish pastry. It was so nice cause the pastry was so hot and eating it in the cold weather was so nice. After that, of back to our room, showered and rest. Not really rest but, talk and watch tv and jz lie down in our bed til we lost in our dreams.

The next morning, I quickly woke fida up as I need to go sahur. it was alreadi 5am and i didnt knw that the macdonalds was on 24 hours, so, instead we went to first worl cafe and wasted RM21 on their little servings food. Sigh. Got back to our room and back to sleep. Woke up at late afternoon. Went to get our movie tickets and than start wondering what to do next. Walked and walked, we ended ourselves in the arcade. the only place where we sweat ourselves out.
Haha!! I asked fida along to play that drum things and my sticks were bad, it was broken. when i tried fida's, it was too hard. haha!! played some games and after that, i asked fida to teach me how to play pool. And so, off we were to play pool. I did okay in pool. I cant say that i suck at it cz it was my 1st time playing. fida was a nice teacher, she was a patient one. haha!! i practiced
and practiced and in de end we played and we stayed in there until like 6pm. we continued walking around before finding a place for break fast. my decision again, so off we go to Pizza Hut. spent like RM74 there. Packed back our pizzas and desert. Went around to get some other stuffs needed, than off to Starbucks again for coffee and than off to our room for our beds and tv. Yeah! At 11pm, we got out and off to our movie. FlightPlan. It's a damn good movie. I bet dad will get the dvd. Well, de most will rent it. The movie's good. The cinema was a warming place. If there's no hotel in genting, i would sneak meself into that cinema theatre and sleep in there. Went to MacD to get some food for earli sahur but instead, I just got a cup if coffee only. Went back to our room after that.
Can't sleep. More tv. CSI Miami, CSI Vegas, Alias, malay dramas and than, Love's Labour's Lost. Seem like a nice movie. Almost to 4am, Fida still can't sleep, dragged her along to macD with me to get some food. I got meself a cup of coffee again and McEgg. After that, tried to sleep but still can't. Few hours later, forced meself to sleep and yeah, I did. Woke up de next morning, showered, prepared to go back but instead of checking out at 12 noon, we checked out later. I wanted to leave at 2pm bt fida says after the malay drama (that we were watching).
We got out after that, leaving the keys in the room, which we thought is a big problem but apparently it's not. so, off we go to the arcade, to redeem back our RM3. but, we both have RM1 left. So, one last game and got our RM3 back.

Haha!! Walked around again and than off to the coach bay to wait for our bus. Our bus were approximately 40-50 mins late. It was freezing. It was raining so damn heavily that the fog was surrounding us. When we saw de bus arriving, we were 2 happy people. Hoping that it'll be warmer inside but no! It was still cold. So, we just drowned ourselves in our sleep. Hurting our backs and legs.

Got to Lucky Garden around 7.30pm. I had fishball noodle and cup corn and fried tuna sandwich. Nice! It was fulling. When I got back home, I wasn't in the mood to talk or anything. All I did was just showered and than, SLEEP! Pixs of our trip here.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

With You+

it's de 1st dae of fasting month. Happy Fasting Month to all Muslims out there. Have fun!

That sounds like I'm mocking people le. So bad! Well, dont take de wrong idea, because im not.

Anyway, got some stuffs I need to carry for my trip later. I never thought my luggage could be light. And i didnt know that i have a big bag that can act as a luggage. hehe!! i guess i have too much bags stuffed under the wardrobe. but i guess my luggage's gonna be heavier when i come back later.

a man was scolded by de bus driver. he ran into de bus by de back exit. de driver called out to him and got him to come forward. the passenger just kept on saying sorry and gave an excuse that de bus wants to run off and he was trying to catch on it. de driver told him off fo doing that because that is not the right way.
some people really ar... si-beh kiasi.

im feeling hot. realli hot. it's de 5th alreadi. if my calculation is right, i'll be having it by end of this week. well, i just need to be prepared.

2 more hours to waking de others up.

hmm.... what other animes should i watch?

there're still loads. or, should I go and take a rest?

miss you ~da

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

kill me

woke up like 6am in the earli morning. but still laid in bed all the way til 8am. woke up, showered, went out to SGH and waited for hours for my turn to see the doctor. The nurse was starting to guide me on how to change to the x-ray gown but I told I knew the procedure and so she went on guiding the other patient. After that, waited for like an hour.
After that, off to Bukit Merah for lunch. Had chicken rice. The kai lan, seems like i was eating them aLone. Serious! Onli when it's finishing, dad took some. I mean, it was like just like in front of him all de time bt he didnt took it.
Anyway, off to Ikea after that and got my rack and yammie's bed. I was okay with anything and didn't bother much cuz I can't realli have my room designed or arranged my own way.
After that, mom and ad headed off to town while I headed down to sim lim square and oh boy! I didn't know that Burlington Square was just beside it! I didn't know. & I didn't know there was a nearer bus-stop to take 851. But oh well, at least I get to walk down the blackstreet market, just in case I might find something interesting down there.
In the bus, I was asleep all the way. As I walked home, yammie was walking out. She going for training. Yup! I think.

Right now. I'm bored. I am so bored.

I guess you are really busy. Sometimes I don't understand just why a little phonecall would cause you much trouble. Is it really so troublesome that it might kill you? Will something just comes out from the phone and attacks your eardrums?
Am I realli such a nuisance to you?

goodnight people.

Monday, October 03, 2005

open letters

i found a piece of paper which me and me fren communicated through once while we were studying at amk's mcdonald.

seriously i'm kinda sleepy

have you seen new mcr video?

bf company gfs to study ar??

i think it is la!

seriously, do you want to move on to a park?

they're trying to cheer hr up but seems like they knw they're wasting their time.

The any /*-+. the other guy then the girl sitting beside me only. wow like soap opera like that.

actually, de girl beside you went off jz nw feeling fed-up. than de office guy ask, "so stress meh?". they thought she go toilet but de other gal say no than all go look for her. leaving de one guy. so poor! haha!!
@ least de office guy is helping out now.

it's so funny to see de boyfriends companying the girlfrenz & looking bored! ha ha ha! if my boyfren is here, he'll be torturing us & giving us chemistry questions!!! eek!

there are 2 boys & 2 girls each. What d'you thk?
one's bz with dinner. one hopelessly playing with the handphone.
if frenz, they could study together. but one guy seems like jz cm back from work!

no la i think they just frenz. they like no chemistry together. .. haha// no really like not touchy touchy like that. then the other guy from work just extra!!

of course no touchy touchy la! siao!

but seriously no chem like that. hai don't know la. why don't you just ask them. now STUDY!!

in the end he's all ALONE!!!


seriously, here i am wondering and thinking and what are you doing? i know you too well but it's like i wnt to know more of you. i bet there are more than what you are right now. but, don't you want to know me more? well, actually you know too well. too very well. you know what my heart says, you could read my face and my mind. you could just know everything. i hate it sometimes but if u dn, i'll miss it.
tell me, where are you now?

Sunday, October 02, 2005

my goodness!

I am worth $1,064,000 on


Your Japanese Name Is...

Midori Sato

Your French Name is:

Dominique Allaire

Your Blogging Type is Unique and Avant Garde

You're a bit ... unusual. And so is your blog.
You're impulsive, and you'll often post the first thing that pops in your head.
Completely uncensored, you blog tends to shock... even though that's not your intent.
You tend to change your blog often, experimenting with new designs and content.

Slow and Steady

Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

You're an Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

How You Are In Love

You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.

You tend to take more than give in relationships.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

jessica! jessica!

i wonder if any of you remember. In the Newly Weds, Jessica Simpson was eating tuna and he was asking Nick if she was eating chicken or fish, when she knows that she's eating tuna. She was asking Nick that because the brand that packs the tuna fish is called "Chicken by The Sea". So, while I saw this one advertisement (a new Salmon Steak by Ayam Brand), it kinda got me thinking. Are there any girls, girlfriends or wifes, when they eats the tuna fish out of Ayam Brand, would they ask their boyfriends of husbands if it's actualli fish or chicken, although they know that it's tuna [fish].

you get what i mean?

p/s {to all of u who dn knw Malay,} "Ayam" means "Chicken".

1 mth rehaB

i slept at 3am in the morning on thursday. slept onli 3hrs, woke up at 6am and went off to work. at work, i had severe headaches for the whole dae. pLus, the aircon and the weather were too coLd and i just couldnt take it. by the end of the day, i resort to 2 tablets of panadol and became a zombie. skipped school and head home straight. stopped by a coffee shop and bought mee goreng. when i got back, i ate de mee goreng, had a shower and by 8.30pm, i had fallen into a deep deep deep sleep. yes. a sleep that is so deep that i didnt even realise that people had been into my room.

on friday, work was oKay. I tried to maintain my cheerfulness after a meeting session. it was frustrating and oh boy, it realli makes my blood boil. was suppose to meet out with nana but she couldnt make it. and dt night, i went out to Rudy's solemnization. Rudy and his wife did a small ceremony. Francis got his car out. Picked up tj from work and than came down to pick me up and off we go to Woodlands. And when we got to woodlands, i was non-stopping talking about going to eat seafood in JB. haha!! Wouldn't it be cool.
When we got to Rudy's place, tj and francis felt a litle awkward but thank goodness for them, i was there to make them feel easy and comfy. After the photo-taking with Rudy and wife, off to home we went. Hehe!!!
Wanted to try and create dvd but I was too tired. So, I just create data discs and off to bed after that. Oh, I was having my detoxing tea while burning the disc. So nice. So Sweet.

This morning, woke up at 6am, my handphone's alarm went on. I forgot to reset it earlier. So, I got up to turn it off and took the phone by me. I tried o go to sleep but I couldnt. Need to go toilet and wewe. Later, about half an hour later, off to the toilet again to detoxicate. Before, smsed tj good morning. hehe!! When I went back to bed, tj replied asking why woke up so earli.... haha... later, he offered to go over to his office to study since i was looking for a place to study. so, i got up, wash my face, brush my teeth, went for a run, came back, relax, watch anime and than showered and than off i go.
When I reached, there was onli tj and francis. they were expecting me. hehe!! it was cool to be the both of them. They're cool! i kept a low proFile to be there. don't want to show my face around much. so, i was in the office almost the whole time. other than that, i was just off to the toilet, gone to the canteen to buy food and also off to buy coffee for meself and de 2 guys.
5+pm, went off. Went out with tj. it's been a long time. didnt manage to get my rechargeable AAA batts, bt since tj's going tmr, i ask him if he could stop by to get them for me. haha!!
shasha dear transferred back my $20.20 to my account.


it's so funny. I didnt know how to transfer money and she taught me how. my colleague taught me too. than, when i transferred for the 1st time, i actualli transferred to her onli $0.20. like what de fuvk! haha!!! funni siak, i quickly went back to de atm and transferred de $20 to her.


i love you aLL pPL! am gonna have some hot miLo nw and change.... before that, wash my hair!


Modern inventions have speeded up people's lives amazingly. Motor-cars cover a hundred miles in little more than an hour, aircraft cross the world inside a day, while computers operate at lightning speed. Indeed, this love speed seems never-ending. Every year motor-cars are produced which go even faster and each new xomputers boasts of saving precious seconds in handling tasks. Then there is the speed with which we access information wherever we are. Pocket computers and mobile phones enable us to log on to news or contact our friends in seconds, even from some mountain tops.

All this saves time, but at a price. When we lose or gain half a day in speeding across the world in an aeroplane, our bodies tell us so. We get the uncomfortable feeling known as jet-lag; our bodies feel that they have been eft behind in another time zone. Again, spending too long at computers results in painful wrists and fingers. Mobile phones also have their dangers, according to to some scientist; too much use may transmit harmful radiation into our brains, a consequence we do not like to contemplate.

Out behaviour, also, has felt the impact of modern technology. people seem to be in a rush, and increasingly impatient. Automatic doors on the lifts never open quickly enough for us and we tap our feet impatiently if our computers take an extra few seconds to access information on the internet. Even some of our clothes reflect this impatience, for we need to acquire the right 'look' as quickly as possible. Who wants to wear denim jeans as stiff as tin when you can uy them pre-washed, pre-faded and pre-patched at the knees?

The obsession with saving time results in many people trying to imitate computers in an effort to handle several taskes simultaneously - multi-tasking, as it is called. They talk to somebody on the telephone, listen to somebody else nearby, and look at a computer screen, all at the same time. Frequently, the efficiency of their work suffers. Speed of thinking , too, is often confused with intelligence itself. The student who takes pains to weigh up a question before answering will not be considered as smart as those who snap their fingers and glibly claim they know he answer.

However, what we do with the time we saved? Certainly not relax, or so it seems. We re so accustomed to constant activity that we find it difficult to si and d nothing, or even just one thing at a time. Perhaps the days are long fone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radio, letting imagination take us into another world.

There was a time when some people's lives were devoted simplu to the cultivation of the land or the care of cattle. No multi-tasking there; their lives proceeded at a much gentler pace, and in a familiar pattern. There is much that we might envy about a way of life like this. Yet before we do so, we must think of the hard tasks our ancestors faced: they farmed with bare hands, often lived close to hunger, and had to fashion tools from wood and stone. Modern machinery has freed people from that primitive existence.

Technology has also made work in factories far less tedious, with machines performing the dull, repititive taks previously carried out by human hands. The computer, too, has brought major advantages in printing processes. No longer has each individual letter of every word to be set by hand in wooden blocks, ready for the printing press to 'read'. Such is the speed of a computer printer that an author can out the finishing touches to a book and see it printed on the same day. The motor-car has been blamed for its polluting effects and its demands for more and more roads, but it has banished the time-consuming and uncomfortable journeys endured in horse-drawn vehicles.

Despite the hold that speed has on out lives, its attractions are beginning to dwindle. Countries have abandones thoughts of ultra-fast, supersonic passenger aeroplanes, and shaving minutes off journeys by road does not win the approval of society as a whole. Possibly the world's long fascination with seed is finally ending.