Saturday, August 26, 2006

Twisted Around

Something is just not right. The feelings are just wrong. Many things just went on to a different level while some just stays on. While others make an effort to move on, I tend to tell myself that everything will be alright.

Expectations became unexpected and I am thinking of the one that can never happen. Why do I say that? Is it because I want it to happen and that is why I am telling myself that it is not going to happen?

I couldn't sleep anymore. I couldn't wake up late. I fell I am having a headache right now for sleeping too long. Yes, I slept early yesterday and I woke up early today. Used to it already. Everyday sleep early and waking up late.

Things seem to be going on fine right now. I am in the 1st phase I guess. Starting life all over again after a long term of depressing myself down to the stone flat, I seem to be taking things in my control again.

I am a living doll whom less people can read my mind. Others would only think that I am either capable or incapable of doing things.

What the hell! I am not from Burma la! What an insuLt. I met a stubborn Burmese and I strongly detest being thought of I'm a Burmese. I couldn't care less anymore of people thinking where I am from but what I got from my father, I have a Gurkha face. Yeah! Don't play play with Gurkhas ar, you'll be sorry.