Sunday, October 29, 2006

~Biarlah Rahsia - Siti Nurhaliza

So, I went. I decided to go and I've brought my dear cousin, Sufyan along to company me. An event of unexpected happened and it has put me in an awkward spot. I was lost of words for most. I even lost my appetite a little bit. Nothing I planned happened and oh boy! Phew! It was like going through a mock test. No! A mock examination.
He is doing well. He is looking well. I have think and thought about him thick and thin and I was sure that he is fine. He is looking fine. He is doing fine. He is well and fine. It was unexpected but I am glad.

Went down to St 13. Finally met Riff. Haha!!! Talked with Raihan before she went off. Had nice chat with Rahmah aunty and we just lepak and ate up the potato chips. Wahidah was awkward when I wanted to do the dishes which she kept on telling me not to.

Sigh... I'm at the 2nd last disc of Princess Hours. Watched the 2nd last disc halfway and will continue on another day. Next will be episode 20 onwards until the end. Yeah!

I feel like eating but I don't feel like it. My appetite has since been gone.