Sunday, May 29, 2005

t'was hard

Had a meeting with TJ. he wanted to get his slippers from Birkenstock. Went aLong wif him. met a colleague, Josephine of Doc Control. She was wif her kid. I think Josephine's kinda cute when I saw her. He he. She's short and round. Her kid's like her too. He he!!
After Wheelock Place, went to Far East Plaza to eat. I was dead hungry. So, had stewed beef noodle. and that wasnt enough. the new CK Summer scent was nice. TJ wanted to get it but he felt that it was for female onli as it smells kinda orangey. I'm thinking of getting it. Told him to finish his cologne first, than he could get that. hehe...!!!

Went through my Chemistry. I wanted him to go through it with me. And we went through the Ionic bonding 1st. He taught how to see the Periodic table and oh boy it was terrible. It was horrible. I was trying so hard to get things into my head. I was glad he was patient and he try to get me to understand them, that I even cried at certain points. It was scary. But he calmed me down and I was calmed and I managed. But it ws scary. Oh boy.....

Thursday, May 26, 2005



"all people are realli idiots. .... i don't knw why but i have to resort to the word that i'm used to right now. IDIOTS! i am here, trying to de-stress myself, trying not to think too much, try not to say much, ther you are trying to do something for me and what! hoping I feel sad and guilty!? Feel bad about it!???"

Sunday, May 22, 2005

can't believe it!

i am all tied up. i'm all worried. it's like i'm gonna be sick everytime i get up from sleep, everytime i want to go to sleep, everytime i want to go out or come back home or see anybody or just anything. I finally finished my 1st malay comprehension exercise. See! It's so easy to say it in English. Comprehension. And in Malay, last time it's Kefahaman and now it's like, Pemahaman!? URGH!!!! I even have trouble doing the verbs, adjectives, bla bla bla.... And I wanted to start writing the composition just now and it's realli tsktsktsk!!!!

dt cap...

...the PSP cap we saw at Funan Centre's Sony Gallery, i want it. He he. I even asked the salesguy if we could have it but it's only available if we get the PSP. it's a freebie when we buy de PSP. sigh...
When i tell ppl abt psp, especially girls, they do not know what psp is. Well, girls, PSP is PlayStation Portable and yes, there is such a thing.

Me feeling depressed recently? I don't know. But am i? Feeling sick am I? Well, yes. Actualli. Tired too. I have restless days and nights and I even hv to resort to medication when I can't sleep. It's kinda embarrasing when I went to the pharmacy to get that certain medicine but hey, it works for me. Cuz I've been having sleepless nights for weeks and days. Even now, I am feeling restless cause of a certain someone who doesnt seem to be restless at all. Well, I think that person is and maybe he/she don't wnt to show it but at least, why cant he/she say it out?

I've finished my History homework. Still have a lot more on English and I feel like having that Kimchi Ramyun Seoul's instant noodle again. Got my darling to get it for me and oh boy, it's nicer when it's cooked rather than de one in de big cup.... well, u knw, de one which we jz hv to pour in the hot water ad wait for 3mins. Oh well, it wasn't realli nice until i add black pepper wo make it more spicier. He he!!!

Right now, I don't know what to do. Either to continue my animes or go to sleep. But I think I've slept a lot.

I discovered something. Whevener my father is on the afternoon shift and he'll be back home by 1am, she'll be turning off the tv earlier and either go to sleep of continue watching tv in de room. bt, if he's in de morning shift and sleep earli or when he's on de night shifht which he'll onli be back de next morning, she'll be watching the tv til like 2 -3 am.... why? why? why????

Thursday, May 19, 2005


....are worrying me. Yes I am. Although I've been counselled and told off to not worry so much, I can't still take things off my mind. That leads to loss of appetites and sleeps. Yup, I can barely sleep nowadays. I will onli can sleep when I'm realli realli tired.

I didnt go to work today due to stomach indigestion. And I thought that was all I got, but the doctor added that I's having gastric too! AAH! someone will kill me if he finds out that I hv Gastric.... Looks like, I have to improvement my eating habits. Sigh....
I had my medicine already but I'm kinda hungry right now. Am gonna hv chicken with fries.

My darling was looking good todae. Long sleeve shirt, with his g-star jeans. Oh Boy! He's my MAN!

I tried doing Malay. I have barely even start any. And eventualli, I forgot what are their verbs or adjectives or phrases, the simpulan bahasa or peribahasa. Sigh. I was all so scared cz I can barely even understand their instructions. And I got scared. Sigh....


Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sad one....

...I finally watched Sepet. a Malaysia movie. it's not those commercialised movie but, how should I say it? It's like those kind which Arts Central would always play one. he he!!!
It's a nice movie. And in one movie, 4 languages came out. English, Malay, Hokkien, Cantonese, Mandarin. Oh, that's 5. Anyway, it's a nice movie. Some elders and conservative ppl might not like it but I like it. I wish.... Oh, nevr mind.

Someone heard about something from someone. And the other someone overheard someone telling that someone. And it's all about that particular someone who will be together with someone. And that someone has a someone who will be gonna have to join the whole lot of someone's group. I hope all these someones are doing good....

I think I wnt to cut my nails. It's killing me whenever I'm typing. It's like such a bother.

Office Romances

We all know the story of the boss secretly (or not-so-secretly) dating the assistant. That's a major misstep, according to the experts. "When there's a great disparity between the status of the people involved, it can be problematic," says Mark Oldman, cofounder and president of The Vault, a resource for job seekers. Not only do issues of favoritism and resentment come into play, but also the boss/underling relationship is ripe for sexual harassment issues. David Zuckerman, a former movie producer in Los Angeles, discovered the pitfalls of dating outside of his rank when he started seeing an assistant (not, he's quick to point out, his own) in his production office. "The other assistants would get jealous, thinking that she got special treatment because of her relationship [with me]," says Zuckerman. "And honestly, I distracted her from her job, and her direct supervisor hated me for it." That doesn't, of course, mean that office daters can only romance those on the same corporate rung. "If the relationship involves a supervisor and a subordinate, they need to both take pains to establish that the relationship is consensual," says the Vault's Oldman. Author Fox suggests that the person in the higher position inform his or her direct supervisor of the romance. "Eventually, it might be possible to move one of them to a different division or position," she says.

When you're on the verge of a burgeoning romance, expressing your feelings for the other person can seem like the most natural thing to do. But when love notes are being passed on company time, they can go public despite your best intentions. Everyone has accidentally sent an email to the wrong person at least once. Imagine if your "You were great last night" email was erroneously sent off to Human Resources. Additionally, says author Fox, "People should know that all electronic mail is the property of the company. Emails can always be retrieved, even if they're deleted." This doesn't mean that Big Brother is watching and reading every last epistle in the hopes of catching a fling in action, but if there's ever a reason for emails to be examined (say, a lawsuit), your "private" feelings could come to light. Experts recommend never committing anything personal to the page-in email form or otherwise. "Don't write down something you wouldn't want to see on your office bulletin board," says Oldman, who suggests that daters keep their written communication to "short, cryptic messages." Says Fox, "Of course, an innocent note like, 'Let's meet for lunch,' is okay."

It's bad enough watching a couple canoodle at a restaurant. Seeing coworkers get too close for comfort is in a whole other league. Most office lovers have enough common sense to know hands-on behavior is a professional no-no. Says Morgan Gatins of Brooklyn, New York, who started dating a guy at her production office: "He'd kiss me when no one was around, but even that made me nervous. I'd usually push him away." That's the right move to make. According to Fox, "There should be absolutely no PDA-you could lose your credibility and it could hurt your career." Still, lust can muddle even the most reasonable of minds. Shockingly, a recent Vault survey showed that 23% of office daters consummated their romance at work (either in an office or the bathroom). In cases like those, the cliché "it's better to be safe than sorry" has never been more appropriate.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

InuYasha.... what i'm watching right now. wasn't realli interested in it until i saw it on Arts Central few times. Shaman King too. I wonder if I'm still able to download it. If nt, i'll just get the dvd ar. Until the full episodes are out, of course. He he.... Lucky I still hv de discs which tj gave me of InuYasha. Watched the movie last night and it was realli nice. Watched in yammie's room. I can't possibly watch in in de living room, can i?
Well, there are some mising episodes of inuyasha but that won't stop me from watching it. ha ha!!!

ok ok. enuff of me and my animes. hehe he!!!

school has been great. work has been okay although i think i still need to buck up. sometimes, i feel like i'm still slacking. both at work and school. also, someone realli cares so much abt me that it makes me feel realli bad at times when i don't realli do well. i simply can't let him down. although that person is not there with me 24 hrs, i know that he's there for me...
..chey! i talk like for real siak! haha!!!

thanks all for the bdae pressies!!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


de 3rd meaning....


Sunday, May 08, 2005

had been...

...Raining since 0600hrs. Well, i kinda woke up at that time, and than again 2hrs ltr, 1hr ltr, and 1hr ltr and ltr at 1100hrs. And it was still raining. And it continue raining untl like abt 1530hrs? I think, around there la.

did mthe laundries. watched animes. got call from tj. went out and, met him up and got my bdae pressie from him.... a samsung yepp 128mb mp3 player. well, at least it's something. i'm so happy. ha ha!! dad bought Rocky Road, after i asked him to. hehe... so nice.
I thought when i go out, it's gonna be cooling. but NO!!! it was still hot. i was hot. and i've been getting headachs from tying my hair. i guess it was too tight but i cant help it but tie up my hair as the weather's hot.
mom made kway teow goreng. am gonna bring some to work tomorrow.

done with installing my mp3 player thing onto pc, and upload mp3s. still not sleepy yet. maybe gonna watch gundam seed destiny. but am talking with angel on msn too. he he
Your dating personality profile:

Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.
Shy - You are often timid around others, though you will open up when the right person comes along.
Stylish - You do not lack for fashion sense. Style matters. You wouldn't want to be seen with someone who doesn't care about his appearance.
Your date match profile:

Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Funny - You consider a good sense of humor a major necessity in a date. If his jokes make you laugh, he has won your heart.
Adventurous - You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things.
Your Top Ten Traits

1. Liberal
2. Shy
3. Stylish
4. Adventurous
5. Sensual
6. Funny
7. Big-Hearted
8. Practical
9. Romantic
10. Athletic
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Practical
2. Funny
3. Adventurous
4. Athletic
5. Conservative
6. Outgoing
7. Traditional
8. Stylish
9. Big-Hearted
10. Intellectual

Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions

Seed & Destiny

i'm gonna boast again. ... ha ha

i've finished watching Gundam Seed and now am moving on to Gundam Seed Destiny. I've never been so excited in watching an anime as much since errmm.... Samurai X? No! erm... Fruit Basket? Ha haha.... I wasnt so excited in watching other animes. But, yeah, I think de last time I ever got so excited watching an anime was Samurai X. And now, Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny.

Watched Naruto 133 and oh boy, the fighting was getting there but, sigh, have to wait next week again. Same goes for Bleach 30. The fighting was just starting and it was getting fun but, it has to stop. It ends. have to wait again. Samurai 7, ha ha ha... afer episode 4, i've not continue. cz, i know de storyline. no matter how de chage the time and locations, de fightings, the tactics, they'r still the same storyline. who's gonna die, who's gonna live. oh boy!

Mom and dad just got back. they went to buy some laundry hangars. gotta change to a new one after a certain problem. Hehe...

I'm gonna rot and relaks todae. Still got homeworks to be done. Oh boy....

Thursday, May 05, 2005

good morning....

i'm still eating my bread... gotta off to work...

eek! 2 meanings for GUNDAM....



Wednesday, May 04, 2005

iNcompLete - BacKstReet bOyS....

de video is out!!! aaaahhh!!! watch it! click here -> (*)

de backstreet boys do still look LIKE de backstreet boys!!!!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


my blogsite nu layout looks SUCKS on Mozilla. the iframe simply jz switch between de main frame and the tagboard frame. EWW! so, ppl, view it on IE.

i will put up de notice soon.

Monday, May 02, 2005

It's a few hours to go,

before I'm gonna sleep and wake up to shower and get ready to go to work. Basically, the majority things I did today was watching GUNDAM Seed and entertaining my cousins and watching tv and eating toasts with Philadelphia cheese spread; strawberry flavor & the ragular one.

It's funny. I collect GUNDAM's opening and ending song. Not knowing which series it belongs to. But it's all nice. Than now that I'm watching GUNDAM Seed, I like de 1st ending song. GUNDAM Seed seem to have a nice story line to it. I watched the GUNDAM 0080 but it was not nice. I like GUNDAM Seed. I think, from there, I'm gonna continue watching de coming GUNDAMs after Seed. GUNDAM Seed is a 2002 series, I bet there're more after that. Ha ha!!

My mom realli scares me. "Idiot"

I can't say de **** word anymore. So, I got a word replacement to it. It's "IDIOT"!

How about that har! How abt that!?

I got a nice layout prepared but I got too tired to put it up last night. Plus, the weather's killing me.

Sunday, May 01, 2005



...Okay, now it's time to watch Shah Rukh Khan on Main Hoon Na on Central right now.


Yup! Initial d movie will only officially be out in June. The date? I don't know le. Who know ar!? And I got it wrong! Ryosuke Takahashi is de big bro and the younger one is Keisuke Takahashi. He is the 2nd best driver in Project D while Takumi Fujiwara is de (1st) best driver of Project D, while Ryosuke Takahashi is de leader. & Edison Chen is plaing Ryosuke Takahashi and looking at them, Edison suits being Ryosuke as they look-alike. Well, at least Edison could be. Ha ha!!! & Since the Night Kids will be around, and Emperor Kyouichi will be ard, ha ha ha!!! it's de 1st stage of Initial D. Ha ha ha!

I can't wait!

But will I be lonely then?

Few things happened.....

.... best better not mention. some things happened for a reason andssome things just happened. Whether for a reason or not. I was looking all nice on Thursday, I think. ppl are complimenting me getting prettier and some are starting to become good with me again. for reason or not? I have hell no idea about it and oh boy! I best better be worrying abt my studies right now.

I got my 1st History source-based essay back and I even got a remark on it. And thanks to my History teacher, he's gnna help me look out for my essays. And like he said, I've not been doing any writings for awhile, my Emglish are dropping. My sentences are not in proper words and I barely elaborate them.

Went out for fishing yesterdae and oh boy! Wrong place, wrong timing, stubborn ppl, dangerous, cautious, oh boy! It's really scary. I was a little pissed off but well, some ppl simply love heeding their own advice. It was hot, I was sticky, had MacDonald for breakfast, but it was oKay. But during the trip, I somehow start feeling like the onli stranger who's simplay justtagging along for the sake of tagging aLong and things happened. You knw like when the kids start talking to u, u dn knw wt to say. Than they played a prank on you and you start feeling pathetic. And somewhat frustrated too. But all went on fine after that. But it wasn't so fine. But it was okay. I was dead beat tired after the walking. There were lots of walking and I was realli tired. I wasn't obliged on going home yesterdae and I badly wanted to.

It's a Holiday today. Labour Day. It's Holiday in lieu tomorrow. I've finished Naruto til 132, i've finished Bleach til 29, I've finished Initial D Fourth Stage til 14 and I'm watching GUNDAM Seed. Yup! Gundam. I never like Gundam But TJ kept talking about it;. For months and months and finally, I gave in and asked him to pass me de dvd so that I'd watch it. & I start watching it yesterday. But I fell kinda sleepy after that. So, I continued this afternoon and oh boy! I continued again few hrs ago after my nap. And oh boy! I seem to be hook on it. Of course, the starting of the show is always not so interesting until the characters one by one finally come out and finally, the whole diversion and confusion and complication starts. It's interesting. You'll get hook on it. I don't like GUNDAM cz of it's a robot-robot anime. But, i did't care of de robots nw and care of the storyline. It's getting more interesting now. Oh boy! But I've stoppd for awhile and will continue disc 2 later cz I havent been blogging lately.

He he he....

My mood's kinda windy at the moment. I can't seem to get everything into a straight line and it keeps despersing whenever I need them.
