Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Round & round....

Sometimes, things are just happening so weird that I would start thinking if I'm the one weird or the thing or person is weird.
Oh well, that's how the wrold revolves around us. Everything have to be weird and weird things will keep on happening.
I've been feeling weird this few weeks.
I guess, I'm just thinking too much.

Okay, so I'm going to sign up for Academic N Level. Got words of encouragements from baby, frenz, colleagues & family members. They've all been nice. I hope everything will happen the best for me this coming seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months & years.

My baby wasn't in a good mood just. He was sian all the way until he told me to eat up the prawn in 5 secs. He showed me how & oh boy! I ain't gonna do it his way. So, I did it my way. He took the head off and it off the whole body and tail and shell. While, me, throw away the head, peeled off the skins and tail and eat it. I wain't gonna eat it his way.

I believe, it is all due because of the heat. The heat is causing of my lips & skins drying up like hell. I'm gonna get the Garnier UV matter mosturizer so that I could put it on when I'm at work. Yes, I'm gonna start putting on more mosturizer, get enough sleep so that my skin will regenerate. I have a small scar whic is quite visible on my right cheek. Thanks to some stupid blackhead which was damn fucking idiot! Not coming out no matter how me force it.
Never mind! One day I will get you! Stupid BLACKHEAD!

I'm sleepy now, I am gonna retire now. Sleep, wake up earli morning, put on make-up than go to work...

Than!? No need to shower ar!?

Shower la!
