Wednesday, February 15, 2006


yesterdae, i went off for a half day. went back, showered. changed, got ready but was stood up! for an hour! when baby showed up, i was touch. haha!! yes, it may sound cheesy. very cheesy but touching. a present of a bunny soft toy and it was holding a box of something. i opened it and it was nice. very nice that i became shaky and i was very happy. my 1st white gold. put it on straight away and yay! i got a bunny soft toy again! better and nicer than the old one! he he!!! I got a name for it. hehe!! it's a female alright.
my 1st valentine celebration. it was sweet. baby wanted to make a memorable one for me and indeed it was memorable. from de cock uo of plan A and going through plan B, it was all so sweet. i Love it. ~i love my baby....

2dae, it was my last day at work. i didnt do de standard thing of golden handshake or big hugs but just goofing and playing ard and still doing my work. burst into tears at time. i got kinda emotional even after de office hours. it was sad to leave that place. it was realli sad. i grew attached to that place. not the working place, not the company but the companions i had. all thse 5 and a half years i've been there was a great one. me and ken, both, left de place 2dae.... yes! and we both did. at de same time. that's me, mike (whom i had a crush on) and ken-ken!!! & ken had a matchin colow today as it's our last day. well, we didn't call each other to decide on wearing red together la bt just coincidence....
suppose to go down bugis starbucks as sebastian wanted to go there but didn't. 1st, me have too mne things to carry back and2nd, sebas was realli not feeling well that it's better we go another day.
that was the last of it. i've left that place now and tomorrow, is the start of a holiday. a short holiday onli b4 starting another one. and once the new job starts, i'll be starting a new life from scratch again....