Sunday, May 01, 2005

Few things happened.....

.... best better not mention. some things happened for a reason andssome things just happened. Whether for a reason or not. I was looking all nice on Thursday, I think. ppl are complimenting me getting prettier and some are starting to become good with me again. for reason or not? I have hell no idea about it and oh boy! I best better be worrying abt my studies right now.

I got my 1st History source-based essay back and I even got a remark on it. And thanks to my History teacher, he's gnna help me look out for my essays. And like he said, I've not been doing any writings for awhile, my Emglish are dropping. My sentences are not in proper words and I barely elaborate them.

Went out for fishing yesterdae and oh boy! Wrong place, wrong timing, stubborn ppl, dangerous, cautious, oh boy! It's really scary. I was a little pissed off but well, some ppl simply love heeding their own advice. It was hot, I was sticky, had MacDonald for breakfast, but it was oKay. But during the trip, I somehow start feeling like the onli stranger who's simplay justtagging along for the sake of tagging aLong and things happened. You knw like when the kids start talking to u, u dn knw wt to say. Than they played a prank on you and you start feeling pathetic. And somewhat frustrated too. But all went on fine after that. But it wasn't so fine. But it was okay. I was dead beat tired after the walking. There were lots of walking and I was realli tired. I wasn't obliged on going home yesterdae and I badly wanted to.

It's a Holiday today. Labour Day. It's Holiday in lieu tomorrow. I've finished Naruto til 132, i've finished Bleach til 29, I've finished Initial D Fourth Stage til 14 and I'm watching GUNDAM Seed. Yup! Gundam. I never like Gundam But TJ kept talking about it;. For months and months and finally, I gave in and asked him to pass me de dvd so that I'd watch it. & I start watching it yesterday. But I fell kinda sleepy after that. So, I continued this afternoon and oh boy! I continued again few hrs ago after my nap. And oh boy! I seem to be hook on it. Of course, the starting of the show is always not so interesting until the characters one by one finally come out and finally, the whole diversion and confusion and complication starts. It's interesting. You'll get hook on it. I don't like GUNDAM cz of it's a robot-robot anime. But, i did't care of de robots nw and care of the storyline. It's getting more interesting now. Oh boy! But I've stoppd for awhile and will continue disc 2 later cz I havent been blogging lately.

He he he....

My mood's kinda windy at the moment. I can't seem to get everything into a straight line and it keeps despersing whenever I need them.
