Friday, September 29, 2006

Move aLoNg agaiN

Went out to cold storage after break fasting wif yammie. Got the dark chocolate cake Devil's Cake . Oh well. Wanted to geet strawberries but they were all sold out. Wanted to get kiwis but I don't eat kiwis. Yammie too. So, got a bix of champagne grapes. They are tiny tiny little cute grapes. Am gonna add them into my choc cake... Looks like it is going to be nice la. Look like nice that. While walking down the lane looking at thoe chocolate bars for baking and all and I found a box of instant mix of Cheese Cake dessert. It provides the cherry sauce pudding too. It doesnt require cooking. I was thinking of not making the choc cake at the break fast at my fren's place next week. I think I'm going to just make that cheese cake. Hehehehe.....

Took down the living room curtain.... oh yes.... gonna go bring down my curtains now..... ...... ..... ..... okay! done it.... it's down. Have to sart cleaning alreadi. My room, I mean. Wipe there, wipe here. Wet there, wet here.... woo-hoo! I have not my own room for since... last year hari raya? Nah... I think it was dad all the way who has been doing it. See la! There is a much worse daugther here. Hahaha!!! Maybe start making the chocolate cake tonight. Oh boy! I just suddenly have the feelings of baking so much things. Cakes, cookies, pastries. I have suddenly have the urge to start doing all that. Muahaha!!! What's with me? Am I oKay?

Work was okay but it was another fucking idiot day. That stupid lady! I really got realli realli fed up today that I even went all the way to say, "that stupid lady! when young don't want to die. now old already, give trouble to people only!". My receptionist looked at me in disbelief as I didn't say it once but 3 times. My sandal snapped and i was realli handicapped. Sallyn helped me by scotch-taping it and it realli holds. Went down to jurong point Pedal Work's to get a nu pair of sandals but didnt get any as I was out of budget. Sigh. Went back with snacks for my receptionist and Chicken Teriyaki sandwich from Subway for meself. Start back work and oh boy! I don't know why but my office, Friday is like Monday la.

Wanted to head down to Jurong West void deck ramadhan bazaar but since the case of my sandal is in such a state, I couldnt. I scared it would just come off again. So I went back home straight.

I have so much thing on my mind and I do not know how to take them off my head. I feel so heavy that I scaraed I might just break down fully. I am holding on though. I am doing my best. Move on.... Moving on... Moved On.....???

I havent shower siak.... Go shower la Sii Sarinah! What time alreadi! Now alreadi 11pm... Going to be midnight soon! Want to wait til sister come back than mandi ar?

Listening to Cinta Bollywood again. oLd skl la that song. Who knows how the ending to Cinta Bollywood 2 ar?

[SaRiNAh LUVz YOU MoRe thaN you Luv SaRiNAh]

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Miss Independent

For the 1st time grandmother actually listened to my sister. That was surprising.

Felt tiring today at work. Whole morning stayed in the office. Feels kinda bored la. Was really fed up on doing that stupid medical report. Felt almost like giving up but sigh. I don't know just what is wrong. I just cant figure it out. I am still trying to figure it out. Oh man! Afternoon, spent most of my time out of office. Haha!!! When around getting people to sign up for the Dinner And Dance and try on the jackets which are for the door-gifts. Which many are saying it's pathetic. Ordered a cake from a colleague. Told mom about it and she told to get another one. Yeah! White Cake = white chocolate cake and biscuit mixed (like checkers) with apricots and nuts. Wow!

Friend wondering when I will be transferring into her dept which is stationed further in Jurong Island. I told her that it is not confirm yet. Depends on what will their decision be and what my decision be.

Words really spreads fast in the company. One has happened, one has gone and a new one arise. Oh man!

I am feeling so slobby right now. Muahahaha!!! I am such a big fat lazy stupid fucking kid!

A Kid? Who? Me?

The cables to the plasma were lose. According to dad. Mom said she tried fixing it but was scared and so when I came back, it was really funny to see them not watching the tv. Well, actually, it's just dutchess.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I guess I put too much hope in it although I believe I didn't. Yes, I didnt. I am just hoping for the best for me and him. Hope for the best to what is going to happen to both of us in the future.

Does this mean I have to erase him completely? Do I have to stop all of it that are going through in my mind?

I am a big pretender. A pretender who only know how to bring herself down. But right now I am climbing back up again. I am going back up to my feet and I will try my best to do well in near future.

I have to let go of things. Mentally and physically prepared. I guess I am.

SaRiNAh luvz YOU moRe thaN you LUV SaRiNAh

Monday, September 25, 2006

"You give Me WiNgs"

Yes it is the 2nd day of Ramadhan today. Blesses to all those out there who are in vain or in happiness of in sadness. Blessed for me because I get to break fast with eating RamLy Burger la!


I was really craving for it siak! Whole day at work. Wanted to rush back too to catch the Grand Final Result Show of Singapore Idol 2. Will it be Jonathan or Hady? ...Well, the winner is.... Hady Mirza. ...I was expecting Jonathan would. After the 2nd song which Hady sang, Jonathan did better in all his songs. Well, of course it was a tough choice and well, it is expected that history would repeat itself whether conciously or not, Hady Mirza has won.
I watched it over at Woodlands, at Raihan's. It was fun being with the girls. It was a nice crowd to be with. The performace by the top 10, only Rahimah's and Paul's performance were great and fun.

Gonna be in Tuas for the 1st half of the day and back in Jurong Island on the 2nd half of the day. Hehehe!!! People knows that I'll be happy if I were to go Tuas. Muahaha... GiLer...

oKay bYe ...SaRiNAh LUVz YoU moRe tHaN you Luv SaRiNAh

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Okay, I don't know how to start this blog. Things are just not appearing how I expect them to be. Different things were asked, different things were given. Different things were said, different things happened. Different things heard, different things given out.

Last night, there was a suicide case where someone jumped off the building. Arguments going on, followed by screaming at each other and followed by a loud thump. It was happening while the Chelsea match was on.

It is Ramadhan right now. I couldnt sleep last night and so I got up and had fried fries with egg and sausages. Already had rice earlier and they are all too much to be taken in and so, I had enough. Woke nyai and the rest up for sahur while me and yammie went back to sleep.
Woke up later on wanting to meet my insurance agent but he changed his timing again to later on after his soccer match and it was 10 mins to break fast.

A funeral going on downstairs at the void deck of the suicide guy last night.

Met my insurance agent and received an unexpected news. It was so unexpected that I got a little excited, I do not know why should I be but I feel like that I am. I guess, I am excited. I am happy. I am glad. Syukur alhamdullilah, dia sihat dan baik.

I am still feeling kinda shaky. I have to stop thinking so much which I have not done lately due to the tensions at work and home, I am fiNe.

Yes I am.

Just to let you know... SaRiNAh Luvz YOU moRe tHaN you Luv SaRiNAh


I don't know why Dutchess and Grand Dutchess are so interested in the commit suicide. Well, it is the 2nd that happened here, if there really is a commit suicide case. I heard the arguments going on earlier for few hours and later on a big thump sound came and than it was all silent. That was it.


Selamat Hari Lahir Yang ke-15 kepada adik saudara saya, Siti Saiyidah.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


I took a nap in the late afternoon. Aroung 3pm like that. I had a really nice nap, I think. I had a dream. The morning dream I had was kinda scary, which was why I woke up twice. The afternoon dream I had was funny. I was drinking Coke because I was craving for it and I really had a nice time drinking it. Later on, I was having Bubble Tea. Milk Tea... wih Pearls. How nice is that. I was craving for it. When I woke up, I went back to sleep to keep on dreaming but can't. Mom was already waking me up. I ran to Yammie's room to continue sleeping but I couldnt. So, I go up. I washed my face and brush my teeth and made NesLo.... I don't know why. My craving for Bubble Tea with Pearls was really almost not so bad that I smsed Yammie for me. She's back now but she didnt get me any. Now, getting down at Khatib Mrt Station will be different. Not only there is Seven Eleven and Shop & Save but also Bakery and Bubble Tea [Milk Tea].

oKay now I hungry. Mother or grandma cooked Asam Pedas. Tomorrow Ramadhan starts.

Selamat Bulan Berpuasa kepada semua para Muslimin dan Musliman.....

I'm really smitten with Fanaa which stars Aamir Khan and Kajol. The musics to the movie are so nice. I really feel like changing my layout. I did 3 others before this layout and they all were hesitating me. I did this layout today and I put it up today. I must have like this layout and that's why it's been put up.

Im babbling because I am hungry. I've cooked enough rice for sahur later in the morning and so I am going to eat now. Am I going to sleep later on or stay up til Sahur? I don't know. What do you think? I think the rest are.

breathing Hard

Was wearing baju kurung to work yesterday. Many kept saying I was looking good and suddenly everybody are smiling at me. It is either they are mocking me or they are being nice to me. My friend just laughed at me and well, they've never seen me wearing baju kurung to work before. Anyway, I just told them that it is just for the welcoming of the month of ramadhan.

I have not been feeling well the past few days. Had a slight fever and so I had an early night. Had plans with friends in the future on our break fasts. Going to have some great funs i hope.

I've been feeling kinda weird lately due to that I think. I don't know. Maybe.

Seriously, I am feeling kinda frustrated at work. Director going overseas again and I wonder if he had signed all my medical reports. Like hell! Yesterdaey afternoon I went to check he havent sign le. What The Hell! My colleague was really in a not good mood. I know so much on who is making who angry and who is making who mad. I feel so bored that I dont have any excitement anymore. Am I Okay?

SaRiNAh luvs YOU moRe thaN YOU luv SariNAH

Friday, September 22, 2006

passing thru

I wasnt focusing. I wasnt in the right mood. I wasnt in the right place. I wasnt feeling well, that's it. But I have no choice. Gotta work. I was still surviving. Although that stupid lady is back, I am still working.... wah-seyy... Siti Sarinah flattering herself.

I am really smitten with Fanaa. But it'll go off sooner or later. Tengah mood hindustan la skarang. Mp3 pun asyik main hindi songs ajer. Kak Sallyn tengok pun naik Boring.

2day end work at 5pm, thank god. I want a break la. It's getting kinda tired whenever I come back home. I guess it is just the journey? the travelling? Oh well, don't want to complain.. Wait! I think I just did, right?

Mom kept pestering me to inform everybody about our Annual Hari Raya Bus Trip. So I did. But ended up sending out the wrong announcement. I mean, announcement correct, only the date was wrong. It is suppose to be 4th Nov 2006 Saturday but instead I go and informed everybody it's on 6th Oct 2006. Stupid right. Raihan saw my mistake and informed me. So, I apologized and sent out another one and again it was wrong! 6th Nov 2006. Stupid! I was really really tired and fucked up. Raihan called and talked for a little while. Yammie was here with me and it soothes me down. I sent out a final smses to all family members and this time it is correct. 4th Nov 2006 Saturday. Yes!

I am getting sick of my NEC phone. I hate the buttons. I dont regret getting it though cz it was on promotion and I cant miss out the chance on buying something when a voucher is given. I mean, it's not always mah. Wat to say, I Singaporean mah. Cant blame anyone.

Dad going for his class later on and Im going to work later on. Not gonna finish my neslo. I wonder what is for lunch 2dae.

I am loving SiLveRiNA.... Loving SuCiDaL+IsA..... LoviNg everyBoDy....

May my breaths find refuge in your heart...May my world be destroyed in your love

Monday, September 18, 2006

SiMpLe KiNda LiFe

Been busy last week. Either I went straight back hom or out with me frenz. Went out with Nana on Thursday. Out with Edah on Friday. Over to Sallyn's on Saturday afternoon and Rozaimah's in the evening. Suppose to be meeting keN after that but I got tired and he was already out. So lazy. Sunday out with MoM.

Got meself a new play-toy. Her name is SilveRiNA. Her size is 2gb and she is slim as Carefree's pantyliner. She is a product of the Apple industry. She is the 2nd version, remastered iPod NaNo. I am proud to have her. I have been busy attending to my baby every night since Friday. Updating, renaming, shuffling, transferring, uploading, etc. It was really tiring but it was all tobe organized.


Over to Geylang pasar biru to get the shirts which mom got the day before. I wanted it too. It's 2 for $10. I ended buying more than that. Over to Great World City after that to get my bed-sheet. The ones that I wanted all have run out of quilt covers which really irritates me. In the end, I still got one. It was the only sweet one left.

The stupid idiotik fucking lady didnt come to work today. She was on MC. 2 days straight til tomorrow. I felt so happy but I felt bad too at times because maybe I did cursed her too much. Oh well. Life. You either curse someone or it'll befall on you. ....oKay! That doesnt mak sense at all! I guess I was cursing myself.

Watch Fanaa. The hindi movie starring Aamir Khan and Kajol. Nice terrorism movie. Using the plot of Kashmir and India as usual. The love story nice. Nice. Nice. Nice. The songs also nice... I Like... The poems... VeRy Nice... May my breaths find refuge in your heart...May my world be destroyed in your love

SaRiNah Luvz You More tHaN you luv SaRiNah

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

RiSiNg SuN

I am having unneccesary stupid hopeful thinkings in my head which I am trying to get it out. But the more I am trying not to think about it, the more it comes. The more I try to not talk about it, the more i start thinking about it. I am becoming confuse and scared. I do not want to hope for something on something which might not be mine or even want to be mine. I am scared that it might just be a fantasy and not real although I work hard on it.

I am glad that offers has come to me. But how am I behaving now? Is it acceptable? Well, I am doing my duties wholefully. I guess my colleagues can vouch for it.

Heh! I want to watch Faana la. I think I will be getting the DVD soon to watch it. Yay!!!

I want to bring bekal la but lazy to pack la. Can someone please help me? Sigh. I slept early nowadays you know. 10+ already retire in already. Really sleepy man. Today woke up 5+ again. Without the sound of the bell but with nyai's footsteps. Oh no! I'm becoming like dad. Well, that's good, right?

I can't wait until end of the year. I do not know exactly when he is coming home. I only read that he will be coming home by end of they year. So, when will that be? November? October? December? Will I go for my Thailand trip? Or will I stay on my job? ...Right now, I am putting my job first in line and would have to delay my Thailand trip to another month. Maybe by then, I could bring my sister along with me.

Anyway, Good Morning everybody, I'm off to workk in few minutes. I wonder if Kak Sallyn's going today. She has been sick eversince Rafdi is.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


I was blogging earlier when my pc hangs. It has never hang and now it has started to hang. I hate it. Whenever it hangs, it feels like the whole world stops. I am too lazy and think about what I have written earlier and I don't give a damn care anymore.

Tomorrow I go jemputan, going to be alone. Well, there is Shid la. But only her one person where got fun. I thought the whole gang are going to be there. 3 have a good excuse while the others just don't seem to be able to come up with any good reason. Oh well. It's a close family so I have got to go whether I'm black or white. Am going with mom and dad tomorrow.

Work seems okay. I am doing okay. Hoping for some opportunities coming to me and I am will gladly welcome it. I seem to have something interesting being in be Human Resource. Although it has some kind of reputation. Well or so I've heard. I don't care. I'm going to do just my work.

I think I am starting to have butterfingers right now. I am so desperate to lose weight now but that laziness just hits me all the time. I need some motivation now. I desperately need it. Well, I just say it now but truely I wonder if I am really needing it. I think, I really need to lose weight. I am gaining eversince the breakup. Well, I can only blame the breakup.

Went to work today. I mean, yesterdae. Well, that was few hours ago. Went in with 2 of my colleagues in a cab. Yeah.

I am feeling kinda frustrated 2dae. Not at work or what but at home. I dont know why. Was talking to mom and suddenly the anger just rose and whatever I say just angers myself.

Watched I Am Sam at a later time and oh boy! It really tears me bad. I gotta get the DVD. I want to watch it. It is really touching and heart-breaking.

I want to sleep late tonight. I wonder if I can. I seem to be doing okay in typing now. I want a new keyboard. I want my own laptop.

Justin Timberlake's new album really rawkz! //What goes around//Comes back all aRouNd...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

~Pieces of me

I slept late as usual on Saturday nights. I was doing my part-time job. Writing and calculating and typing. All the way from 8pm to almost 4am. Well, of course I have breaks in between la. When it was in the early morning, I realized something...

While I was busy calculating and going through the excel sheet, something else was in my mind. Yes. Something else. I wasn't thinking about the song I was listening to. I wasn't thinking about what to shop when I get my pay. I wasn't thinking about what time to sleep. I wasn't thinking of what to eat although I was feeling hungry. I wasn't thinking of my weekday job or anything. But instead, I was thinking of him. ......Is. I do not know why but I was thinking of him.
It has been since that one day, I have never fail to not think of him. No matter what I am doing, where I am going or even when I want to sleep. I realized that and it was not only yesterday or this morning but it has been all the tiMe.
I think about him all the time. I think about how he is. If he is fine. What is he eating, what is he drinking, what is he thinking, how is he feeling. Is he feeling cold or hot, if he is sick or not. I am thinking about every single thing.
The more I try to forget, the more he comes into my head. I just couldn't control it.

But gladly although I am thinking of him 24/7, I am doing fine. I able to concentrate on things I am doing or saying. I am fine. I am oKay. I am back to normal. I am my normal self.

I am very hungry right now. Going to go fry those carrot cakes. While waiting for my part-time boss to wake up from sleep.

Friday, September 01, 2006


that stupid idotik lady was on leave today. i was busy and i really had a time of my life working. the weather was good and my busy-ness was really good. I was not feeling pushed or pulled or feel stucked in between. I Could just do my work at ease, eat at ease, move around at ease. But at the end of the day, I was having a headache. Wonder I could go back work tomorrow.