Friday, September 07, 2007

An yes what a day I had. I was off to meet my friend for coffee when I discover the shocking truth of my life. My NEC phone which name is Annoying has gone! Missing! Poof! Gone! The pocket button of my bag which I had placed my handphone in was unbutton. Along with my sweet lovely Death Note L hp-chain. Well, I'm not going to curse the person who pickpocketed my phone. It ain't a loss to me but to you. That phone has no value at all, the built-in batt's dying and there's nothing much that phone can do to serve you. It's a lousy phone in overall. Sigh. Damn! But return my Death Note L hp-chain you idiot!
For years of using that bag and placing my handphone in that outer pocket, it has never been gone and now my phone's gone. Lesson learn, never place the phone on your outer bag pocket. My sister's even taking note of it.

Will be getting my replacement sim card tomorrow. Got mom's authorization letter and signature and IC. Going down starhub tomorrow. Currently, using my M1 prepaid card and Yammie's old samsung phone which the lcd's broken. Mom offered me her samsung. Well, it's good too to use that as the prepaid has unlimited smses. While using yammie's phone, I can't sms at all. Well, can la but have to agak-agak ar.
Not going to et a new phone anytime soon though. I'm going to just
stick to mom's and yammie's phone. But I guess I'll be carrying yammie's phone when I go out. Sigh. I don't know.

Okay, I'm moving to another playground.