Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I was very happy today at work. Everybody was going crazy. In fact yes, everybody was stupiditily crazy. Very funny. Someone who is suppose to talk but just laughs all the time. Someone looked at someone and keeps on smiling for no reason. Someone who didnt realise that she was saying she is a guy. Someone who didnt even see something that has already been done since Monday and onli realise it after coming back from desptch in th late afternoon. Like what the hell is the world turning into? What are the people doing man?!

Anyway, my exec had to go for a compulsory seminar and therefore, she informed me of the things that she has left behind and informed me of what are to be done and stuffs. The stupid Myanmar lady was not happy though that things were passed on to me. Who is only a temporary and should know nothing much of things around the office. But oh well, I assisted the people who came to look for my exec and I manage to get her as those things realli need to be done. Basically, that Myanmar lady was unhappy the whole day cuz she was soooo "busy" that when she entried those datas, she has to type to loud and purposely release those keypads lazily that it gave out loud thuds. It was stupid la, I think.
Oh well, tell me which place you go work and everything goes on smoothly well? Don't have right?

Yesterday went out for break fast with a friend whom I've known online for quite long time. Finally get to be acquainted with him. A veri nice guy. Just like how I know him online. I finalli rode in a Mazda car. Mazda 3 to be exact. It was nice la. Seeing those planes taking off really makes me want to get on a plane and fly around the world. Oh boy! It was exciting.

I feel tired though. Tomorrow heading to Tuas office. Kinda bored le. Don't feel like going back there to cover the front desk le. I've work to do & I'm gonna miss the companies in JI. Most of my companies in Tuas alreadi gone to JI's site le.

Sigh. What to wear tomorrow?

SaRiNAh LUVs YOU moRe tHaN You LUv SaRiNAh